career anchors of filipino academic executives

Lily P. Custodio*
Catanduanes State Colleges
College of Business and Accountancy
Virac, Catanduanes, Philippines 4800
Telephone: +63 052 811 2196
Telefax: +63 052 811 1485
Flinders University of South Australia
School of Commerce Research Paper: 00-13
ISSN 1441-3906
Careers research has principally been an area of research by Western researchers, and few
studies have been reported of research on non-Western subjects. Career researchers have
primarily focused on external motivators associated with organizational factors and
material incentives. Research investigating internalized career orientations is necessary
to match individual expectations with institutional human resource planning. This study
investigates the career anchors held by Filipino academic executives, using results from
administering Schein’s Career Orientations Inventory to academic executives. These
career anchors influence how academic executives and human resources management
should (1) plan institutional career paths, (2) nurture academic executives during their
careers, and (3) encourage appropriate communication about career advancement.
In the past decade there has been an explosion of research and writing about career
perceptions and career development. Most of this research has been undertaken by
Western researchers on Western subjects, and there have been few reports of research in
non-Western societies. The theories of career which guide research mostly have been
developed by Western theorists. There is an assumption in Western career theory that
individuals pursue one career at a time, and that any career change results in a serial
pattern of careers. There is also an assumption that the Western concept of career as a
series of events is universally applicable, but career patterns such as the lifetime
employment of Japanese executives in major corporations are not covered by Western
career theory.
In the Philippines, it is observed that it is common for executives to pursue simultaneous
careers. That is, during the day they work as, say bank vice-presidents, during the
evenings they work as faculty in graduate schools of business at private universities, and
at other times they work as independent consultants or manage the family business. In
such a context, researchers investigating career perceptions or career development are met
with a stare and a question “Which career are you asking about?”
Unable to identify previous investigations of careers in the Philippines, this researcher
identified academic executives in state universities and colleges in Bicol Region,
Philippines as a group on which to carry out initial studies of career anchors. Public
servants, including academics in these state universities and colleges, are required by law
not to have a second, simultaneous, career.
Career Anchors
The aspect of career investigated was career anchors.
The career anchor model
developed by Edgar Schein, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has received
considerable attention.
Schein (1978) coined the term career anchor to describe a
constellation of self-perceived attitudes, values, needs and talents that develops over time,
and which when developed, shapes and guides career choices and directions. It can be
thought of as a central component of the self-concept that executives are unwilling to
relinquish, even when forced to make a difficult choice. The career anchor is significant
because it influences career choices, affects decisions to move from one job to another,
shapes what individuals are looking for in life, determines their views of the future,
influences the selection of specific occupations and work settings, and affects their
reactions to work experiences (Schein, 1988). He postulated that individuals’ career
anchors gradually come to be their own definition of career success (Schein, 1974, 1978).
Schein (1993) pointed out that all people develop some kind of picture of their work life
and their own role in it. Derr (1986a) and Igbaria & Baroudi (1993) asserted that this
work role focuses on the individuals’ self-concept and career values - the internal career.
Career anchors are important element of individuals’ internal careers. This is the result of
their conscious educational, work and career decisions (Schein, 1990). In this context,
the career anchor theory signifies nonmonetary or psychological factors (Barth, 1993).
Schein (1978) identified five career anchors during research conducted in the early 1960s,
managerial competence represents the need to be competent in the activities
associated with management such as problem analysis skills, emotional stability, and
interpersonal competence;
technical competence is associated with motivation for the challenge of a technical
field, functional area, or content of the work (not the managerial process);
security/stability anchor symbolizes the desire for an organization that provides longrun stability, good benefits, and basic job security;
entrepreneurial creativity embodies the need to create something, that is, to try new
projects; and
autonomy encompasses people’s need
professional or technical competence.
be free of constraint to pursue
While it is recognized that work experience in early years is particularly influential in
forming individual career anchors, these dispositions also are applicable in later career
stages (Crepeau, Crook, Goslar, & McMurtrey, 1992; Schein, 1978).
DeLong (1982a, 1982b) attempted to validate the career anchor model empirically.
Beyond the five anchors identified by Schein, he investigated three additional career
anchors. These are:
identity - the desire for status and prestige from
companies or organizations;
belonging to certain
sense of service - concern with helping others and seeing changes that result from
efforts; and
variety - the desire for several different challenges.
Operationalizing Schein’s model through research questionnaires, DeLong’s (1982a,
1982b, 1982c) studies validated Schein’s conclusions by clearly identifying the five
anchors and, moreover, distinguishing these additional three career anchors. He also
found that the security/stability anchor emerged as two independent anchors. One,
stability, represents individuals who will accept an organizational definition of their
The other, security, is demonstrated by individuals who will move from
company to company to ensure permanence in a geographical area (DeLong, 1982a,
1982b, 1982c).
Schein’s (1985, 1987a, 1993) subsequent career history interviews of several hundred
people in various career stages found that the identity anchor can be viewed as an
extension of the security/stability anchor.
Recent studies (Applin, 1982; Igbaria &
Baroudi, 1993; Igbaria, Greenhaus & Parasuraman, 1991), however, have identified a
type of career anchor defined by the belief that it should somehow be possible to integrate
work, family, and self-concerns into a coherent lifestyle - the lifestyle integration anchor.
Similarly, recent studies (Applin, 1982; Igbaria & Barroudi, 193; Igbaria et al, 1991;
Schein, 1985, 1987a, 1993) have reported that the variety anchor is favored by individuals
who defined all work situations as self-tests that are won or lost against either an absolute
standard or an actual competitor. Thus the label pure challenge was adopted as the
essence of the variety anchor.
The lifestyle integration anchor supports the recent trend in human resource management
(HRM) that recognizes the way people value the importance of balancing work and
family responsibilities (Adler & Ghadar, 1990; Smith, 1992; Welch, 1994a, 1994b;
Zedeck, 1992). The pure challenge anchor, on the other hand, illustrates the general
contention about the ‘winning’ attitude of executives; that is, they value competition and
challenge as essential ingredients of success (Campbell, 1987). These characteristics are
especially true among executives whose career success orientations are getting ahead,
getting free, and getting high (Derr, 1986a, 1986b). Simply put, they are success-oriented
executives (Rogers, 1987).
Responding to the present trends in human resource
management and in executives orientations toward their careers, it would be more
appropriate to utilize the anchors pure challenge and lifestyle integration instead of
identity and variety anchors.
This study was designed to investigate career anchors of Filipino academic executives.
Review of similar research studies conducted in different fields provided insights in
undertaking this study. Research studies (e.g., Applin, 1982; Burke, 1983; Burke &
Deszca, 1987, 1988; Crepeau et al, 1992; DeLong, 1983; Igbaria & Baroudi, 1993;
Igbaria et al, 1991; Slabbert, 1987) have looked at occupational groups such as dentists,
engineers, law enforcement officers, managers, management consultants, and
management information system personnel in Western countries. These studies found that
their subjects were oriented to most of these career anchors, although some of these were
identified as more dominant than others. Among management consultants, Applin (1982)
found that these people had three dominant career anchors, (i.e., autonomy, pure
challenge and managerial competence). Burke’s (1983) and Slabbert’s (1987) studies of
managers showed that these individuals had managerial competence, technical/functional
competence, pure challenge and autonomy as their most dominant career anchors. While
law enforcement officers were found to be more oriented to autonomy, pure challenge
and sense of service (Burke & Deszca, 1987, 1988). Management information system
personnel were found to have managerial competence, technical/functional competence,
autonomy and lifestyle integration as their more prevalent career orientations (Crepeau et
al, 1992; Igbaria & Baroudi, 1993; Igbaria et al, 1991). DeLong (1983) concluded that
the central career drives in his study of dentists’ career orientations were pure challenge
and entrepreneurial creativity.
Although the security and stability anchors did not surface as more dominant than the
career anchors in any of the studies reviewed, such anchors were part of the wide variety
of career orientation of the subjects. There is a dearth of research studies on career
anchors of academic executives, though DeLong (1982c) and Zerdavis (1982) examined
the career anchors of educators. These studies identified educators as service-oriented in
their careers. The other anchors exhibited by educators are managerial competence,
autonomy, variety and creativity. Most educators seemed interested in a multifaceted
approach to teaching. Others, however, had technical/functional competence and
geographical security as their central career anchors. In the Philippines, however, no
comparable study of career anchors could be identified.
Given the dearth of previous research in the Philippines, this study examined whether
these career anchors are operative for those in the academic field.
Two research
propositions were investigated.
Proposition 1: Academic executives possess a wide variety of career anchors.
While there have been a number of studies investigating career perspectives in other
career fields (e.g., engineering, medicine, law, education, religion), little empirical
research has been published that specifically looked at the career anchors of academic
Research noted above involving different occupations established that
subjects in these groups are oriented in all or most of the career anchors described earlier,
with some being more dominant than others (Burke & Deszca, 1987; DeLong, 1982;
1983). Support for this proposition would establish that academic executives are similar
to personnel in other fields. However, an analysis is necessary to confirm or refute this
traditional perspective; also, investigation of this proposition enlarges the academic
executives career research foundation for more productive insights into career planning of
this group of people. Thus the following proposition was also examined:
Proposition 2: The dominant career anchors exhibited by academic executives
will be sense of service and managerial competence.
Among academics, it is speculated in the literature on career anchors that these
individuals are service-oriented. This is because the education profession is dedicated for
the welfare of others (Schein, 1987a). Recent research (Delong, 1982c) has reported that
educators are indeed service-oriented although they also possess some of the other career
anchors. Given the academic administrative involvement of the subjects in this study,
they can also be viewed as managerially oriented in their careers. Support for this
proposition is crucial considering the prevailing views of academic executives.
The Career Orientation Inventory (COI) (see Appendix A) survey developed by Schein in
collaboration with DeLong was used for data collection. The COI has been refined and
validated in several studies including Burke (1983), DeLong (1982a, 1982b, 1982c) and
Wood, Winston & Polkosnik (1985). The COI provides a pretested instrument with
demonstrated high internal validity ad reliability. The instrument contains 41 items that
measure eight career anchors described earlier. Six-point Likert response scales for
subject responses were designed to avoid neutral answers: previous researchers have
administered four-, five- and six-point scales.
Subjects in this research were 116 academic executives in four state universities and
colleges in Bicol Region of the Philippines. Data were gathered in the months of March
and April in 1995. Usable responses were received from 114 persons, corresponding to a
response rate of 98.28 per cent. Of the respondents, 49 were males and 65 were females.
Six respondents were presidents or vice-presidents, 46 were academic or non-academic
deans, and 62 were department chairpersons. No distinction was made in this study
between persons holding acting and substantive positions.
Factor analysis tests were run on the data to determine whether respondents’ ratings on 41
Career Orientations Inventory (COI) items will respond to the nine career anchors.
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (Hair, Anderson & Tatham, 1987) and the Kaiser-MeyerOlkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy (Kaiser, 1974) were employed. Both tests
were conducted due to the sensitivity associated with the large sample size. These results
suggest the presence of homogenous groups of variables and appropriate application of
factor analysis.
Principal components analysis confirmed the existence of career anchors among academic
executives. Factor analysis applying varimax rotation identified eight factors using the
latent root and scree criterion. Appendix A lists survey questions used for each construct
with notation for those items that did not satisfy a minimum factor loading of 0.50
(consistent with Delong, 1982a).
The analysis identified the following factors: (1)
lifestyle integration, (2) sense of service, (3) managerial competence, (4) autonomy, (5)
geographical security, (6) entrepreneurship creativity, (7) technical competence, and (8)
organizational stability. Since responses associated with the pure challenge construct did
not load on any factor, they were excluded from further analysis. Subject responses
clearly distinguished two dimensions of Schein’s security/stability anchor: organizational
stability (i.e., long-term employment) and geographic location (i.e., remaining in one
geographical location). These results are consistent with prior research (see DeLong,
1982a; 1982b).
Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for each factor to establish reliability and determine
internal consistency (Churchill, 1979). As reported in Table 1, ranges of 0.5–0.8 surpass
acceptable reliability coefficient levels (Nunally, 1967).
Table 1. Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficients
Career variables
Lifestyle integration
Sense of service
Managerial competence
Geographical security
Entrepreneurship creativity
Technical competence
Organizational stability
A two-order factor analysis (Anderson, 1985; Kumar & Dillon, 1990; Loehlin, 1987)
was employed to summarize subject responses.
DeLong (1982a, 1982b) used this
approach to determine which factors would cluster together and found that his samples
clustered into two distinct groups based on similarities of career anchors. A similar
clustering occurred with the samples of this study. The results of this second factor
analysis are found in Table 2.
Table 2. Breakdown of the Nine Career Anchors into Two Major Factors
Career Anchors
Factor 1
Factor 2
Lifestyle integration
Sense of service
Managerial competence
Geographical security
Entrepreneurship creativity
Technical competence
Organizational stability
* Coefficients under each column which clustered together.
Results of this research demonstrate that study respondents possess several, largely
independent, career anchors. Eight career anchors are evident: (1) lifestyle integration,
(2) sense of service, (3) managerial competence, (4) autonomy, (5) geographical security,
(6) entrepreneurship creativity, (7) technical competence, and (8) organizational stability.
Thus, proposition 1 is supported.
In contrast to previous studies entailing other
occupational groups, respondents in this sample do not exhibit a pure challenge career
anchor. This result is quite surprising considering the nature of work of the respondents.
Being in university administration one would expect that these respondents face a lot of
challenges in their careers. However, this result may be explained by some other factors
considering the nature of the respondents.
Academic administration may not be
challenging on their part. As Schein (1972) noted that individual career anchors are
developed over a period of time and one’s experience would have some effects over their
In this case, therefore, it could be assumed that the majority study
respondents are at ease with their administrative work and that they have already passed
the test of time. Challenges to them may be viewed as a natural thing in their academic
administrative work.
Individuals who are oriented to lifestyle integration desire to develop a lifestyle that
integrates family concerns, career concerns, and concerns for self-development. Previous
related research on career orientations (i.e., Applin, 1982; Igbaria & Baroudi, 1993;
Igbaria et al, 1991) reported that executives were concerned of the possibility of
integrating work, family and self-concerns into a coherent lifestyle.
This was an
indication that individuals are aware of choosing careers that balance their professional
and private lives. Among Filipinos, they give much attention to their families, and they
work in order to earn the logistics necessary to support themselves and their families.
Cordero-Fernando (1992) pointed out that members of Filipino families are each others’
lending bank, health and accident insurance, social welfare and death benefit. That is,
every member of the family has to share each other’s fortune. Hence, lifestyle integration
could be a common career orientation among Filipinos.
Employees who are oriented to sense of service are dedicated to serve people and to make
the world a better place to live and work. Slabbert (1987) and Slabbert-Van Aardt (1990)
reported that employees in the public sector are oriented to sense of service. In this study,
the subjects are employed by the public sector. Philippine state universities and colleges
(SUCs) are established to cater to the educational needs of the masses. These institutions
of higher education are owned, controlled, and subsidized by the national government of
the Republic of the Philippines. Additionally, DeLong (1987) Zerdavis (1982) concluded
that people in the teaching profession were dedicated to serving people.
Managerially-oriented employees wish to supervise, influence, and lead others. They
seek promotion to general management. Given the orientation of the respondents in this
study, it could be argued that these academic executives have prepared and planned for
their promotions.
Likewise, most studies on career orientations (i.e., Burke, 1983;
Crepeau et al, 1992; Slabbert, 1987; Slabbert-Van Aardt, 1990) have reported that
individuals in managerial positions are oriented to managerial competence.
Autonomy-oriented individuals seek work situations in which they will be maximally free
of organizational constraints and restrictions to pursue their professional competence.
Philippine SUCs operate as independent systems although they are directly supervised by
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). This means that individuals responsible
in running the affairs of these institutions independently plan and implement their
programs, projects, and activities. These programs, however, can be implemented after
approval by the Board of Trustees. Given this scenario, it would be logical for the
academic executives in this study to be oriented to autonomy.
Entrepreneurship creativity is the orientation of individuals who need to create something
on their own by developing a new product or service, by building a new business
enterprise through financial manipulation, or by starting and building a business of their
own (Schein, 1993). It is within the Filipino system to be entrepreneurially creative.
Many of them are entrepreneurs in their own ways. Many Filipinos would prefer to find a
second job or to set up a business of their own especially when their material necessities
are not met by their first jobs. To others, however, having a business of their own while
at the same time being gainfully employed is not only a source of wealth but social
prestige as well.
Individuals who focus on functional area represented by their work are technically
oriented in their careers. The academic executives involved in this study represented a
cross-section of professionals. They are accountants, biologists, chemists, educators,
engineers, journalists, lawyers, management consultants, management information
systems experts, nurses, scientists, and the like. As college or university professors, they
impart to the students their knowledge and skills as professionals in their chosen field of
study. Hence, it would not be surprising if the subjects were oriented to technical
These results clearly distinguish two separate security/stability factors that have been
labeled geographic security and organizational stability.
Although DeLong (1982a)
recognized this difference, security/stability has primarily been referred to as a single
anchor in previous research. In this sample, a clear distinction exists. In this study,
organizational stability is defined as the willingness to accept an organizational
(compared with a personally developed) career definition.
Geographic security is
contingent with individuals who will move from organization to organization to insure
permanence in one geographic area.
Geographically secured employees put down roots in a particular place. These are those
people who wish to be in one particular place for the rest of their working lives especially
if the other members of their families also dwell in such a place. Filipinos are familycentered individuals. These people are not affected by any sufferings as long as the
members of the family live together (Jocano, 1992). The family is an environment where
a Filipino can be oneself (Andres, 1981). “Home is where the Filipino is” (Camagay,
1992:41). Filipinos could dwell anywhere provided they are with their families or kin
Employees who secure ties with the organization are oriented to organizational stability.
The respondents in this study were committed to their organizations and were married to
their professions given the view that academic executives follow linear careers. That is,
they planned and prepared for their careers. Hence, the academic executives in this study
could be inferred to have chosen and decided for their careers in academic administration.
Schein (1990) pointed out that individuals’ career orientations are the results of their
conscious reasons for educational, work, and career decisions.
The second-order factor analysis tested proposition 2. This statistical technique facilitates
identification of respondent groups that cluster together based on similarities in career
orientations. Two groups of academic executives were determined. As shown in Table
2, the first group of academic executives value autonomy, geographical security,
entrepreneurial creativity, technical competence, and organizational stability. The second
group values lifestyle integration, sense of service, and managerial competence.
The first group values several career anchors. Autonomy is one of the anchors that these
respondents value in their careers. This means that this group of academic executives
value freedom in managing their respective institutions. Every state college or university
in the Philippines is autonomous in terms of administration. While the respondents value
autonomy in their careers, they are also oriented to geographical security, organizational
stability, entrepreneurial creativity and technical competence. Typical Filipino academic
executives are married to their professions and would choose to remain in the place where
they have already established a status or a name as academic administrators. Just like any
other executive, they are expected and should possess the expertise, skills and technical
knowledge in managing an academic institution. In any managerial endeavor one is
expected to be creative in dealing with numerous responsibilities and challenges
including a number of dilemmas and built-in problems.
Three career anchors were determined as being valuable to the second group of academic
executives in this study. These academic executives value lifestyle integration, sense of
service, and managerial competence. This shows that these people can balance their
family and career concerns. It suggests that while they are married to their profession
their family is not neglected. It can be inferred that these academic executives are
concerned of a balanced professional and private life. As emphasized by Amante (1993),
Filipinos consider a day’s work as an eight-hour job, and the rest of their time is for social
and family life. On the other hand, being in academic administration or being with people
with teaching as their profession, it is expected that these academic executives are
oriented to serving the welfare of others. Moreover, as executives they must possess the
competence of leading and managing people.
Results clearly support the proposition that the academic executives involved in this study
possess a wide variety of career anchors. As expected among executives, they should be
managerially and technically oriented in their careers. It was noted, however, that these
anchors are not their only focus for career decisions. They were found to possess other
anchors such as lifestyle integration, sense of service, autonomy, entrepreneurial
creativity, organizational stability, and geographic security.
Human resource planning, utilization and evaluation in the educational systems arena
must involve both organizational and individual interests to avoid unproductive career
decision making. The scarcity of job opportunities in the Philippines is one aspect to
consider in making career decisions (Arcelo & Sanyal, 1987; Putti, Shapiro & Kang,
1984). It was reported by Garcia (1986) that many Filipinos became academics because
that was the only job available at that time. Considering the career anchors of the
respondents, therefore, career management is not a simple task. They are lucky enough to
be in a position where their career needs and expectations are met. The research results
indicated, however, that managerial or technical competence is not the major anchor of
any of the respondents. Although as academic executives, they are expected to be either
managerially or technically oriented.
In this case, there must be some aspects to
reconcile. As Morin (1992) asserted, individuals’ success in their careers is dependent on
the way organizations allow people to succeed in their own terms within the context of
organizational needs.
Therefore, both organizations and individuals concerned are responsible in shaping the
kind of career that they want. This responsibility, per se, is inevitable since they know
exactly what they want from their careers that will satisfy their needs and expectations.
know the kind of career that will suit their competence.
This means that
individuals should identify their needs, motives, and goals, so they can work out how to
align them with the needs of the organization.
Organizations or employers, on the other hand, must find a way to inspire, motivate, and
appropriately reward employees. These organizational concerns about the careers of
employees could be realized through the cooperation of those concerned. This means that
employees must relate their career needs and motives to their organizations. Hence for
organizations to achieve an effective human resource planning and development, they
should match their needs for human resources with individuals’ needs for personal
growth and development (Morin, 1992; Schein, 1982, 1987b).
Future studies are required to determine the extent to which the internal career
orientations (career anchors) of Filipino academic executives found in this study matches
the external career options provided by organizations. This research constitutes an initial
step toward exploring this important area.
While the career anchors identified by this study are representative of academic
executives as an occupational group, difference among career anchors across job
functions (i.e., presidents and vice-presidents, deans, department chairpersons) may yield
perspectives enabling academic institutions to establish more effective personnel
The teaching and non-teaching staff in these institutions also require
analytical career perspective of this kind. Finally, replication with a larger and more
geographically dispersed sample of academics is certainly warranted. It is hoped that this
study will serve as a catalyst for such future research.
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Appendix A
The 41 COI Items Organized by Career Anchors
(Response Scale, Completely True to Not at All True, Omitted)
Importance of:
Managerial Competence
1. The process of supervising, influencing, leading and controlling people at all levels.*
2. To be in a position of leadership and influence.*
3. To rise to a position of leadership and influence
4. I would like to reach a level of responsibility in an organization where my decisions
really make a difference.
5. I want to achieve a position which gives me the opportunity to combine analytical
competence with supervision of people.
Technical and Functional Competence
1. To build my career around some specific functional or technical area.
2. Remaining in my specialized area as opposed to being promoted out of my area of
3. Remaining in my area of expertise rather than being promoted into general
4. I will accept a management position only if it is in my area of expertise.
5. I would leave my organization rather than be promoted out of my area of expertise.*
1. The chance to pursue my own lifestyle and not be constrained by the rule of an
2. A career which is free from organization restrictions.
3. A career which permits a maximum of freedom and autonomy to choose my own
work hours.*
4. During my career I have been mainly concerned with my own sense of freedom and
5. I do not want to be constrained by either an organization or the business world.
Organizational Stability
1. An organization which will provide security through guaranteed work, benefits, and
good retirement program.
2. An organization which will give me long run stability.
3. I prefer to work for an organization which provides lifetime employment.
Geographic Security
1. Remaining in one geographic area rather than being prompted into moving because
of a promotion.
It is important for me to remain in my present geographical location rather than to
move because of promotion or new job assignment.
I prefer to work for an organization that will permit me to remain in one geographical
Sense of Service
1. The use of my interpersonal and helping skills in the service of others.
2. The process of seeing others change because of my effort.*
3. Being able to use my skills and talents in the service of an important cause.
4. I have always sought a career in which I could be of service to others.
5. I want a career in which I can be committed and devoted to an important cause.
Lifestyle Integration
1. Developing a life cycle that balances my career and family needs.
2. Developing a career that permits me to continue to pursue my own lifestyle.
3. I have always tried to give equal weight to my family and to my career.
4. A career is worthwhile only if it enables me to lead my life in my own way.
5. Choosing and maintaining a certain lifestyle is more important than is career success.
Entrepreneurial Creativity
1. To be able to create or build something that is entirely my own product or idea.
2. The use of my skills in building a new business enterprise.
3. I have been motivated throughout my career by the number of ideas or products
which I have been directly involved in creating.
4. Entrepreneurial activities are an important part of my career.
5. I have always wanted to start and build up a business of my own.
Pure Challenge
1. Working on problems that are almost insoluble.*
2. Competing with and winning out over others.*
3. The real challenge in my career has been confronting and solving tough problems, no
matter what area they were in.*
4. Competing and winning are the most important exciting parts of my career.*
5. I feel successful only if I am constantly challenged by a tough problems or a
competitive situation.*
*Item did not meet 0.50 minimum factor loading.