Evaluate Multiplication and Division Expressions

Objectives: - to find the value of algebraic expressions involving multiplication or
Evaluate Multiplication and Division Expressions
To evaluate an expression:
- ________________ the given number for the _________________.
- _______________ to find the value.
Gilbert drives a train at an average rate of 130 hours per hour. After a number of hours
the train reaches its destination. How many miles does the train travel in 2.5 hours?
Set up as an expression with a variable:
Evaluate for the given value:
33t, for t = 1.3
How do I calculate 0.25 · 8 ÷ 2?
345 ÷ f, for f = 15
Try these in partners.
Evaluate each for c = 0.4 and d = 200
1. d ÷ 6 · 30
2. d ÷ c · 200
3. 36 ÷ c · d
4. 35 · c · 500
Each of you should write your own algebraic multiplication and division expression and
give a value to plug in for your partner to try. Discuss your answers.