Assessment Cover Sheet - The University of Sydney

School of Economics
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The University of Sydney
Individual Assessment Cover Sheet
(To be completed by students, signed, dated and attached to front of assessment)
SID Number:
Family name:
Other Names:
Unit code: __________ Unit name: __________________________________________________
Lecturer/Tutor’s name:___________________ Lecture/Tutorial day/time:___________________
Full assessment title:______________________________________________________________
Word limit of assessment:_________________ Word count:_______________________________
Due date:______/________/_______
Time & date submitted:________ _____/_____/______
Academic Honesty
All forms of plagiarism and unauthorised collusion are regarded as academic dishonesty by the
University, resulting in penalties including failure of the unit of study and possible disciplinary action.
If you are in doubt about academic honesty, please consult with the unit coordinator.
Tick each box
I have read and understood the University of Sydney Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism in
Coursework Policy and Procedures (2012).
I understand that failure to comply with the above can lead to the University commencing
proceedings against me for potential student misconduct under Chapter 8 of the University
of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended).
I certify that this work is substantially my own, and where any part of this work is not my
own, I have indicated as such by acknowledging the source of that part or those parts of
the work.
The assessment has not been submitted previously for assessment in another unit
The assessment conforms to the requirements in the Unit of Study Outline.
I have retained a duplicate copy of the assessment
The Faculty may reproduce this assignment, provide a copy to another member of faculty,
and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service (which
may then retain a copy of the assignment on its database for the purpose of future
plagiarism checking).
Student Signature