Douglas County College & Career Academy

Douglas County College & Career Institute
4600 Timber Ridge Drive, Bldg D
Douglasville, GA 30135
Georgia Career Academies Project II
Quarterly Report
March 31, 2013
Mission and Goals
The mission statement of the Douglas County CCI is “Ensure a viable 21st century workforce”. A joint venture
between the Douglas County School System, the Douglas County Chamber of Commerce, and West Georgia
Technical College, the goal of the CCI is to combine core academics and advanced career/technical education
programs, thereby encouraging high school students to achieve at a high level and to seamlessly begin their
pursuit of post-secondary studies. Performance-based goals of the CCI include the following:
 Students in the Douglas County School System will exceed on a majority of the United States
Department of Education benchmarks in Perkins’ accountability measures each year.
o Data just released by GaDOE shows DCSS students met the benchmark on seven out of the
eight Perkins’ accountability measures in the 2011 – 2012 school year
 The percentage of Douglas County students dual-enrolled in technical college programs will
increase by 2% each year.
o The number of students participating in dual enrollment this school year increased by 35%
over the 2011 – 2012 school year
 The number of Douglas County students in work-based learning programs will increase by 2% each
o Work-based learning coordinators reported an 11.5% decrease in the number of students
participating in their programs during the 2011-2012 school year
 The graduation rate for the Douglas County School System will increase each year.
o Using the new state formula for calculation, Douglas County School System’s graduation rate
decreased from 80.6% to 78.1% in the 2011-2012 school year
 Ninety percent ( 90%) of the students who attend the career academy will receive at least one
technical certificate prior to high school graduation and will be employed in a job directly related to
that certificate or will be enrolled in post -secondary education within 90 days of graduation from
high school.
o 92% of CCI’s dual enrollment students received at least one technical certificate by the end of
the 2011-2012 school year
Accomplishments during the 2012 – 2013 school year include:
 During the months of October through March, over 500 ninth through eleventh grade students from all
five high schools in Douglas County participated in a half-day college visit and orientation offered by
CCI and WGTC. During their visit, students were given information about both high school and college
programs, dual enrollment, financial aid, WGTC admissions process, and Compass testing. Based on
individual assessments of their high school transcripts and schedules, students were given personal
recommendations and suggestions that would lead them to attending CCI.
 CCI and WGTC personnel worked together to offer free Compass testing to over 300 high school
students. The testing took place during the school day at the CCI, and students were given immediate
feedback about their scores and the programs for which they were qualified. To date, the percent of
students meeting the minimum required scores for college admission has increased this year to 65%.
Douglas County College & Career Institute
4600 Timber Ridge Drive, Bldg D
Douglasville, GA 30135
For the third year in a row, CCI continued and expanded its middle school activities. As of this report,
over 1400 students from five middle schools have participated in classroom presentations and/or tours
of the CCI facilities and programs.
In an effort to expand community and parent outreach, CCI hosted four open house events during the
time period students were attending advisement conferences and registration for the 2013-2014 school
year. At each event, students and parents were given information specific to high school and college
programs, dual enrollment, and costs and fees while taking advantage of the opportunity to see the
building and meet our faculty and staff.
Charter Contract Goals
In the 2011-2012 Charter Schools Annual Report Survey, CCI reported progress on the following three goals:
1. The number of Douglas County students in work-based learning programs will increase by 2% each
 System-wide, work-based learning coordinators reported an 11.5% decrease in the number
of students participating in their programs during the 2011-2012 school year. We attribute
this to the downturn in the economy, lack of available positions, and the increase in the cost
of fuel to get back and forth to work.
2. Ninety percent (90%) of the students who attend the career academy will receive at least one technical
certificate prior to high school graduation.
 Based on those invited by WGTC to participate in their May graduation ceremony, 92% of CCI’s
dual enrollment students received at least one technical certificate by the end of the 2011-2012
school year
3. The graduation rate for the Douglas County School System will increase each year.
 Using the new state formula for calculation, Douglas County School System’s graduation rate
decreased from 80.6% to 78.1% in the 2011-2012 school year.
Governance & Leadership
The CCI Board of Directors, which is an advisory not a governing board, has met four times this school year
(August, October, December and February). At the October Board meeting, the CEO recognized six outgoing
board members and welcomed the new 2012 – 2013 Board of Directors, which includes four parents, two
instructors, and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, community, college and school system. A
new Chair, Vice-Chair and Recording Secretary were elected, and each member of the Board was asked to
sign a letter of commitment. Amendments to the charter, by-laws and strategic plan along with an increased
emphasis on fundraising are among the action items that will be addressed by the Board this year. The CEO
will continue to work in a part-time capacity, and CCI will continue to use the following areas of flexibility as
allowed by our charter: flexibility with teacher certification; flexibility with administrator certification; flexibility
with class size; and flexibility with course numbers.
Enrollment Characteristics
Enrollment for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year includes 133 students in dual enrollment
programs and 36 students in high school programs, totaling 169 students. This represents a 24% increase
over the first semester of the 2011-2012 school year. To date, the number of students who have met all
qualifications and submitted all paperwork required to attend CCI during the 2013 – 2014 school year stands at
187. Although it is anticipated that this number will increase by the end of May, enrollment of 187 will show
another increase of 19% over fall 2012. CCI is not offering any additional grades not offered last school year
(still serving grades 10 – 12), and remains at an average class size of 15:1.
Instructional, Programmatic and Structural Information
Douglas County College & Career Institute
4600 Timber Ridge Drive, Bldg D
Douglasville, GA 30135
CCI’s Broadcast Video and Graphic Arts high school programs follow the Georgia Performance Standards as
provided by DOE, and those teachers have been trained to utilize methods and techniques included in the
Learning-Focused Schools instructional model. The following college classes follow curriculum and
instructional practices provided by TCSG:
 Culinary Arts
 Nurse Aide
 Auto Engine Repair/Electrical Systems
 Dental Assisting
 Child Development Specialist
 Game Development Specialist
 Criminal Justice
 Pharmacy
 Shampoo Tech
 Welding
All students attending CCI utilize block scheduling and attend multi-age dual enrollment or CTAE courses.
New this year, students can also take E2020 courses at CCI for additional high school credit while participating
in their high school or college program. Transportation and community service opportunities are offered to all
The Douglas County School System employs six full-time and four part-time employees, including
administrators, teachers, and support personnel. West Georgia Technical College currently employs 11 fulltime and 2 adjunct instructors. New this year, CCI has a part-time counselor who is working with the students,
administrators and the TCP coordinator to provide individual and group counseling, to assure high school
success, and to assist in post-secondary planning.
Financial Information (Include FTE, fund raising, donations, etc.)
CCI does report FTE, thereby does receive an annual allotment from Douglas County School System. It is
estimated that approximately 40% of funds are expended on Administration, 50% on Instruction and 10% on
Facilities. All records, audits, and other financial information are reported through the school system’s Chief
Financial Officer.
As reported in the August 2012 Board minutes (posted at, $7,390.70 was spent
on scholarships/fees for students needing assistance during fall semester. That money was available from
donations and fundraising activities conducted at the end of the 2011 – 2012 and during the summer.
Anticipating a need for the same amount for second semester and even more for next school year, the CEO
increased efforts to secure additional donations from individuals and companies by having instructors send
letters requesting sponsorships for students enrolled in their program. In addition, fundraising activities such
as bake sales, blue jean days, etc. are ongoing throughout the year.
To date, the following donations have been made to the CCI:
 Atlanta's Finest - $200
 Greystone - $2500
 Douglas County Character Coalition - $200
Douglas County College & Career Institute
4600 Timber Ridge Drive, Bldg D
Douglasville, GA 30135
Anticipated donations:
 Southeast Cooler
 Members First
 AT&T
Two scholarship opportunities have been made available to students this year:
 Dr. Sam Haskell, current DCSS board member serving District 4, paid $1,347.23 in scholarships for
eight students in the CAD & Welding programs;
 The Nora McDonald Scholarship, established in memory of the first CCI office manager, will give $250
to one boy and one girl who will attend college next year in the same program area they have studied at
The CCI building, opened in 2009 and completed in 2010, is located on the WGTC campus and is jointly
owned by the school system and the college. The school does not currently incur any lease, rent or mortgage
payments. Expenses related to utilities, custodians, and IT support are jointly shared by the college and the
school system.
Student Support
In an effort to keep students and parents up to date, Douglas County Schools continues to provide multiple
sources of information about the CCI and numerous opportunities to visit the facility and programs:
 New this year, every student who has met the qualifications and completed the required paperwork for
admittance to CCI during the 2013 – 2014 school year will attend an individual parent/student
advisement conference during the month of April. The purpose of this conference is to ensure that both
students and parents understand the rules, regulations and demands of attending a career academy. It
is also intended to acquaint students and parents with any financial and college program
 “The Pulse”, a program written, directed and produced by CCI Broadcast Video students, is broadcast
weekly on DCTV Channel 23
 The CCI website is updated as needed to include the latest news, events, and articles
 WGTC and CCI personnel visit schools regularly to participate in PROBE fairs, parent nights or other
student/parent events
 The CCI hosts Open Houses and Expos to allow students and parents to tour the facility and visit
individual programs
 A CCI Job Clinic and Mock Interview Day was offered to students on March 1st to acquaint them with
job placement opportunities, resume writing, interview skills and dressing for success
 CCI’s GeorgiaBEST pilot program has this year become an integral part of classroom instruction
 “Bring a Friend” Day will be piloted in our high school programs after Spring Break as another possible
recruitment tool
In addition, our CEO, faculty and staff continue to mentor and work with all students to ensure their success
not only while they are at CCI but also in their postsecondary pursuits.
Douglas County College & Career Institute
4600 Timber Ridge Drive, Bldg D
Douglasville, GA 30135
Evaluation of dual enrollment programs, student success and effective teaching are ongoing at the CCI. In the
Fall of 2012, all CCI eleventh graders participated in the ACTE Survey; results were shared with all faculty and
staff. In January 2013, CCI conducted its own student survey of Instructional Practices among dual enrollment
programs; results were shared with the school and college administrative staffs. In February 2013, all
graduating seniors at CCI were surveyed to determine their plans for postsecondary education. The Director
of College and Career Programs and the TCP Coordinator are also following very closely the pilot GCCA
Certification process ongoing the 2012-2013 school year, and are making preparation to begin collecting data
and information needed to receive AdvancED certification in 2016.
Charter School Law
Our charter was approved in March of 2007.