Graduate Teaching - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of

Departments of English and Comparative Literature
404 Taper Hall
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
CA 90089-0354
(213) 740 2813 [office]
(909) 964 9946 [cell]
B.A., Cambridge University, 1977 (with honours).
M.A., Cambridge University, 1981.
Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1982.
Dissertation: "The Writings of James Clarence Mangan (18031849): A
Case Study in Nationalism and Writing".
University Employment
1979-1981 Graduate Instructor in English Literature at Cambridge
1983-1987 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of
Associate Professor, Department of English, University of
Professor, Department of English, University of California,
1998-2003 Hartley Burr Alexander Chair in the Humanities, Scripps
2003Professor, Department of English, University of Southern
Other University or Research Affiliations:
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Irlandaises, Université de
Lille, III.
Departement Germaanse Filologie, Universitaire Instelling,
Fachbereich Germanistik, Freie Universitaet, Berlin.
Visiting fellow, U.C. Humanities Research Institute,
University of California, Irvine.
Resident Fellow, UCHRI Minority Discourse Initiative,
U.C. Irvine.
Rockefeller Resident Fellow, Center for Cultural Studies, UC
Santa Cruz.
Visiting Professor, Departments of Ethnic Studies and
Literature, U.C. San Diego.
Visiting Professor, Department of Literature, U.C. San Diego.
Visiting Professor, Department of English and Comparative
Literature, U.C. Irvine.
Visiting Professor, University College, Galway.
Visiting Professor, University College Galway.
Senior Faculty Fellow and Visiting Distinguished Professor
of Irish Studies Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish
Studies, University of Notre Dame.
Honors and Awards
UC Regent's Junior Faculty Fellowship.
UC Humanities Research Grant.
Visiting Fellow at University of California Humanities
Research Institute, U.C. Irvine.
Fellow of Center for American Cultures, U.C. Berkeley.
UC Humanities Research Grant.
George Armstrong Kelly Prize for the Best Essay on Eighteenth
and Nineteenth Century German Political Philosophy awarded to
"Kant's Examples".
Fellow of Center for American Cultures.
Resident Fellow, UC Humanities Research Institute, UC Irvine.
Rockefeller Resident Fellow, Center for Cultural Studies,
U.C. Santa Cruz.
Distinguished Visitor, Department of English, University of
Alberta, Edmonton.
Research Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research,
University of Southern California.
Hilliard Scholar in the Humanities, University of Nevada,
Nominee, USC Parents Association Teaching Award.
Senior Faculty Fellow and Visiting Distinguished Professor
of Irish Studies Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish
Studies, University of Notre Dame.
National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship,
for “Beckett Among the Painters: The Visual Imagination of
the Writer”.
Graduate and Undergraduate courses taught at U.C. Berkeley, U.C. San
Diego, U.C. Irvine; University of Antwerp, Belgium and Scripps College
Claremont, 1983-1998; Scripps College and Claremont Graduate University,
1998-2000: University of Southern California, 2003-present.
Teaching Areas
Anglophone Literature and Colonialism; Modern Irish Literature; Romantic
Poetry and Theory; Victorian Literature; Poetry and Poetics; U.S.
Minority Literature; Comparative Literature; Aesthetics and Cultural
Theory; Critical and Literary Theory.
Graduate Teaching
Chair and committee member for Ph.D. and M.A. dissertations in
departments of English, African American Studies, Ethnic Studies,
History, Comparative Literature and Political Science at U.C. Berkeley;
External Member of Ph.D. committees for Department of English, U.C.
Davis; Department of English and Comparative Literature, U.C. Irvine;
Department of Literature, U.C. San Diego; Department of Film Studies,
New York University; Departments of English and Cultural Studies,
Claremont Graduate University; Departments of English, Comparative
Literature, and Geography and Program in American Studies and Ethnicity
at University of Southern California; Department of English, UC Davis;
Department of English, UC Riverside.
Departmental and University Service
1. Departmental Service:
1983-1998: Served at U.C. Berkeley on several committees, including
Affirmative Action, Personnel, Courses. Served as external
member on two searches in the Department of African American
Studies, and from 1990-1993 as external member of the Ethnic
Studies Graduate Program Committee.
1998-2002: Chair of Humanities Major in the Study of Culture, Scripps
Acting Chair, Department of Philosophy, Scripps
Member, English Department Search Committee, Scripps
Member, English Department 18th Century Search Committee,
Member, Department of English Graduate Studies Committee,
Member, Department of English, Graduate Admissions Committee.
Member, Department of English Executive Committee.
University Service:
U.C. Berkeley
1984, 1986: Juror of Emily Chamberlain Cook Poetry Prize.
1984-1988: Faculty Adviser to Multi-Cultural Lesbian Gay Studies,
Women's Studies, and Peace and Conflict Studies.
1985-1993: Co-founder and Faculty Coordinator of the interdisciplinary
Group for the
Critical Study of Colonialism.
Joint organizer of the Conference on the Nature and Context
of Minority
Discourse, U.C.
Berkeley, May
1987-1989: Member of Academic Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Education and
1988-1989 Organizer of Conference on "Yeats, Ireland and PostColonialism", Berkeley, September, 1989.
Organizer of Conference on Gender and Colonialism,
Berkeley, October,
Faculty Adviser to Minority Student Summer Research Program.
Organizer of workshop on "Epistemologies of Colonialism",
April 1990.
Senate Committee on American Cultures Requirement Courses.
Member of PACS Review Committee.
Organizer of Group for the Critical Study of Colonialism
Symposium on
Frantz Fanon.
Judge of American Academy of Poets Prize.
Co-organizer, with Norma Alarcon, of “Un/documented
Cultures”, Symposium on California Cultural Studies.
Co-organizer with Lisa Lowe, "Other Circuits" seminar on
Third World Theory, UCHRI.
Co-ordinator of Irish Studies Colloquia at UC Berkeley and UC
Santa Cruz.
Scripps College, Claremont
Humanities Core Steering Committee
Humanities Institute Steering Committee
Faculty Executive Committee
Organizer, Faculty Research Seminar
Director, Scripps College Humanities Institute:
Programs: Women in Cultural Production [Fall 1999]
Immigration: California and the European Union
[Spring 2000]
The Ancient World [Fall 2000]
Indigenous Peoples [Spring 2001]
New Social Geographies and Social Movements [Fall
Modernity from Below [Spring 2002]
Cultural Studies Advisory Board, Claremont Graduate
University of Southern California
Program in American Studies and Ethnicity, Executive
Center for Interdisciplinary Research: Co-organizer with
Carolyn Cartier of interdisciplinary colloquium on Space and
Organizer, public forum, “Guantanamo, Torture and the Law,”
with Joan Dayan, Nasser Hussain and Diane Amann.
Member, Faculty Council, USC College.
Vice-President, Faculty Council, USC College.
Co-organizer, Conference on The Black and Green Atlantic.
Conference Organizer, “Soundeye West: Poetry Between
Conference organizer: “Law, Violence and the State”
Placement Chair, Department of English.
Professional Service and Affiliations
Editorial Board of Cultural Critique.
1983Member of Modern Languages Association.
1984Member of the American Conference for Irish Studies.
American Editor, The Irish Reporter.
1998Member of International Editorial Board of Postcolonial
Studies (Australia).
1998Member, editorial board, Topoi.
2004Advisory Board, Subaltern-Popular Multicampus Research Group,
University of California.
2006Member, International Advisory Board, Translocations: Irish
Migration, Race and Social Transformation.
2006Member, advisory editorial board of Kritika Kultura (Manila,
The ≈
2006Member, American Comparative Literature Association.
2006Member, American Studies Association.
2007Advisory Editor, International Review of Irish Culture.
2007Consultant Editor, Interventions: International Journal of
Postcolonial Studies.
2008Advisory Editor, Irish University Review.
1985Manuscript reader for numerous University and other presses,
including Princeton, Duke, Minnesota, Cork, Routledge,
Blackwell and for refereed journals, including Signs,
Cultural Critique, Gender and History, Theatre Journal,
Modern Fiction Studies, Nineteenth Century Contexts, etc.
Member, External Review Committee, Critical Theory Institute,
U.C. Irvine.
Assessor, ACLS Fellowship competitions.
I. Books and Edited Collections
1. Nationalism and Minor Literature: James Clarence Mangan and the
Emergence of Irish Cultural Nationalism. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1987.
2. ed. (with Abdul JanMohamed), The Nature and Context of Minority
Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
3. Anomalous States: Irish Writing and the Postcolonial Moment. Dublin:
Lilliput Press, and Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1993.
4. with Paul Thomas, Culture and the State (New York: Routledge, 1997).
5. ed. with Lisa Lowe, The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Capital
(Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1997).
6. Ireland after History (Cork: Cork University Press and South Bend,
IL: Notre Dame University Press, 1999).
7. (Journal Special Issue), ed., “Philosophy and the Crisis of the
Humanities”, Topoi 18: 1999.
8. (Journal Special Issue), ed., “Ireland’s Modernities”, Interventions
5.3 (2003).
9. Irish Times: Temporalities of Modernity (Dublin: Field Day, 2008).
10. ed. with Peter D. O’Neill, The Black and Green Atlantic: CrossCurrents of the African and Irish Diasporas (Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2009).
Books in Progress
Irish Culture and Colonial Modernity, 1800-2000: Transformations of
Oral Space. Forthcoming, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Beckett Among the Painters: The Visual Imagination of the Writer
(essays on Beckett and visual art). Prospectus under review by Field
Day Press, Dublin.
Under Representation: Race, Pedagogy and the Aesthetic Formation of
the Subject (essays on culture and ideology).
Poetry and Violence (Essays on Yeats, Vallejo, and Celan).
III. Articles
1. "The Diffidence of the Author: Travesty and Parody in the Novels of
Flann O'Brien," Cornucopia (Utrecht), 2.1 (Winter 1980): 111-137.
2. "James Clarence Mangan and 'A Broken Constitution'", Cornucopia vol.
3 (1981-82): 71-115.
3. "Translator as Refractor: Towards a Rereading of James Clarence
Mangan as Translator," Dispositio (Michigan), 7.19-20 (1982): 141-162.
4. "Valéry on Value: The Political Economy of Poetics", Representations
7 (Summer 1984): 116-132.
5. "Great Gaps in Irish Song: James Clarence Mangan and the Ideology
of the Nationalist Ballad", Irish University Review, 14.2 (Autumn 1984):
6. "Veils of Sais: James Clarence Mangan's Oriental Translations and
the Question of Origins," Comparative Literature (February 1986): 20-35.
7. "Arnold, Ferguson, Schiller: Aesthetic Culture and the Politics of
Aesthetics," Cultural Critique 2 (Winter 1986):137-69.
8. "'Pap for the Dispossessed': Seamus Heaney and the Poetics of
Identity," Boundary 2, 13.2/3 (Winter/Spring 1985): 319-342.
(with Abdul JanMohamed) "Introduction" to "The Nature and Context of
Minority Discourse", special issue of Cultural Critique 6 (Spring 1987):
10. "Genet's Genealogy: European Minorities and the Ends of the Canon,"
Cultural Critique 6 (Spring 1987), 161-185.
11. (with Abdul JanMohamed) "Minority Discourse--What is to be Done?",
introduction to "The Nature and Context of Minority Discourse II",
special issue of Cultural Critique 7 (Fall 1987): pp. 5-17.
---- (Items 9-11 reprinted in The Nature and Context of Minority
Discourse (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.)
12. "Nationalism's Psychosis: James Clarence Mangan's Autobiographical
Writings and Nationalist Ideology," in The Uses of the Past: Essays on
Irish Culture, ed. Audrey Eyler and Robert Garratt (Newark: University
of Delaware Press, 1988).
13. "Writing in the Shit: Beckett, Nationalism and the Colonial
Subject", abridged version, The Irish Review, 4 (Spring 1988): 59-65.
---- reprinted in Seamus Deane, ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish
Writing, Vol. III (Derry: Field Day Publications, 1991): 634-7.
14. "Writing in the Shit: Beckett, Nationalism and the Colonial
Subject", full version, Modern Fiction Studies, special issue on
"Narratives of Colonial Resistance", 35.1 (Spring 1989): 71-86.
15. "Kant's Examples", in Representations, 28 (Fall, 1989): 34-54.
----Reprinted in Alexander Gelley, ed., Unruly Examples: On the Rhetoric
of Exemplarity (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995).
16. "The Poetics of Politics: Yeats and the Founding of the State", Qui
Parle, 3.2 (Fall 1989): 76-114.
17. "Analogies of the Aesthetic: The Politics of Culture and the Limits
of Materialist Aesthetics", New Formations 10, (Spring 1990): 109-126.
18. "The Narrative of Representation: Culture, the State and the Canon",
in Robert Bledsoe, et al., eds., Rethinking Germanistik: Canon and
Culture, (New York: Peter Lang, 1991): 125-138.
19. "Race under Representation", Oxford Literary Review, 13 (Fall 1991):
---- Reprinted. in E. Valentine Daniels and Jeffrey M. Peck,
Culture/Contexture: Explorations in Anthropology and Literary Studies
(Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996): 249-272.
20. (co-authored with Paul Thomas), "Culture and Society or 'Culture and
the State'?", Social Text 30 (1992), special issue on Raymond Williams,
ed. Christopher Prendergast: 27-56.
----Reprinted in Christopher Prendergast, ed., Cultural Materialism: On
Raymond Williams (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995).
21 "Adulteration and the Nation: Monologic Nationalism and the Colonial
Hybrid", in An Other Voice, ed. Alfred Arteaga, (Durham, N.C.: Duke
University Press, 1994): 53-92.
----reprinted in Gregory Castle, ed., Postcolonial Discourses: An
Anthology (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001): 401-431.
22. "Ethnic Cultures, Minority Discourse, and the State", in Colonial
Discourse/Post-colonial Theory, papers from the 1991 Essex Colloquium on
the Sociology of Literature, ed. Peter Hulme and Francis Barker
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994): 221-238.
23. "Violence and the Constitution of the Novel", Meanjin (Melbourne),
September 1992.
----Reprinted in Borders of Culture, Margins of Identity, special issue
of papers from Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies 7th Annual
Colloquium, 1992, Xavier Review Occasional Publication No. 3 (New
Orleans: Xavier Review Press, 1994).
24. "Nationalisms against the State" and "Discussion: Post-Modern
Critiques of Marxism: Implications for Political Practice", in Walden
Bello and John Gershman, eds., Reexamining and Renewing the Philippine
Progressive Vision, Papers and proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the
Forum for Philippine Alternatives, San Francisco Bay Area, California,
April 1993 (Diliman, Quezon City: FOPA 1994): 215-233 and 240-245.
----"Nationalisms against the State", in Gender and Colonialism,
proceedings of the Conference on Gender and Colonialism, Galway, 1992,
ed. T.P. Foley, Lionel Pilkington, (Galway: Galway University Press,
---- “Nationalisms against the State”, reprinted In Lisa Lowe and David
Lloyd, eds. The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Capital (Durham,
N.C.: Duke University Press, 1997): 173-197.
25. "The Recovery of Kitsch", in Distant Relations/ Cercanias Distantes/
Clann I gCein: Chicano, Irish, Mexican Art and Critical Writing (New
York: Smart Art Press, 1995): 146-155.
26. "Outside History: Irish New Histories and the 'Subalternity Effect",
Subaltern Studies IX (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996): 261-280.
27. “The Memory of Hunger”, in Tom Hayden, ed. Irish Hunger: Personal
Reflections on the Legacy of the Famine (Boulder, Co.: Roberts
Rinehart, 1997): 22-47.
28. “Counterparts: Dubliners, Masculinity and Temperance Nationalism”
in Rosemary George, ed., Burning Down the House: Recycling Domesticity
(Boulder, Co.: Westview, 1998): 150-169.
---- Reprinted in part in Semicolonial Joyce, ed. Derek Attridge and
Marjorie Howes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000): 128-149.
---- Full version, reprinted in Krzysztof Ziarek and Seamus Deane,
eds., Future Crossings: Literature Between Philosophy and Cultural
Studies (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2000): 193-220.
29. “Introduction” to Topoi 18 (1999), special issue on the
Humanities: 1-12.
30. “Colonial Trauma/Postcolonial Recovery?”,
Interventions, 2.2
(2000): 212-228.
---- Extended version published as “The Memory of Hunger” in David L.
Eng and David Kazanjian, eds. Loss: The Politics of Mourning
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003): 205-228.
31. “Ireland After History”, adapted from Ireland after History, in
Henry Schwarz and Sangeeta Ray, eds., A Companion to Postcolonial
Studies (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000): 377-395.
32. “Regarding Ireland in a Post-Colonial Frame”, Cultural Studies
15.1 (2001): 12-32.
33. “The Spirit of the Nation”, reprinted from Nationalism and Minor
Literature, in Claire Connolly, ed., Theorizing Ireland (Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003): 160-172.
34. “Ireland’s Modernities; Introduction” and “Rethinking National
Marxism: James Connolly and ‘Celtic Communism’”, Interventions 5.3
(2003): 317-21 and 345-70.
35. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence (on Allan
deSouza’s Irish Photography)”, Social Identities, 9.4 (December
2003): 475-509.
----partially reprinted in Third Text 68 (Vol 18.3, May 2004): 263272.
36. “Ruins/Runes” in Cities without Citizens, ed. Eduardo Cadava and
Aaron Levy (Philadelphia: Slought Foundation, 2003: 121-135.
37. “La Rigueur dans le desespoir”, Politics and Culture (e-journal) 1
----Reprinted in Edward Said and The Politics of Culture, ed Bibhash
Choudhury (Guwahati, Assam: Bhabani, 2008):157-70.
38. “Republics of Difference: Yeats, MacGreevy, Beckett”, Field Day
Review 1 (2005): 42-69.
----short version reprinted in Third Text 19.5 (September 2005): 461474.
----short version reprinted in Samuel Beckett: A Passion for Paintings
(Dublin: National Gallery of Ireland, 2006): 52-59.
39. “Mobile Figures”, web essay, in Vectors: Journal of Culture and
Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, 2 (Fall 2005) at
40. “Afterword: Hardress Cregan’s Dream,” in Jacqueline Belanger,
ed., The Irish Novel in the Nineteenth Century: Facts and Fictions
(Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005): 229-237.
41. “The Subaltern in Motion: Subalternity, the Popular, and Irish
Working Class History”, proceedings of the Santa Barbara Conference on
The Subaltern and the Popular, Postcolonial Studies 8.4 (Nov 2005):
42. “The Indigent Sublime: Specters of Irish Hunger”, Representations
92 (Fall 2005): 152-185.
43. “The Myth of Myth”, Hunger Strike: Reflections on the 1981 Hunger
Strike, ed. Danny Morrison (Dingle: Brandon Books, 2006): 225-234.
43. “Rage against the Divine” in Late Derrida, special issue of The
South Atlantic Quarterly 106:2 (Spring 2007): 345-372.
44. “The Political Economy of the Potato”, Nineteenth-Century
Contexts, 29:2 (2007): 311 - 335.
-- repr. in Nineteenth-Century Worlds: Global Formations Past and
Present, ed. Keith Hanley and Greg Kucich. London and New York:
Routledge, 2008.
45. "Why Read Connolly?", Interventions, International Journal of
Postcolonial Studies, 10:1 (2008): 116-120.
46. “Nationalism and Postcolonialism”, in Yeats in Context, ed. David
Holdeman and Ben Levitas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010:
47. “Frames of Referrance: Samuel Beckett as an Irish Question”, in
Sean Kennedy, ed, Beckett and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2010: 31-55.
IV. Articles Forthcoming or in Progress
“Representation’s Coup”, under review at Critical Inquiry.
2. “Normalization/Criminalization: Prison Protest and the ‘Welfare
State’”, accepted for publication in Occasion <>.
3. “On Republican Reading: Afterword” to Letters and Papers of Ernie
O’Malley, 1924-1957, eds. Cormac O’Malley and Nicholas Allen,
forthcoming, Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2010.
Review Articles and Miscellaneous Publications
1. Review of Robert Welch, Irish Poetry from Moore to Yeats (Gerrards
Cross: Colin Smythe, 1980) and Patrick Rafroidi, Irish Literature in
English. The Romantic Period (1789-1850) (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe,
1980), in Irish University Review (Winter 1981): 244-246.
2. Review of Stan Smith, Inviolable Voice: History and Twentieth
Century Poetry (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1982), Irish University
Review (Spring 1983): 131-133.
3. "Who Are We? Where Are We? The Search for Irish Identity", review
article of John Mitchel, Jail Journal, ed. Thomas Flanagan (Dublin:
University Press of Ireland, 1982), University Press Books (Spring
1985): 13-14.
4. "Down Where Changed: Sketch for an Approach to the Trajectory of
J.H. Prynne's Poems", review article, Jimmy's and Lucy's House of K. 2
(August 1984): 60-65.
5. "Limits of a Language of Desire", review article on The L-A-N-G-U-AG-E Book, ed. Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein (Carbondale, Ill.:
Southern Illinois University Press,1984), Poetics Journal 5 (May 1985):
6. Review of William C. Dowling, Jameson, Althusser, Marx: An
Introduction to "The Political Unconscious" (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press,1984), L'Esprit Createur, 26.1 (Spring 1986): 100-101.
7. Review of Bob Perelman, To the Reader (Berkeley: Tuumba, 1985) and
"Bob Perelman and David Lloyd Exchange Responses", Jimmy's and Lucy's
House of K. 6 (May 1986): 154-159.
8. "Colonialism under Scrutiny", interview with Karen M. Poremski,
Liberal Education, 73.5 (November/December 1987): 30-31.
9. "Three Academics Debate: What is Great?", contribution to Christian
Science Monitor Education Section, April 22, 1988.
10. "Diversity: Pro and Con", California Monthly, September 1990.
11. "The Gulf War and the New World Order", Irish Reporter, 2 (First
Quarter 1991).
12. "Cultural Politics in the Philippines", Irish Reporter, 3 (Second
Quarter 1991).
13. "The Defiles of Analogy", review of Terry Eagleton, The Ideology of
the Aesthetic, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1990), in Art History, 14.4 (December
1991): 620-624.
14. "Making Sense of the Dispersal", Irish Reporter 13 (First Quarter,
“Subordinated Strategies,”, review of Enda Duffy, The Subaltern
Ulysses (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), in James
Joyce Literary Supplement 10.1 (Spring 1996): 2.
16. Contribution to a forum on Literary and Cultural Studies, PMLA
(March 1997): 279-282.
17. “When Cultures Clash”, review of Terry Eagleton, The Idea of
Culture (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000), Irish Times, May 6, 2000 at
18. “An Impressive Collection”, review of Trevor Joyce, with the first
dream of cold they hunt the fire (New Writers Press, 2001), Irish Times,
September 8, 2001, at
19. Review of Melissa Fegan, Literature and the Irish Famine, 1845-1919
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002) in Nineteenth Century Contexts
28.3 (September 2006): 257-260.
20. “Subversive Law Subverted”, review of Heather Laird, Subversive Law
in Ireland 1879-1920 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005), in The Irish
Review 35 (Spring 2007):144-147.
21. “Shadows of a Gunman”, Review of ‘No Surrender Here!’: The Civil
War Papers of Ernie O’Malley, 1922-1924, ed. Cormac K.H. O’Malley and
Anne Dolan; introduction by J.J. Lee (Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2007),
review article, in Field Day Review, 2009: 151-163.
Lectures and Conference Papers
1. "Arnold, Schiller, Ferguson: Aesthetics of Politics, Politics of
Aesthetics", Conference on the Mediation of Received Values, University
of Minnesota, October 1984.
2. "Mangan's Autobiographies," Conference of the American Conference for
Irish Studies, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, April 1985.
3. "Beckett, Nationalism and Colonialism," Group for the Critical Study
of Colonial Discourse, University of California, Santa Cruz, February
4. "Beckett, Nationalism and the Colonial Subject," Conference of the
American Conference for Irish Studies, Boston College, May 1986.
5. "Genet and Minority Literature," English Department, Dartmouth
College, May 1986.
6. "Genet's Genealogies: European Minorities and the Ends of the Canon,"
Conference on the Nature and Context of Minority Discourse, University
of California, Berkeley, May 1986.
7. "Analogies of Aesthetics", Conference on Formations of Culture,
University of Ljubljana, June 1987.
8. "Analogies of Aesthetics," Département de langue et littérature
anglaises, Université de Geneve, June 1987.
9. "Anthropology and the Aesthetics of Beckett's Trilogy," Conference of
the American Conference for Irish Studies, University College, Dublin,
July 1987.
10. "W.B. Yeats's The Winding Stair", Yeats International Summer School,
Sligo, August 1988.
11. "Culture and the State", delivered with Paul Thomas to the American
Political Science Association, Washington, September 1988.
12. "Gattung und Gattung", delivered to conference "Rethinking
Germanistik", U.C. Berkeley, September 1988.
13. "Kant's Examples", delivered to Department of German Colloquium,
October 1988.
14. "Dismantling the Narrative of Development", University of Geneva,
November 1988.
15. "The Critique of the Culture of Representation", Conference on The
Function of Cultural Criticism at the Present Time, Humanities Research
Institute, U.C. Irvine, November 1988.
16. "Exemplary Pedagogy", M.L.A., New Orleans, December 1988.
17. "Dislocating the Narrative of Representation", Conference on The
Knowledge of Politics, University of Ljubljana, June 1989.
18. "Dislocating the Narrative of Representation", Conference on
Colonialism Now, University of Southampton, June 1989.
19. "The Poetics of Politics: Yeats and the Foundation of the State",
presented at Conference on "Yeats, Ireland and Post-Colonialism", U.C.
Berkeley, September 1989.
20. "Race Under Representation: the Limits of Assimilation and the
Dismantling of Developmental Narrative", Conference on Race and
Difference, Centro Interdisciplinar De Estudos Contemporaneos,
University of Rio de Janeiro, October 1989.
20. "Race under Representation": seminar on the Function of Criticism in
the Present Time, University of California Humanities Research
Institute, U.C. Irvine, December 1989.
21. "Culture and Domination", response to papers in the session, "The
Invention of Culture", College Art Association, New York, February 1990.
22. "Colonial Hybrids: Irish Street Ballads and Joyce's Ulysses",
lecture to the Irish Literary and Historical Society, San Francisco,
July 1990.
23. "Yeats's Tower", lecture to W.B. Yeats International Summer School,
Sligo, 1990.
24. "Race Under Representation", English Department, Cornell University,
October 1990.
25. "Race Under Representation", C.U.N.Y. Graduate Center Cultural
Studies Group, New York, October 1990.
26. "Under Western Guise: Post-Colonial Theory", Columbia University
Post-Colonial Studies Collective, New York, October 1990.
27. "Race Under Representation", Center for Cultural Studies, University
of California, Santa Cruz, October 1990.
28. "Adulteration and the Novel: Joyce's Ulysses and Irish Folk
Ballads", Department of English, U.C. San Diego, November 1990.
29. "Race Under Representation", Cultural Studies Colloquium, U.C. San
Diego, November 1990.
30. "Irish Identity: Monologic Nationalism and Colonial Hybridization",
Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, December 1990.
31. "Culture and the State", University of the Philippines, Manila,
January 1991.
32. "The Formation of the Subject in Aesthetics", seminar, Ateneo de
Manila, January 1991.
33. "Cherrie Moraga and Minority Discourse in the United States",
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, January 1991.
34. "Postcolonial Literatures and the Formation of National Identity",
seminar, University of the Philippines, January 1991.
35. "Reformation of the Curriculum", seminar, Ateneo de Manila,
January 1991.
36. "Culture and the State", seminar, Cultural Center of the
Philippines, January 1991.
37. "Race under Representation", University of Singapore, January 1991.
38. "Adulteration and the Novel: Joyce's Ulysses", University of
Utrecht, February 1991.
39 "Burke, Paine, Arnold", University College Dublin, March 1991.
40. "Adulteration and the Novel", University College Dublin, March 1991.
41. "Race under Representation", University of Amsterdam, March 1991.
42. "Consequences of the Gulf War", all-day workshop, School for
Communications, Antwerp.
43. "Ethnic Cultures, Minority Discourse and the State", conference on
Inter-cultural Communication, UC San Diego, April 1991.
44. Colloquium on Post-Colonialism and Minority Discourse, UC San Diego,
April 1991.
45. Poetry Reading, The Darkroom, Cambridge, May 1991.
46. "Cultural Politics in the United States", talk to Instituut voor
Marxistische Vorming, Antwerp, July 1991.
47. "Ethnic Cultures, Minority Discourse and the State", Essex
Symposium, "Colonial Discourse: Post-Colonial Theory", July 1991.
48. "The Violence of Identity", International Association of Scholars of
Anglo-Irish Literature (IASAIL), University of Leiden, July 1991.
49. "Cultural Politics in Contemporary Ireland" (convenor), IASAIL,
Leiden, July 1991.
50. "Forms of Contemporary Poetry", IASAIL, Leiden, July 1991.
51. "Nationalism and Literature", debate on Nationalism and Minor
Literature, IASAIL, Leiden, July 1991.
52. "Adulteration and the Novel", James Joyce International Summer
School, Dublin, July 1991.
53. "The Violence of Identity: Agrarian Movements and the Constitution
of the Nineteenth Century Irish Novel", Merriman Summer School,
Lisdoonvarna, August 1991.
54. "Minority Discourse", session at U.C. Humanities Research Institute,
U.C. Irvine, September 1991.
55. Panel Speaker, forum on the American Cultures Requirement, U.C.
Berkeley, October 1991.
56. Panel Speaker, symposium on "Text and History, Department of
History, U.C. Berkeley, November 1991.
57. Respondent to Antony Easthope, "Poetry and Nationalism," Department
of English, U.C. Berkeley, February 1992.
58. "Ethnic Cultures, Minority Discourse and the State", UCHRI, Irvine,
February 1992.
59. Respondent to Lisa Lowe and Ramon Gutierrez, conference on
"Identifying Identities", U.C. Berkeley, February 1992.
60. "Ethnic Cultures, Minority Discourse and the State", "Americanist
Visions of Cultural Studies", Columbia University, March 1992.
61. "Violence and the Subaltern", talk to South East Asian Studies
Colloquium, U.C. Berkeley, March 1992.
62. Lecture to "Other Voices" series, Department of English, U.C.
Berkeley, April 1992.
63. "Violence and the Constitution of the Novel", Interdisciplinary
Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, Loyola University, New Orleans,
April 1992.
64. Panel Member, discussion of Taxation and Education, Committee for
Ethics and Economic Policy, U.C. Berkeley, April 1992.
65. "Fanon and Social Psychosis", symposium on "Frantz Fanon Now", Group
for the Critical Study of Colonialism, U.C.Berkeley, May 1992.
66. "Figurations of the Feminine in Irish Nationalism", Conference on
Gender and Colonialism, University College, Galway, May 1992.
67. "Culture and the State", presentation to Center for American
Cultures, June 1992.
68. Panel member, symposium on "Representations of the Irish in Film",
Irish Cultural Center, July 1992.
69. "Nationalisms against the State", paper to conference on Nationalism
and Identity, U.C. Berkeley, September 1992.
70. "Nationalisms against the State", University of Texas, Austin,
October 1992.
71. "The Subject of Ideology and Its Faltering", Western Humanities
Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, October 1992.
72. "Nationalisms against the State", Conference on "Nationalism and
Ethnicity in the Wake of Humanism", Scripps Humanities Institute,
Claremont, Ca., April, 1993.
73. "Nationalisms against the State", Conference on "Postcolonial
Problems. Nationalism: Theory/Practice/Politics", Melbourne University,
Australia, May 1993.
74. "Ethnic Cultures, Minority Discourse and the State", seminar at
Melbourne University, Australia, May 1993.
75. "Counterparts: Race, Nation and Homosociality in Dubliners",
California Joyce Conference, U.C. Irvine, June 1993.
76. "Nationalisms against the State", Center for Irish Studies,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 1993.
77. "The Conflict of the Borders", lecture/seminar, University of
Kentucky, January 1994.
78. "Conflict of the Borders", lecture to Graduate Student Irish Studies
Conference, Austin, Texas, April 1994.
79. Seminars on Aesthetics and Ideology, Critical Theory Emphasis, U.C.
Irvine, May 1994.
80. "Foundations of Diversity", lecture, Critical Theory Institute, U.C.
Irvine, May 1994.
81. Participant/organizer, "Other Circuits" seminar, U.C. Humanities
Research Institute, Irvine, July 1994.
82. "Foundations of Diversity," lecture, Cultural Studies, U.C. Santa
Cruz, November 1994.
83. "The Location of Postcolonialism", in session, The Location of
Culture, M.L.A., San Diego, December 1994.
84. "Irish Studies in the Postcolonial Frame," keynote address at the
Annual Graduate Irish Studies Conference, Notre Dame University, March
85. Seminar on minority discourse for graduate colloquium on critical
theories and lecture, "Foundations of Diversity", Claremont Graduate
School, April 1995.
86. "The Memory of Hunger: Hunger Striking and Subaltern Nationalisms in
Ireland", SUNY Binghampton, April 1995.
87. "Foundations of Diversity", Cornell University Center for the
Humanities, April 1995.
88. "The Memory of Hunger: Cultural Contexts for the Spectacle of
Starvation", New York University International Conference on Hunger, May
89. "The Memory of Hunger: Hunger Striking and Subaltern Nationalisms in
Ireland," UCLA, May 1995.
90. "Aesthetic Education", seminar for Critical Theory Program,
Southampton University, England, June 1995.
91. "The Memory of Hunger: Hunger Striking and Subaltern Nationalisms in
Ireland", Southampton University, June 1995.
92. "Counterparts: Dubliners, Drinking and Masculinity", Keynote Address
to the American Comparative Literature Association, Notre Dame, April
93. "Counterparts: Dubliners, Drinking and Masculinity", Henry M.
Jackson School of International Studies, U. Washington, Seattle, May
94."The Memory of Hunger" and "Culture and the State", lecture and
seminar to Scripps College Humanities Institute, Claremont, CA, October
95. "Postcolonial Theory and Ireland", conference "Postcolonial
Conditions: Ireland in a Comparative Context", New York University,
December 1997.
96. "The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Capital", M.L.A. special
session, "Rethinking Class", Toronto, December 1997.
97. Seminars on Cultural Theory, University College, Galway, March 1998.
98. “The Memory of Hunger: the Cultural Economy of the Irish Famine”,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, September 1998.
99. “The Cultural Politics of Memory: Murals in Belfast”, Conference on
Aesthetics and Difference: Cultural Diversity, Literature and the Arts”,
U.C. Riverside, October 1998.
100. “The Memory of Hunger: Development, Political Economy and the
Famine”, Conference on “Transmodernity, Historical Capitalism and
Coloniality: A Post-Disciplinary Dialogue”, S.U.N.Y. Binghamton,
December 1998.
101. “The Memory of Hunger: Development, Political Economy and the
Famine”, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University, December 1998.
102. “Figures in Boxes: Beckett and Art”, Conference on Irish Art,
Politics and Identity, University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA., March 1999.
103. “Colonial Trauma/Postcolonial Recovery?”, Keynote address,
Conference on Defining Colonies, N.U.I. Galway, June 1999
104. “Colonial Trauma/Postcolonial Recovery?”, Conference on Rhetoric
and the Public Sphere, U.C. Irvine, February 2000.
105. “Figures in Boxes: Beckett and Art”, National College of Art and
Design, Dublin, March 2000.
106. Participant, Roundtable on The State of Irish Studies, A.C.I.S.
Graduate Irish Studies Conference, Claremont Graduate University, March
107. “James Connolly and the Turning of the Times: Rethinking National
Marxism”, Carnegie Mellon University, May 2000.
108. “James Connolly and the Turning of the Times: Rethinking National
Marxism”, Keynote Address, American Conference for Irish Studies,
Limerick, June 2000.
109. “James Connolly and the Turning of the Times: Rethinking National
Marxism” Conference on Rethinking Marxism, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, September 2000.
110. “Representation’s Coup”, Conference on Rethinking Marxism,
University of Massachusetts, September 2000.
111. Lectures on Aesthetics and Ideology, Distinguished Visitor,
Department of English, University of Alberta, Edmonton, October 2000.
112. “Taking on the Diaspora”, plenary address, The Irish Diaspora,
Conference of the British Association for Irish Studies, November 2000.
113. “Representation’s Coup: The Violence in Subalternity”, Department
of English, U.C. Irvine, January 2001.
114. “Incarceration in Northern Ireland”, seminar, Notre Dame Keough
Centre Summer School, Dublin, July 2001.
115. “Hegel and Pater”, Conference on “Locating the Victorians”,
University College, London, July 2001.
116. “Representation’s Coup: The Violence in Subalternity”, seminar,
University of Notre Dame, November 2001.
117. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence”, Conference
on “Partition and Memory”, University of Notre Dame, December 2001.
118. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence”, Department
of English, Princeton University, April 2002.
119. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence”, Department
of English, Columbia University, New York, April 2002.
120. “The State of Irish Studies”, Glucksman Ireland House, New York
University, April 2002.
121. “Representation’s Coup: The Violence in Subalternity”, Department
of English, University of Southern California, April 2002.
122. “All Changed: The Space of the Border and the Expectation of
Violence: Allan De Souza’s Irish Photography”, University of Southern
California, April 2002.
123. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence”, Seminar,
Einaudi Center, Cornell University, September 2002.
124. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence”, Department
of English, University of Alberta, October 2002.
125. Respondent, panel on aesthetics and attention, “See Here”
conference, Pomona College, Claremont, January 2003.
126. “Counter-Histories”, UCHRI Colloquium “Redress in Social Thought,
Law and Literature”, May 2003.
127. “Ruination: Partition and the Expectation of Violence”, Modernisms
Working Group seminar, U.C. Santa Barbara, May 2003.
128. “The Medieval Sill: Joyce, “Medieval Ireland” and Postcolonialism”,
Conference, “Medieval Temporalities and Colonial Histories:, Princeton
University, May 2003.
129. “The Physiological Sublime: Pleasure and Pain in the Colonial
Context”, Conference on “Eighteenth Century Colonialisms and
Postcolonial Theories”, Clark Library, Los Angeles, June 2003.
130. “Political Economy and the Irish Famine”, Interdisciplinary
Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, London, July 2003.
131. “The Political Economy of the Potato”, Plenary Lecture, Keough
Notre Dame Irish Seminar, Dublin, July 2003.
132. “Jack B. Yeats”, lecture, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, July
133. “Samuel Beckett Among the Painters”, Keough Notre Dame Irish
Seminar, Dublin, July 2003.
134. “A Unilateral Declaration of Universality: The Culture of the
Humanities”, “New Perspectives on the Humanities” Inaugural Event,
Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago, October
135. “Patriotism, Inc.”, Modern Language Association, San Diego,
December 2003.
136. “Political Economy of the Potato”, Department of English, UCLA,
January 2004.
137. “Political Economy of the Potato”, Lecture and faculty seminar, Mt.
Holyoke College, February, 2004.
138. “Subalterns in Motion: Irish Labour and Migration”, U.C. Santa
Barbara conference on “The Subaltern and the Popular”, March 2004.
139. Poetry Reading, Cork Poetry Festival, Cork, Ireland, June 2004.
140. “Race under Erasure”, Keynote address, International Conference on
Performing Ethnicity, City College, New York, October 2004.
141. “Painting and Decolonization: Jack B. Yeats and Samuel Beckett”,
Columbia University, October 2004.
142. “Le rigueur dans le désespoir”, panel presentation, Conference of
the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, December 2004.
143. “Rage against the Divine”, panel presentation, Conference of the
Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, December 2004.
144. “Political Economy of the Potato”, seminar, Graduate Research
Group, Department of English, U.C. Berkeley, February, 2005.
145. “Political Economy of the Potato”, Keynote Address, Graduate Irish
Studies Conference, University of Chicago, March 2005.
146. “Ngugi: Decolonizing the Curriculum: (Towards a Spatial Turn in
the Humanities)”, U.C. Irvine, March 2005.
“Samuel Beckett: The Writing of Extremity, 1: Footfalls and Irish
Gothic,” lecture, University of Notre Dame Keough Graduate Summer
School, Dublin, July 2005.
148. “Samuel Beckett: The Writing of Extremity, 2: Endgame and the
Irish Famine,” lecture, University of Notre Dame Keough Graduate Summer
School, Dublin, July 2005.
“Samuel Beckett: The Writing of Extremity, 3: How It Is and the
Writing of Incarceration,” University of Notre Dame Keough Graduate
Summer School, Dublin, July 2005.
150. “Nationalisms against the State Reconsidered,” University of
Tallinn Symposium on Postcolonialism and Nationalism Theory, Tallinn,
Estonia, August 2005.
151. “Nationalism and Postcolonialism,” seminar, University of Tallinn
Summer School on Nationalism and Postcolonialism, August 2005.
“Samuel Beckett and Irish Studies”, keynote presentation to
inaugural colloquium of Southern California Irish Studies Group, U.C.
Irvine, September 2005.
153. “Painting and Decolonization: Samuel Beckett and Jack B. Yeats”,”
Hilliard Scholar lecture, University of Nevada, Reno, October 2005.
154. “Representation’s Coup: The Subaltern in Representation,” lecture,
University of Nevada, Reno, October 2005.
155. “The Subaltern in Representation”, lecture, Conference on The
Subaltern and the Popular, 2, U.C. Santa Barbara, October 2005.
156. Participant, Third Text panel on Criticism and Irish Art, National
College of Art and Design, Dublin, December 2005.
157. “The Medieval Sill: Postcolonial Temporalities in Joyce”, lecture
to Department of Comparative Literature, U.C. Irvine, March 2006.
158. “Irish Times: Colonialism, Modernity and Ireland”, seminar for
the Irish Studies Colloquium, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, March 2006.
159. “Normalization/Criminalization: Prison Protest and the ‘Welfare
State’”, States of Welfare Conference, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, March 2006.
160. “Painting and Decolonization: Samuel Beckett and Jack B. Yeats”,
National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, June 2006.
161. “The Pathological Sublime: Pleasure and Pain in the Colonial
Context”, Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, University of
Notre Dame, September 2006.
162. “Being the Problem: Colonialism and Interdisciplinarity”,
Symposium, Beyond the Boundary: Reading the Globe at Cambridge,
Cambridge University, September 2006.
163. “Mobile Figures”: panel for Vectors: Journal of Culture and
Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, American Studies Association,
Oakland, October 2006.
164. “Prison, the Body and the State”, The Subaltern-Popular Faculty
Workshop, UC Santa Barbara, November 2006.
165. “Normalization/Criminalization: Prison Protest and the ‘Welfare
State’”, lecture to Cultural Studies program, Claremont Graduate
University, November 2006.
“The Medieval Sill”, lecture to conference on “India and
Ireland: Colonialism, Nationalism, Modernity”, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, India, January 2007.
167. “Normalization/Criminalization: Prison Protest and the ‘Welfare
State’”, lecture, Colloquium on “Legal Reckonings: On the Subjects of
the Law”, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, February 2007.
168. “Normalization/Criminalization: Prison Protest and the ‘Welfare
State’”, seminar, Liverpool Hope University, UK, March 2007.
169. “Normalization/Criminalization: Prison Protest and the ‘Welfare
State’”, University of Chicago, April 2007.
170. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Puebla,
Mexico, April 2007.
171. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
lecture to Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College, June 2007.
172. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
lecture to Clinton American Studies Summer School, University College
Dublin, July 2007.
173. "Black Irish, Irish Whiteness, and Atlantic State Formation",
Boston College, October 2007.
174. “Keyword: Aesthetics”, Subaltern-Popular Workshop, U.C. Santa
Barbara, November 2007.
175: “To Live Surrounded by a White Song: The Sublimation of Race in
Experiment”, Panel of Aesthetics, Poetics and Race, MLA, Chicago,
176.“Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
lecture, Notre Dame University, February 2008.
177. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”, paper
at the “Postcolonialism and the Hit of the Real" conference, New York
University, March 2008.
178. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
lecture, University of Pittsburgh, March 2008.
179. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
keynote address, Conference on the Vernacular, Cornell University
Society for the Humanities, April 2008.
180. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
lecture, Liverpool Hope University, May 2008.
181. “Time Passante: from Forensic to Interrogation Modernity”,
lecture, Ateneo de Manila, The Philippines, July 2008.
182. “The Extorted Voice: from Guantanamo back to How It Is”,
lecture, University of Oregon, Eugene, October 2008.
183: “The Extorted Voice: from Guantanamo back to How It Is”, lecture,
Occidental College, October 2008.
184. “On Republican Reading: Ernie O’Malley, Irish Intellectual”,
lecture, University College Galway, November 2008.
185. Respondent, Conference on Irish Radical Theatre, Liverpool Hope
University, February 2009.
186. “The Extorted Voice: from Guantanamo back to How It Is”, lecture,
Liverpool Hope University, February 2009.
187. “Feargus O'Connor's Chartist Land Plan: The End of the
Clachan?”, lecture, New York University, April 2009.
188. “Responsibilities of the Worldly Intellectual (after Edward
Said)”, University of Minnesota, April 2009.
189. "The Poetics of Decision: Yeats, Benjamin and Schmitt",
University of Chicago, April 2009.
190. “Feargus O'Connor's Chartist Land Plan: The End of the
Clachan?”, keynote lecture, Graduate Conference, Claremont Graduate
University, April 2009.
191. “Going Nowhere: Oral Space in the Cell Block”, Franklin
Humanities Institute, Duke University, November 2009.
192. "Beckett's Thing: Bram Van Velde and the 'art of incarceration'",
lecture, Duke University, November 2009.
193. Panel: “Academic Freedom and the Right to Education: The
Question of Palestine”, American Studies Association Conference,
Washington, DC, November 2009.
194. "Beckett's Thing: Bram Van Velde and the 'art of incarceration'",
lecture, Liverpool Hope University, November 2009.
195. "Beckett's Thing: Bram Van Velde and the 'art of incarceration'",
lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, February, 2010.
196. "Beckett's Thing: Bram Van Velde and the 'art of incarceration'",
lecture, University of Chicago, May 2010.
197. “The Irish Revival: Taking the Long View”, University of Notre
Dame Keough Graduate Summer School, Dublin, June 2010.
198. "The Poetics of Decision: Yeats, Benjamin and Schmitt", University
of Notre Dame Keough Graduate Summer School, Dublin, June 2010.
199. "Beckett's Thing: Bram Van Velde and the 'art of incarceration'",
University of Notre Dame Keough Graduate Summer School, Dublin, June
200. “Torture and Ethics: The ‘Subject of Affectability’ and the Limits
of a Rights-Based Approach to Torture Abolition”, Conference on “Law,
Violence and the State”, University of Southern California, September
201. "The Poetics of Decision: Yeats, Benjamin and Schmitt", Keynote,
Southern California Irish Studies Colloquium, Scripps College, October
202. "The Poetics of Decision: Yeats, Benjamin and Schmitt",
University of Utah, November 2010.
203. “Torture and Ethics: The ‘Subject of Affectability’ and the
Limits of a Rights-Based Approach to Torture Abolition”, American
Studies Association Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 2010.
204. “Education and Critical Citizenship”, Roundtable talk, USC
Philosophy Club, December 2010.
205. Panel discussant, “Is the Postcolonial South Asian?”, MLA
Convention, Los Angeles, January 2011.
French: Excellent reading; near fluent speaking and writing.
German: Good reading; fair speaking.
Spanish: Good reading; fair speaking.
Dutch: Excellent reading; near fluent speaking.