Honors Geometry & Finite

Algebra 2X
Mr. Rives
Phone: 610-240-2153
Email: rivesa@tesd.net
Rooms: 144 & 156
Classroom materials:
Everyday, you should bring to class:
Notebook (3-ring binder works best)
Writing Utensil (I strongly urge you to use PENCIL for math)
Graphing Calculator
We will be using calculators regularly in this course. If you do not own a graphing
calculator, I strongly urge you to consider purchasing one, as it will be a worthwhile
investment for the rest of your high school and college careers.
Title: Algebra 2
Author: Burger, Chard, et al
Publisher: Holt
Please COVER your textbook. Treat it as you would your own property.
Please plan to bring your textbook to class every day, as we will be using it
in class from time to time.
Class Expectations / Classroom Rules:
1. Appropriate and respectful behavior and language is expected at all times.
This includes respecting my and others personal property and space.
2. Come to class prepared, i.e., be on time, and be ready to start when the bell
rings with all classroom materials and homework.
3. If you absolutely must leave the classroom during the period, please ask at an
appropriate time, not in the middle of an example or lesson.
4. Hats should be removed before entering the classroom.
5. NO food or drink (with the exception of water) is allowed in the classroom.
6. I-Pods and cell phones: I-pods and other musical and electronic devices are
to be turned off and put away before entering the classroom. Use of such
devices in my classroom is prohibited. According to school policy, cell
phones are to be turned off during the school day. Use of cell phones within
my classroom is prohibited. You may be asked politely to refrain from using
the cell phone (Warning); further use of a cell phone after said warning will
result in the confiscation of the phone. (Refusal to surrender a cell phone
upon request will be considered insubordination.)
7. At the end of class, please remain seated until the bell rings.
I expect to be able to teach in an environment that is free from distraction, just as
you expect to learn in an environment that is free from distraction.
Class Participation:
I expect you to conduct yourself in a respectful manner in class. This means that
you treat yourself, each other, and me with respect. Most of all, you are responsible for
your own learning. I am providing a framework in which I believe that everyone can be
successful. It is up to you to use it to your best advantage. If you are having trouble, ask
me a question in class or schedule a time to see me outside of class.
Grading Procedures:
Each quarter’s grade is determined by dividing the points received by the total
possible points. The grades will be based mainly on tests, quizzes, and
homework (additional projects or other assignments may also be included).
Homework will be assigned on a nightly basis – expect homework every
 Doing homework is to your benefit – practicing the skills we learn in
class is how you learn mathematics.
 I will check most HW assignments, and each check is worth 2 points. The
cumulative HW grade for a marking period will be worth approximately
the same amount as a test.
 Occasional, HW quizzes will be given (announced and unannounced).
You will be allowed to use your completed homework on this quiz! So it
is your best interest to DO THE HOMEWORK!
Tests will be given at the end of each chapter (point values will vary).
Quizzes (announced and unannounced) will be given during most chapters.
Class Cuts: In accordance with the school-wide policy of class cuts, a student
who has cut a class will receive a 10-point grade reduction for the marking
period. A second class cut will result in a failing grade of 50% or lower for the
marking period. In addition, a final grade of 65% or better is required to pass
the course.
Senior Internship:
In order to go on senior internship, you must be passing the course, regardless of
whether you need it for a graduation requirement or not.
If you know ahead of time that you will be not be in class, please see me so I
can let you know what you will be missing that day.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the notes from someone else
in the class, or from my teacher page located on the school’s website (via
www.tesd.net), and to see me about anything else you might have missed.
You can always get an idea of what you missed by looking at the syllabus I
hand out at the start of each unit (which is also posted on the website).
All missed work must be made up within the appropriate time frame (you get
two days for every day of absence).
If you miss a quiz or test, you can take it any time you are free during the
school day in the testing center Room 294, or Room 224 (if you have an IEP
or 504).
Every time you miss a quiz or test, you will fill out and sign a Makeup
Contract detailing when you will make it up. You risk a grade reduction of
20% if you break the contract.
Extra Help:
Always seek help as soon as possible. The day before the test is too late!
My availability varies based on the cycle day (1 thru 6) – please see me if
you’d like to try to schedule a time to meet (before and after school are
usually great times).
 Additional assistance can be found in the Achievement Center (Rm 264). This
is a great resource to take advantage of!
 Other math teachers will be available for help during certain periods on
certain days.
Pioneer Study Group (NHS)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (HISTORICALLY: immediately after school back of
National Honor Society Peer Tutoring
 Math Peer Tutors will be in the achievement center along with a math aide.
 You may request your own personal peer tutor if you need something long term.
It is nice to get to know a tutor and feel more comfortable asking questions over
time. You may even make a friend.
Final Thoughts:
Throughout this year, we will explore the mathematics together. There will be
times when we experience happiness, frustration, failure, but most importantly, success!
In this class we will all work together towards understanding the mathematics. Not only
will you learn from me, but you will be surprised how much you will learn from your
peers, and I will most definitely learn from you. I look forward to a fun and successful
year in mathematics!
If you need to reach me at any time or for any reason, you may e-mail me at
rivesa@tesd.net or leave a message on my voicemail, 610-240-2153. E-mail is
preferred – I check it multiple times during the school day and also sometimes in the
evening. If you leave a voicemail message, please include a time when it is best to reach