September 12, 2005

UHH Congress Executive Committee (CEC): Minutes of Sept 12, 2005 meeting
Attendance: Rick Castberg, Jim Mellon, Jene Michaud, Kelly Burke, Marilyn Brown, Jerry Calton, Beau
Butts (UHSA Vice President,, Genesis Gavino
1. Standing Committees.
The chairs of the standing committees are working on filling vacancies in the committees. By
September 23, chairs will provide names of those willing to be appointed to new two-year terms.
2. Other Committees.
 The CEC moves that Congress convenes an ad hoc committee on admissions for the 05-06
year. The purview of the committee will be undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions
and re-admittance. The charge of the committee shall be to summarize relevant information
about admissions and recommend which faculty government body should set admissions
criteria. For example it is conceivable that congress will set general admissions policy, and
individual colleges have the option of setting stricter criteria for themselves.
The CEC recommends the formation of an ad hoc committee on Student Success for the 0506 year. The purview of the committee will be retention, advising and remediation. The
charge of the committee will be to work with student affairs, academic affairs and the
colleges to prioritize which of the past recommendations of the advising/student success
committees will be implemented. Jene Michaud will identify members to serve on the
Admissions and Student Success Committees.
At a later time, the CEC will look into the possibility of forming a standing congress
committee on student success.
3. The following issues have been brought before congress. (The outcome of the discussion is
indicated in parentheses.)
VCAA Hora requests that Congress review suggested changes in the duties and qualifications
of teaching faculty. (This issue was referred to the Academic Policy Committee.)
Student affairs and the CAS Deans office has noted that the new policy on how repeat
courses are graded (the last grade received supercedes previous grades) will create several
problems when students flunk a course they previously got a passing grade in. One problem
will be the flood of requests for late drops when students realize they are flunking. A more
serious problem is that students could have credits from previous semester erased, which
could result in having to pay back financial aid. This issue needs to be re-examined by the
4. Clarification of process for implementing academic policies passed by congress. When congress
passes a new academic policy, we must send a letter to the VCAA requesting that it be
implemented. (Note: this didn't happen for several polcies and resolutions that were passed last
5. Congress appointments
Jene has asked Lee Putnam to proceed with seeing if Walt Dudly is willing to replace Kenny Simmons on
the Presidential Scholars Selection Committee. (Ron Ammudson is already appointed to the Reagents
Scholarship Selection Committee.)
The CEC nominates Rick Castberg to serve as the Congress representative to the Graduate Council.
The CEC nominates Jerry Calton to serve as the UHH representative to the System Budget Committee.
7. The draft agenda for the Sept 23, 2005 meeting was discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Jene Michaud, Chair