
Brief (2-3 week) introduction
2-dimensional graphics only
 Many of the concepts translate over to 3D
Our approach
 A trivial graphics system
 develop basic graphic primitives
 2-dimensional array
 console-based output
 bring the system over to the Java GUI world
 using our developed graphic primitives
 examining Java's own 2-dimensional facilities
 the Graphics2D, AffineTransform, etc classes
Basic Concepts
 Position in space
 No dimension
 two points specify a direction
adding a third point
 if first and third specify the same direction as first and second, we say the points are
on the same line
one dimensional
the line specified by the two points consists of the two points and all the points that satisfy
above test of direction
 two-dimensional
 height and width
 x and y axes
 origin at (0,0)
 x and y coordinates
 Cartesian coordinate system
Basic Geometry
slope of a line
 vertical rise per unit of horizontal movement (rise vs. run)
 (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1)
 We denote this value as m, and we say that the slope of the
line is m
(x2, y2)
(x1, y1)
Slope-intercept equation of a line
 y = mx + b
 b is the y-axis intercept (when x = 0)
 uniquely specifies a line
length of a line segment with endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
 ((x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1) 2 )1/2
(x2, y2)
line segment
 points on a line between two endpoints
(x2, y2)
(x1, y1)
(x1, y1)
midpoint of a line segment with endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
 (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2)
perpendicular lines
 Lines L1 and L2
 mL1 = -1 / mL2
 direction and length
 [Dx, Dy]
 Dx = distance to move in x direction
 Dy = distance to move in y direction
 No fixed position in space (unlike line segment)
 How far and in what direction, but no starting point
Display Devices and Pixels
unlike mathematical points, points on display device have dimension
number of points is the resolution of the device
point on the display device is called a pixel (picture element)
line segments are drawn on the display device by setting the intensity of the pixels between
the endpoints
device can be thought of as a 2-dimensional array or grid
Frame Buffers
until we display our image on the display device, we will keep our grid with the pixel
intensities stored in memory
The storage area is called a frame buffer
Vector Generation
Turning on the pixels for a line segment is called vector generation
 Determining the pixels between two endpoints is the same regardless of the position of
the line segment, so we speak of vectors
Various algorithms for vector generation
 Differ in efficiency, speed, accuracy of drawn vector
 simple-minded
 dda
 Bresenham
Basic idea is to use information about the slope of the line to move in the x and y directions
 Issues of round-off error (coordinates are integers, while the slope usually is not)
Want to make sure we turn on an appropriate number of pixels
Too few steps
Just right
Too many steps
Character Generation
facilities for character display are sometimes built into the display device
 may be done in hardware for efficiency
Two basic method of character generation
 stroke method – characters are drawn from a series of line segments
(using a vector generation algorithm)
 Allows for scaling (simply draw larger/smaller segments)
dot matrix method – characters are represented as a 2-dimensional grid of dots (similar
pixels and a frame buffer)
 Placing the character on the screen means copying the corresponding dots to pixels
in the frame buffer
 usually handled by a character generator chip
 Not conducive to scaling
Display Devices
raster display
 frame buffer is scanned and displayed
vector refresh display
 requires only the endpoints; draws the image on the display using vector generation
Display File
originally used in vector refresh displays, but proved useful in other display types as well
holds the graphic drawing commands
 e.g. draw a line between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
interpreted using the vector generation algorithm
Some Graphic Primitives
lines are usually specified via both endpoints
however, we often draw lines end-to-end (e.g. polygons)
we will therefore specify a line by only one endpoint
 the final point of the previous line segment becomes the first of the new line segment
the system keeps track of the current pen position
Line-*** Specifying a Line
Line-ABS(x, y)
 Draw a line from the current pen position to point (x, y)
Line-REL(dx, dy)
 Draw a line from the current pen position to a point dx units
away in the x direction and dy units away in the y direction.
(x, y)
(current pen position)
(current pen position)
Move-*** Moving the Pen (without drawing)
Provides for drawing disconnected segments
Move-ABS(x, y)
 Draw a line from the current pen position to point (x, y)
Move-REL(dx, dy)
 Draw a line from the current pen position to a point dx units away in the x direction and dy
units away in the y direction.
Using these Commands
Drawing a house
LINE-REL(0, 0.2)
LINE-REL(0.1, 0.1)
LINE-REL(0.1, -0.1)
LINE-REL(0, -0.2)
LINE-REL(-0.2, 0)
Wishful thinking
 If we could package the above as a method 'House'
MOVE-ABS(0.1, 0.2)
MOVE-ABS(0.4, 0.2)
MOVE-ABS(0.7, 0.2)
The Display File Interpreter
above commands are placed in display file
interpreter goes through the file executing the commands
Normalized Device Coordinates
(0, 1)
Don't want to be tied down to a particular device's coordinates
Want device independence
Will use coordinate units other than pixels
 Interpreter will then convert to device-specific coordinates
Will use a coordinate system that goes from 0.0 to 1.0
 These are called normalized device coordinates
(1, 1)
(0, 0)
(1, 0)
(0, 0)
(1, 0)
Things to Think About
Line Style
 Color
 Solid/dashed
 Weight?
 What about ovals and circles?