Qualifying for Associate Degree Nursing

Revised 6/10/2013
Qualifying for Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)
Clinical Application Eligibility
Students interested in submitting the Nursing Clinical Entry Application for Associate Degree Nursing
must qualify by all six requirements listed below:
 View the online Updates to Nursing Presentation called Application Workshop*
 Achieve minimum TEAS V Scores: Reading-80% English-70% Math-60% Science-50%
 Attain a GPA of at least 2.5; and minimum 38 total points
 Have a plan for completing AHS 117 Patient Care- See details below
 Have completed BIO 101 Biological Science I with at least a C, prior to clinical entry
 Have completed BIO 210 (Anatomy and Physiology I) with at least a C, or be registered for it
TEAS V Scores (Test of Essential Academic Skills)
For questions about testing at TCTC, click on http://www.tctc.edu/x1121.xml
Select TEAS Test Info
For questions related to TEAS V testing, please visit http://www.atitesting.com/global/students/TEAS-faq.aspx
Minimum required GPA is 2.5; TCTC GPA supersedes all other GPAs
If a student has no TCTC GPA, the overall transfer GPA will be considered
AHS 117 Patient Care
Each nursing student is required to have training in patient care.
You may take AHS 117 Patient Care. A grade of “A” counts four points on your competitive entry.
If you are taking (or have taken) patient care through a CNA program, or have work experience in
patient care, you may be eligible for a waiver or to challenge the course final. Contact: Laura Thompson
lthompso@tctc.edu (864)646-1479 for an appointment. Waivers and challenge exams count two points
on your competitive entry.
NOTE: All AHS waivers must have been processed one week prior to application deadline. There are no
exceptions to this one week requirement.
*The complete application worksheet for computing points for the Nursing Clinical Entry Application can
be found at http://www.tctc.edu/x1121.xml
Associate Degree Nursing-Qualifying for Nursing Clinical Entry Application