31 Oct 2006

Date Received
Spring 2006 Semester Assessment Report Form
October 18, 2006
Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This
form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit
the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed
to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bea Babbitt at x51506
or via email at: bea.babbitt@unlv.edu.
1. Program Information:
Program Lodging and Resort Management, B.S. in Hotel Administration
Department Hotel Management
College Hotel Administration
Program Gail Sammons
Semester Data Spring 2006
Report Gail Sammons
Submitted by
Phone/email 895-4462
Date Submitted October 18, 2006
2. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be
conducted during the 2005-2006 Academic Year? You may want to copy and paste from this
program’s assessment plan.
Which outcomes for
this program were
How did you measure the
Lodging and Resort (LRM)
What results did you expect? If
the students performed well what
would their performance look like,
i.e. percentages, means, or
comparisons to a national standard?
Learning outcomes evaluated this semester were new ones created in Spring 2006.
analyze and manage
(LRM majors’ average grades LRM majors average grade is
hospitality and guest
in HMD 101, 103, 202, 203,
C or better in course
service systems
240, 359, 401, 410, 453, 454,
440, 454, 295, and 450.
assess business
strategies and trends
that affect growth and
success of the lodging
and resort industry
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 101, 202, 203, 240,
359, 401 453, 454, 440, 454,
295 and 450.
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
Which outcomes for
this program were
How did you measure the
Lodging and Resort (LRM)
What results did you expect? If
appreciate and
effectively manage a
diverse workforce and
evaluate the
management and
design of lodging and
resort facilities
systems including
safety, security, water,
HVAC, and energy
analyze, design, and
evaluate effective
performance systems
including training,
performance appraisal
and compensation
collect, evaluate,
synthesize, and apply
information and
research to make
sound managerial
communicate clearly
orally and in writing
with interviewers,
superiors, guests, coworkers, and other
demonstrate a high
degree of
professionalism and
hospitality throughout
their careers
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 101, 202, 203, 240,
320, 359, 401, 402, 407, 456,
440, 454, 295, and 450.
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 101, 395, 410, 440,
454, 295, and 450.
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 359, 402, 456, 440,
454, 295, and 450.
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 101, 359, 401, 402,
407, 202, 203, 240, 410, 440,
454, 295, and 450.
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 101, 359, 401, 402,
407, 202, 203, 240, 410, 440,
454, 295, and 450.
Alumni Reputation
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
LRM majors’ average grades
in HMD 101, 359, 401, 402,
407, 453, 456, 440, 454, 295,
and 450.
Alumni Reputation
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
the students performed well what
would their performance look like,
i.e. percentages, means, or
comparisons to a national standard?
LRM majors average grade is
C or better in course
3. Results, conclusions, and discoveries. What are the results of the planned assessments listed
above? What conclusions or discoveries were made from these results? Describe below or
attach to the form.
Results, conclusions, and discoveries
In the following HMD courses offered Spring GAM majors earned average grades of:
HMD 101 3.48
HMD 203 3.00
No LRM majors took
HMD 103 2.94
HMD 240 3.43
HMD 295 or HMD 450
HMD 359 2.75
HMD 320 3.84
during Spring 2006
HMD 395 3.33
HMD 410 2.19
HMD 401 2.75
HMD 453 4.00
HMD 402 2.83
HMD 454 4.00
HMD 407 2.98
HMD 456 4.00
HMD 440 4.00
The LRM students have met or exceeded the program’s expectations as far as
final grades in a course. The grade data suggest that on average students have met or
exceeded program expectations in all nine of the required courses within the major and
those required within the hotel core that were offered in Spring 2006. Collectively
these courses cover all 8 of the learning outcomes assessed last semester.
While the LRM program students have met or exceeded the program’s
expectations, in retrospect we realize that the data collected were inadequate for the
purpose of program assessment.
One faculty member reported pre/post results for Spring 2006. HMD 395 reported an
average increase of about 40% points from pre- to post test.
Therefore, during the next assessment period our program will focus on
revising our plan to collect, analyze, and report data that will be more useful for
program assessment. Assessment reports will be gathered on written and oral reports
during Fall 2006.
There were no Lodging and Resort Management Major graduates during 20052006. This will extend the date that we start surveying our alumni by at least a year.
4. Use of Results. What program changes are indicated? How will they be implemented? If
none, describe why changes were not needed.
HMD faculty are required to report pre-test and post-test results for each course as
part of their annual report teaching portfolios. Unfortunately the timing of the annual
reports does not coincide with this assessment report. All pre/post test results from 2006
will be gathered in January 2007 and a report will be available to coincide with Fall 2006
assessment report.
This process of program assessment has proved the importance of focusing on a
few key learning outcomes rather than attempting to assess too many outcomes. It is our
goal that the 8 outcomes will continue to be useful and effective in our next assessment
efforts. With the addition of pre/post results and assessment of written/oral reports, our
program assessment is growing.
5. Dissemination of results, conclusions, and discoveries. How and with whom were the results
These assessment results, conclusions, and discoveries will be shared with Lodging and
Resorts Management Program faculty to assist them in developing pre-tests and post-tests
that clearly assess the revised Learning Outcomes. As our assessment efforts yield more
useful results we plan to share them more widely with relevant program stakeholders via
conferences, listserves, websites, alumni newsletters and the College advisory board.