February 13, 2015 - Fort Lewis College

February 13, 2015
Vallecito Room, Student Union
Fort Lewis College
Vol. 15-106
Call to Order
Chair Karen Wilde convened the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis
College at 8:10 a.m. and stated that the Chair finds that although physical presence of four of the
seven voting members of the Board is required to establish a quorum, the establishment of a
quorum through physical presence would impose an undue hardship on Tom Schilling because
of a prior commitment.
Trustees Present:
Karen Wilde, Chair; Steve Short; Ernest House; Alan Hill; Justin McBrayer, Faculty
Representative; and Scott Greenler, Student Representative
Absent: Nora Jacquez and John Wells
Participating via Telephone: Tom Schilling and Peter Decker
Staff Present:
Dene Thomas, President; Barbara Morris, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs; Steve
Schwartz, Vice President for Finance and Administration; Glenna Witt Sexton, Vice President
for Student Affairs; Mark Jastorff, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Michelle MerzHutchinson, Legal Counsel; Peggy Sharp, Deputy Secretary; and Mike Larson, Audio
Also Present: Dugald Owen, Faculty Senate President and Gene Bradley, Chair, Fort Lewis
College Foundation
History Professor Michael Fry and English Professor Nancy Cardona, both of whom are
members of Faculty Senate and AAUP members, spoke in support of the proposal put forth in
Faculty Representative McBrayer’s report for additional faculty representation on Board
committees and the establishment of a Faculty Liaison Committee.
Steve Short moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with a second from Ernest House. Motion
passed and the following Consent Agenda items were approved:
Approval of Minutes of December 4, 2014 Meeting of the Investment Advisory
Approval of Minutes of December 4, 2014 Meeting of the Business
Affairs Committee
Approval of Minutes of December 4, 2014 Meeting of the Academic &
Student Affairs Committee
Approval of Minutes of December 5, 2014 Regular Meeting of the
Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
Approval of Minutes of January 26, 2015Teleconference Meeting of the Presidential
Evaluation Committee
Approval of Emeritus/Emerita Rank Designation
Chair Wilde called attention to the Board Planning Calendar, and the addition of the campus visit
by the external evaluator, Dr. Beheruz Sethna, was noted for March 12, 2015. The newly
appointed Board members, Alan Hill and Nora Jacquez will be confirmed in mid-April.
In addition, she appointed the following voting members to the Board committees for 2015:
Business Affairs Committee
John Wells, Chair
Steve Short
Alan Hill
Academic & Student Affairs
Ernest House, Chair
Tom Schilling
Nora Jacquez
Liaison to Foundation
John Wells
Presidential Evaluation
Tom Schilling, Chair
John Wells
Steve Short
Investment Advisory Committee
Steve Short, Chair
Ernest House
Tom Schilling
Committee Reports
Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Committee Chair Ernest House reported that President Thomas had given an enrollment
update. The committee also endorsed the modification of the College’s Sexual
Misconduct Policy & Grievance Procedure and the policy for providing the official
statement of Fort Lewis College’s Mission for approval by the full Board. The sabbatical
reports from two faculty were also received by the committee. Provost Morris also
presented historical data on faculty who were awarded sabbaticals from 1997-98 through
Business Affairs Committee
Committee Chair Steve Short stated that the committee reviewed the proposed tuition
schedules, fee schedules, and room and board fees for 2015-2016, and endorsed them for
approval by the Board. In addition a report on the Financial Audit for June 30, 2013-14
was given by Controller Cheryl Wiescamp. The audit resulted in an unqualified opinion
and there were no findings or recommendations. The committee also endorsed the 201516 Need-Based and Merit-Based Financial Assistance Program Policy for Board
Investment Advisory Committee
Michele Peterson reported that the committee had not met since December, but a
teleconference meeting is scheduled for early March.
Presidential Evaluation Committee
Chair Tom Schilling stated that Dr. Beheruz Sethna, a member of the evaluation team,
will visit campus on March 12th to conduct interviews with various campus and
community constituencies. The team consists of Dr. Stephen Portch, who conducted the
comprehensive presidential evaluation in 2012, along with Dr. Sethna. They will make
their report to the Board at the April 10, 2015.
Foundation Liaison
Trustee Short attended the full Foundation Board meeting on January 27, at which time
election of officers for the coming year was held and there were round table discussions
concerning future direction of the Foundation. Gene Bradley, chair of the Foundation
stated that their priority is for more engagement by the full Board. He also highlighted
several areas on the Foundation’s quarterly financial report.
Standing Committees
Faculty Representative Report
Professor Justin McBrayer thanked the Board for attending the reception with faculty on
Thursday afternoon. He stated that the proposal in his report is intended to bolster shared
governance – specifically to form a new Liaison Committee made up of three Trustees
and five faculty members and also to add a faculty member to serve on each of the
Board’s standing committees and ad hoc committees. He indicated that these are
recommendations by the American Association of University Professors and the
Association of Governing Boards as best practices. Professor McBrayer further
explained the structuring of the committees and the benefits for utilizing more faculty
Ms. Merz- Hutchinson stated that she had researched other Colorado state institutions of
higher education and did not find any that had a faculty liaison committee or allowed
faculty members (other than the faculty representative) to sit on Board Committees. She
further stated that in their capacity as non-voting members of the Board, both the faculty
and student representative serve in an advisory capacity and are members of the academic
and student affairs committee and are entitled to participate in other committee meetings.
She stated that committee meetings are public and although it has not been the practice
for public comment at these meetings, a decision to do so is within the discretion of the
committee chair. She further noted that representation of faculty via membership at the
Board level is relatively uncommon among public institutions.
Discussion ensued and the Trustees provided their impression of the proposal. Several
felt there were ways to achieve more interaction with faculty on an informal basis such as
having a time for faculty to speak at committee meetings. It was also stated that the
Legislature had created a role for the faculty representative in statute. The Board would
be open to the faculty representative bringing more diversity to our discussions and to
create an opportunity to address specific faculty concerns. Further discussion ensued and
a suggestion was made to have a longer conversation at the Board retreat, and to look into
any legal concerns.
Student Representative Report
Scott Greenler reported on several activities within student government including: three
new student senators being elected bringing the number to the full fifteen; a student
forum that was held to gather ideas for bettering student life; a letter was drafted to Cory
Gardner to thank him for support of the Native American Tuition waiver; an endorsement
for asking IT to switch the default search from Bing to Google; and a student survey that
is being conducted for the presidential evaluation process.
Foundation/Office of Development Report
Mark Jastorff referenced the written report in the Board’s agenda and stated the office is
gearing up for an aggressive comprehensive campaign. He announced that TLC for FLC
will be held on April 26 in the Ballroom. He responded to questions regarding
endowments and the level of alumni giving.
Approval of Tuition Schedules for Academic Year 2015-2016 and
Summer Sessions 2015
Michelle Peterson reviewed the proposed tuition schedules which indicate a 5.6%
increase for resident tuition and a 0% for out-of-state tuition. She explained the rationale
for a 0% increase in non-resident tuition. Steve Short moved that the Board of Trustees
for Fort Lewis College approve the Tuition Schedule for the academic year 2015-2016
and summer semester 2016, and that the attached tuition rates be adopted thirty days from
this date and that notice shall be given as of this date in compliance with CCHE Tuition
and Fee Policy. Ernest House seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Fee Schedules for Academic Year 2014-2015
Michele Peterson stated there are two pieces of the fee proposal: mandatory fees that are
paid by every student and course specific fees paid only by students in a particular
course. She stated that the mandatory fee increase is $1.25, resulting in a total of $58.15
per credit hour. It includes a $1.00 increase in the athletic fee to fund two new women’s
teams and the remainder to be allocated to existing teams to help cover increased travel
and operating costs; a five cent increase in the student life center fee to support a portion
of the costs of the disk golf course; a fifteen cent increase to the Student Activities Fee to
provide scholarships to ASFLC senators & court personnel. She also summarized the
course specific fee increases. In response to a question regarding if there were any
complaints concerning the increases, Scott Greenler responded that there was both
opposition and support voiced by some students concerning the increase to fund
scholarships for senators & court personnel. Michele Peterson stated that the all fees are
vetted through the Institutional Review Board and approved by the Budget Committee.
Steve Short moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the Fee
Schedules for the academic year 2015-2016, and that the attached fee rates be adopted
thirty days from this date and that notice shall be given as of this date in compliance with
CCHE Tuition and Fee Policy. Ernest House seconded the motion. Motion passed
Approval of Room and Board Fee Schedules for Academic Year 2015-2016 and
Summer Sessions 2016
Michele Peterson reported that a 3% increase is being proposed for the room and 3.5%
board increase. The board increase is a pass through of the negotiated rates with Sodexo
and the increase room rate just reflects the cost of doing business. Peter Decker moved
that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the Room and Board Fee
Schedules for the academic year 2015-2016 and summer sessions 2016, and that the
attached room and board rates be adopted thirty days from this date and that notice shall
be given as of this date in compliance with CCHE Tuition and Fee Policy. Tom Schilling
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of 2015-2016 State of Colorado Need-Based and Merit = Based Financial
Assistance Program Policy
President Thomas stated that this is a perfunctory action that must be approved by the
Board each year. It follows state and Federal statutes and allows the Office of Financial
Aid to award financial aid packages. Steve Short moved that as required by C.R.S. § 233.3-102 (3), that Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approves the “2015-2016 State
of Colorado Need-Based and Merit-Based Financial Assistance Policy” and directs the
president or designee to implement the revised policy. Ernest House seconded the
motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Modification of Fort Lewis College Sexual Misconduct Policy and Fort
Lewis College Discrimination Grievance Procedures
Vice President Glenna Sexton stated this revision addresses the new requirements in the
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act brings the College into compliance. The
modification in the Discrimination Grievance Procedures tightens the procedures for
addressing and resolving complaints and taking away the time limits that were present.
Peter Decker moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College hereby approve
the changes to the Sexual Misconduct Policy and the Discrimination Grievance
Procedures. Ernest House seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of a Policy for Providing the Official Statement of Fort Lewis College’s
Vice President Sexton gave a brief explanation of the impetus for putting in policy what
we currently do in practice and is a result of the preparation for the reaccreditation by the
Higher Learning Commission. Tom Schilling moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort
Lewis College hereby approve the Mission Statement Policy. Ernest House seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Report: Office of Sponsored Research and Federal Relations
Angie Rochat, Director of the Office of Sponsored Research and Federal Relations
presented an overview of the grant proposals submitted and the dollars awarded over the
2005-2014 period. She stated there are many factors that impacted the fluctuations in
amounts awarded. However, in spite of the challenging fiscal situation, she reported that
in FY 2014, the College submitted a $22 million dollar grant in collaboration with San
Juan College and the University of New Mexico to create a regional education pipeline
from the Associate to the Baccalaureate to the Doctorate for underserved STEM students.
She also gave a brief summary on the status of the efforts to seek Federal support for the
Native American Tuition waiver.
Native American Tuition Waiver Update
President Thomas indicated that the College continues to receive strong support from the
House but the Senate has been somewhat more reluctant to support the bill. Senator
Cory Gardner is supportive of the bill and will introduce it at the 114th Congress. She
stated that in addition to the legislative bill we are pursuing a line in the Higher Education
Reauthorization Act.
NCAA Report
President Thomas provided a summary of the actions taken by the Division II presidents
Council. She stated that a Strategic Plan was developed as well as priorities for Division
II for the coming year.
Colorado Legislative Update
Vice President Schwartz provided a summary of several of the bills impacting higher
education including a change in the funding formula from HB 1319. He also thanked the
Trustees for attending the Legislative Coffee and reiterated the importance of their
COPLAC Conference
This conference is held in conjunction with the American Association of Colleges &
Universities Conference. She reported that two institutions were added to the membership
and further stated that the COPLAC conference provides the opportunity for these similar
institutions to share their concerns and interests. The Summer Institute will be held June
11-13, 2015.
Enrollment Update
Spring enrollment is paralleling Fall enrollment with the decline in continuing students.
Consideration is being given at ways to rectify this issue. President Thomas reported that
freshmen applications are up 43% for Fall, 2015 with a 28% increase in resident
applications and 57% increase in non-resident applications. She stated that the College is
using many new strategies for communication to prospective students.
Presidential Metrics & Metrics that Matter
President Thomas reviewed a few highlights in the metrics that matter. Richard Miller,
Executive Director of Institutional Research & Planning, responded to questions
regarding enrollment figures for student athletes. Professor McBrayer suggested some
expansion in the metrics to include more information concerning academic quality such
as percentage of faculty who are tenured and tenure-track; number of scholarships; and
number of students conducting research with faculty. Mr. Miller explained that the
Presidential metrics are a result of the evaluation conducted in 2012 and the Metrics that
Matter are aligned with the Strategic Plan.
Chair Wilde reminded the Trustees that if anyone was interested in attending the Association of
Governing Boards Annual Conference in April, they should notify Ms. Sharp as soon as possible
in order to get registered.
Chair Wilde moved that they go into executive session, pursuant to section 24-6-402(3)(a)(II) of
the Colorado Revised Statutes to receive legal advice on specific claims concerning Matthews
Electrical, and specific legal questions concerning Board governance, and that the following
individuals be invited to join the Board in Executive session to participate in the discussion:
Michelle Merz-Hutchinson, Legal Counsel; President Thomas, Provost Morris, Vice President
Schwartz, Vice President Sexton, Vice President Jastorff and Peggy Sharp.
seconded the motion. Executive session convened at 11:05 a.m.
Steve Short
Public session reconvened at 12:05. Ms. Merz-Hutchinson stated that in her opinion, all of the
foregoing unrecorded discussion constituted a privileged attorney-client communication.
MEETING ADJORNED at 12:10 a.m.