Welcome Packet - Belleville Middle School

Mrs. Kucko’s
Welcome Packet
September, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
It is my pleasure to welcome you and your child to the 2015-2016 school
year at Belleville Middle School. There is no greater transition for students than
that which occurs as they move from elementary school to middle school. I
hope to assist them in this journey toward greater independence and
responsibility as well as prepare them for the academic rigors beyond middle
As you know, it is essential for students to come to school well prepared
for class not only with the required tools, but also with the knowledge of rules
and procedures for the classroom. I have included information in this packet
that will help your child be successful throughout the year, and I look forward to
your full support and involvement as well.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 973450-3500 or email me at diana.kucko@belleville.k12.nj.us. Please do not
hesitate to contact me, I am here to help! I am looking forward to the school
year and believe it will be a rewarding one!
Best regards,
Mrs. Kucko
Mrs. Diana Kucko
6th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Phone: 973-450-3500
Email: Diana.kucko@belleville.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Kucko’s Classroom Rules:
1. Come to class on time and prepared.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
4. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
5. Respect others and their property.
If you choose to break a rule:
First Time:
Second Time:
Third Time:
Warning to stop behavior.
Write name in Behavior Binder and loss of monthly reward.
Detention will be issued.
**Major infractions will result in direct referral to administration.
Each month, I will check to see if your name appeared in the Behavior AND
Homework Binder. If your name does not appear in either binder for that
month, you will be rewarded with a choice of a homework pass or 5 points extra
credit towards a test/quiz, writing assignment, or project grade.
Classroom Policies & Procedures
Entering the classroom:
1. Walk into the classroom quietly. Go directly to your assigned seat. The
seats that I assign you will be your seat each day unless I decide to change
them. Please remember where you are seated today, and take that same
seat each day going forward.
2. Once seated, look at the Do Now written on the board. This usually
consists of taking out your homework due for that day as well as a Daily
Review Worksheet.
3. Begin working on your “Do Now”.
4. Quietly wait for further instructions.
Tardy policy:
1. Enter quietly.
2. Excused: Hand me the late pass
3. One unexcused tardy will result in a warning. Subsequent tardiness will
result in the student’s name and number of times tardy referred to the
main office for a central detention.
4. Have a seat and take out your materials.
Exiting the classroom:
1. DO NOT begin packing up before the bell rings.
2. When the bell rings, remain seated until the teacher has finished speaking
and answering all questions.
3. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you and walk quietly out of the room.
If you finish early:
1. Work on any unfinished or missing assignments.
2. Read a novel.
Going to the restroom:
1. You must ask permission.
2. Do not interrupt the classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.
3. Sign out on the “bathroom clipboard” and sign in when you return back
to class. (Name, date, and time)
4. Return quickly. Prolonged or numerous visits to the restroom reduce your
learning time and may be considered truant. This could be cause for
disciplinary action. Also, it is inconsiderate to the other students who may
need the facility.
This includes lip glossing, hair brushing, or styling, nail filing, etc…
You will have homework throughout the week. Homework is a reinforcement of
what was learned in class. Homework will be clearly written on the board.
Please write this in your planner as soon as you have completed your “do
Homework counts towards your grade and helps you review concepts that have
been previously taught. If you do not turn in homework:
1st time: Warning
2nd time: Write down name in HW Binder and miss out on monthly reward.
3rd time: Receive a detention.
4 or more times: Parent contact
Late Policy:
All assignments (class work, homework, and essays, etc.) are expected to be
handed in on the due date. However, if an assignment is late, it is the
student’s responsibility to turn it in to me as soon as possible.
Late Grading Policy
 For every day an assignment is late, ten points will be deducted.
 If the assignment is a week late, it will be graded as a 55.
After an Excused Absence
 It is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher regarding what you missed
while absent.
 You will have the same number of days to make up missed work as you
were absent. (example: 3 days excused absence, 3 days to make it up.)
Grading Policy:
Tests, Projects and Writing Assignments = 35%
Quizzes = 30%
Homework = 15%
Classwork/Class Participation = 20%
Heading your papers:
1. In the top right hand corner of your paper, write your name.
2. Directly under that, write the date.
3. Directly under the date, write the class period.
On top of the first line, write the name of the assignment, including any
page numbers or exercise numbers that apply.
Example of heading:
Joe Smith
September 9th, 2015
Period: 1-2
Argumentative Essay
Classroom Supplies
-2 inch hard cover binder (any color)
-(2) packages of 100 loose leaf white lined
college ruled paper with three hole punch.
(200 pages total)
-(2) red folders with three hole punch (2 pocket)
-(2) blue folders with three hole punch (2 pocket)
-(2) packs of blue or black pens
-(1)pack of mechanical pencils
-(2) hi-lighters ( any color)
-(1) daily HW planner
Please have all supplies by Tuesday 9/8/15.
Signature Page
Please return back to Mrs. Kucko
My child and I have read Mrs. Kucko’s Welcome Packet and understand its
Parent/Guardian: (print name)______________________________________________________
(signature) _______________________________________________________
(email) ____________________________________________________________
(cell phone number) _____________________________________________
I have read Mrs. Kucko’s Welcome Packet and understand its contents.
Student: (print name)___________________________________________