Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR)
Course Approval Sheet
Department __Psychology_
Course Number__PSY 305____
Course Title__Contemporary Issues in Psychology_(Variant Topics)
Contact Person_Julia Lewis, Chair_______ Email_jmlewis@sfsu.edu_
Phone X _87555______
This proposal is a: (please check one)
_XX____ Minor Modification to an Existing Course
_____ Substantial Modification to an Existing Course
_____ Completely New Course
Relationship of course to major(s). Please indicate how this course fits in the major.
PSY 305 is currently an elective for the Psychology major. It is currently considered a
“breadth” course and may be taken as part of 18 units of “additional” courses required in
addition to 12 units of “Basic courses” and 11 units of “Core” courses. By making PSY
305 the GWAR course we will be making this course a de facto core course in the
Psychology major thus reducing the number of “additional” courses to 15 units.
We are proposing to utilize PSY 305 as our GWAR course by standardizing this course
according to the GWAR requirements. We will have a Master Syllabus which has fixed
elements including Course Description and Objectives, Student Learning Outcomes, a
standard required writing text, writing assignments, processes of reviewing and
assessing writing assignments and rubric for grading. (See Attached Master Syllabus).
We calculate that we will be offering 8 sections of GWAR per semester; 16 sections per
year to service all of our majors. PSY 305 is a variant topics course so each person who
teaches this course will, in addition to following the standardized GWAR requirements,
“drop in” text/readings specific to their topic, craft the writing assignments to their topic,
and have some flexibility in assignments and assessments pertaining to the 40% of the
grade not required by GWAR.
Because the “topic” of PSY 305 is specified in the class schedule each “new” topic needs
to be approved in the appropriate manner. We currently have over 30 topics listed that
already are approved as the course has been taught over the years. People teaching
PSY 305 as GWAR may either select an existing topic or submit their new topic, which
will then be sent through the approval process.
By making PSY 305 our GWAR course in the manner specified above we will be able to
1. Broaden the range of courses offered to our students each semester and 2. enable all
of our (now 23 FT) faculty to be able to teach the GWAR course in a topic area that
corresponds to their professional interests and expertise. We plan to establish a rotation
system for teaching GWAR that involves all faculty and that makes it possible to plan
GWAR teaching several semesters in advance and around program, research and other
responsibilities. We have had several meetings with John Kim about funding and have
come to an agreement (pending approval) about the ratio of GWAR our faculty can cover
each semester.
Prerequisite: A prerequisite for the course is the completion of English 214 or its equivalent with a
grade of “C-” or better. _XX____ Yes
_____ No
Please attach a course syllabus to this form.
Please indicate how this course meets each of the GWAR criteria:
(Note: You may respond either in the blanks below or on a separate sheet attached to this form.)
Criterion #1 - Class Size: Courses satisfying the GWAR should have an enrollment of 25 students
or fewer.
Enrollment limit will be set at no more than 25.
Criterion #2 - Number of Pages/Words: The overall assignments for the course will include a
minimum of 15 pages, meaning the equivalent of 4000 words, of formal writing that demonstrates
upper-division written English proficiency within the given discipline.
PSY 305 GWAR will have at least 2 written papers produced; at least one of which will involve
several stages that include peer- and instructor-feedback. The total page numbers of final writing
are at minimum 15; minimum of 4000 words of formal writing. PSY 305 GWAR will include
frequent in-class writing practice.
Criterion #3 - How Writing Will Affect the Final Grade: At least 60% of the grade in GWAR
courses must be based on written assignments and take-home essay exams (e.g., exams
designed to allow for revision), which are evaluated for both content and quality of writing.
At least 60% of the term grade for the PSY 305 GWAR course will be based on written work,
evaluated for both content and quality of writing. This 60% includes fixed requirements for a short
paper and article write up assignments (20% of the 60%) and a final paper including revisions
(40% of the 60%) (see attached Master Syllabus).
Criterion #4 - Revision of Assignments: GWAR courses must include substantive revision of
major, graded, written assignments in response to feedback.
In the PSY 305 GWAR course there will be at least two drafts of the major paper(s) that are
graded at each stage. The final grade for the papers will reflect the degree to which students
responded to the feedback that they received on the earlier draft(s). Substantial attention will be
paid to the way that students incorporate the writing conventions that they learn to their own work
and also to the way that they respond to and incorporate peer- and instructor-feedback.
Criterion #5 - Types of Assignments: GWAR courses should include a variety of writing
assignments that are distributed throughout the semester, rather than concentrated at the end.
The PSY 305 GWAR course will have several writing assignments. Students will be expected to
write continuously throughout the semester. A combination of low-stakes (non graded) and highstakes (graded) writing will be included in each course.
Criterion #6 - In-class Attention to Writing: GWAR course syllabi should reflect significant class
time devoted to instruction in writing conventions within the given discipline.
In the PSY 305 GWAR class, a substantial portion of each class session will be devoted to writing
conventions in academic and other contexts relevant to the class topic. The Master Syllabus
stipulates the overall writing topic for each class session; the instructor will then make that
required writing topic relevant to the topic/content of the course. Instruction in peer reviewing
and critique will be provided so that both peer review and instructor review will reflect an
integration of writing conventions with discipline- specific and course topic- specific professional
discussion and review.
Criterion # 7, Number of Units: GWAR courses should be at least 3 units.
The PSY 305 GWAR course will be 3 units.
Department Chair
Julia Lewis_________________
Print Name