2-1 HW Integers

Date _______________________ Class __________________
Review for Mastery
This number line shows integers.
Every integer has an opposite integer.
A number and its opposite are the same
distance from 0.
2. How many units is 4 from 0? ________
1. How many units is 4 from 0? ________
3. 4 and 4 are called ___________________________________________________________________.
Graph each integer and its opposite on a number line.
5. 3
4. 2
You can use a number line to compare
and order numbers. The numbers get
greater as you move to the right on the
number line.
6. What is the order from least to greatest of 1, 2, and 3?
Write the integers in order from least to greatest.
7. 2; 6; 4
8. 3; 7; 1
The absolute value of an integer is its
distance from 0 on a number line. 5
is 5 units from 0. The absolute value of
5 is 5. You write  5  5.
9. How many units from 0 is 3? ________________________________________________________
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Holt McDougal Mathematics
Practice B
Graph each integer and its opposite on a number line.
2. 7
1. 8
Compare the integers. Use < or >.
3. 15 ___ 7
4. 8 ___ 8
5. 14 ___ 13
6. 18 ___ 20
Use a number line to order the integers from least to greatest.
7. 1; 4; 5; 7; 3
8. 6; 8; 0; 4; 2
9. 6; 5; 7; 8; 2
10. 1; 3; 4; 5; 7
Use a number line to find each absolute value.
11. 18
12. 11
13.  25
15. 10
16. 16
17. 22
18. 14
21.  7
22. 17
19. 9
20.  24
14. 19
23. Christy dove to a depth of 12 feet below the surface of the
water. Write the depth as an integer.
24. The highest point in North Carolina is Mt. Mitchell, with a height
of 6,684 feet. Write the height of Mt. Mitchell as an integer.
Original content Copyright © by Holt McDougal. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Mathematics