What are the funding rules - Salto

What are the funding rules?
The budget of the project must be drafted according to the following funding rules:
A) Action 2 Overview of funding rules
Eligible costs
Rule of allocation
Reporting obligations
Travel costs from home to the venue of the
project and return (one return ticket). Use of
the cheapest means and fares (Economy
class flight ticket, 2nd class train ticket).
Recruitment, preparation of the volunteer,
staying in contact with the volunteer,
evaluation, administration/communication.
Support to the volunteer (task-related,
linguistic and personal support, mentor),
accommodation, food, local transport,
Percentage of
actual costs
100% of eligible costs
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of travel
Scale of unit costs
€ 450 x number of volunteers
Achievements to be described
in final report.
Scale of unit costs
€ 450 x number of volunteers x
number of months of Service abroad
Visa costs, visarelated costs
and vaccination
Visa costs, visa-related costs, residence
permit and vaccination costs.
Percentage of
actual costs
100% of eligible costs
‘Pocket money’ of the volunteer for
additional personal expenses (to be given
weekly or monthly).
Monthly allowance in € x number of
months of Service abroad x number of
Costs for coordination, monitoring,
networking, communications, administration,
arranging insurance, helping with visa,
arranging meetings of the promoters.
NOT granted if there is only one HO and one
Costs linked to additional dissemination and
exploitation of project's results.
Scale of unit costs
see table D
Scale of unit costs
Conditional: need for and
objectives of exceptional
costs must be justified in
application form
Achievements to be described
in final report.
Signed declaration of the
volunteer regarding the support
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of
Travel costs of
the volunteer(s)
Sending Activity
Host Activity
Costs for
and exploitation
of results
Signed declaration of the
Conditional: content and
objectives of coordinating
activities must be justified in
the application form.
Achievements to be described
in the final report.
Scale of unit costs
€ 180 x number of promoters
(excluding the Coordinating
€ 150 x number of volunteers
Percentage of
actual costs
100% of eligible costs
Up to € 500 x number of promoters
Conditional: dissemination
and exploitation activities
must be clearly outlined in
the application form
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of
Achievements to be described
in final report.
Action 2 Overview of additional funding rules for projects including young people with fewer opportunities
Eligible costs
Costs related to
an Advance
Planning Visit
Travel costs from home to the venue
of the project and return. Use of the
cheapest means and fares (Economy
class flight ticket, 2nd class train ticket)
Accommodation costs and other costs
during the visit.
Percentage of
actual costs
Scale of unit
Cost related to a
Costs directly related to additional
personal support to volunteers with
fewer opportunities during preparation,
EVS Activity abroad.
Scale of unit
Exceptional costs
Costs directly related to volunteers
with fewer opportunities/special needs.
Percentage of
actual costs
100% of eligible costs
€ 48 x number of nights (max. 2
nights) x number of participants of
Sending Organisation
€ 250 x number of volunteers x
number of months of Service abroad
100% of eligible costs
Rule of allocation
Reporting obligations
Conditional: need for and
objectives of Advance
Planning Visit must be
justified in the application
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of travel
Conditional: need for and
objectives of reinforced
mentorship as well as details
of personal support must be
justified and explained in the
application form
Conditional: the request for
financial support to cover
exceptional costs must be
motivated in the application
Achievements to be described in
final report.
Achievements to be described in
final report.
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of
Which costs can be covered under the category exceptional costs?
Exceptional costs eligible for grant are costs related to young people with fewer opportunities and/or with special needs.
In this case, the grant may cover, for example, medical visits; health care; additional linguistic training/support; additional preparation; special premises or equipment; additional
accompanying person; additional personal expenses in the case of economic disadvantage; translation/ interpretation.
For a definition of eligible and non-eligible costs, please consult Part C of this Guide.
Action 2 Training and Evaluation Cycle
Eligible costs
Costs related to
Costs directly linked to the
organisation of the event, including
travel costs to the training place and
Costs related to
training, midterm evaluation,
evaluation of the
Costs directly linked to the
organisation of the event, including
travel costs to the training place and
Percentage of
actual costs
Percentage of
actual costs
Rule of allocation
Reporting obligations
100% of eligible costs
Up to € 900 x number of participants
(volunteers, trainers, etc.)
NOT granted for training taking
place in a Programme Country or in
South East Europe (since, in these
countries, training sessions are
organised by or on behalf of the
National Agencies and SALTO SEE free of charge), unless
exceptionally authorised.
For training taking place in other
countries, the allocation is
conditional: objectives, content,
and a programme of the planned
activities must be described/
included in application and be in
line with Commission’s minimum
standards for volunteer training.
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of
100% of eligible costs
Up to € 500 x number of participants
(volunteers, trainers, etc.)
NOT granted for training taking
place in a Programme Country or in
South East Europe (since, in these
countries, training sessions are
organised by or on behalf of the
National Agencies and SALTO SEE free of charge), unless
exceptionally authorised.
For training taking place in other
countries, the allocation is
conditional: objectives, content,
and a programme of the planned
activities must be described/
included in application and be in
line with Commission’s minimum
standards for volunteer training.
Full justification of the costs
incurred, copy of
* Lump sums and scales of unit costs can be adapted by National Agencies. A promoter applying at national level must use the lump sums and scales of unit costs defined by the National
Agency of its country. The amounts applicable at national level are published on the websites of the European Commission and of the National Agencies