New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation
2990 Campus Box  (336) 278-7777   Moseley 218
August 24, 2015
Dear Orientation Leader,
We are excited about your interest in Head Staff and are looking forward to Orientation 2016! Much
of the planning for next year’s opening takes place long before the new students are welcomed into
the Elon community. As you may know, the members of Head Staff play an integral part in the
recruitment, selection, and training of Orientation Leaders, as well as assisting in the implementation
of Opening Weekend.
As a member of Head Staff you will be required to attend the Head Staff Retreats (October 23-25,
2015 and February 12-14, 2016) and the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (March 11-13,
2016). Additionally, you will be required to attend the spring orientation trainings (March 6, April
5th, and May3rd). Please take these dates into consideration and plan accordingly. If accepted to
Head Staff, you will be required to have access to Orientation 2015 t-shirts, so please retain all shirts
given to you by NSO.
To apply for a position on Head Staff, submit a cover letter, resume, two letters of recommendation
(one must be from an Elon faculty or staff member) and the information sheet to Katie Burr (Moseley
206) no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 4th, 2015. In addition to any information you
deem appropriate, your cover letter should include what has motivated you to apply for Head Staff,
and what skills, talents, or character traits you possess that would make you an asset to the
program. Please note that letters of recommendation are also due September 4th and should be
sent to CB 2990 or delivered to Moseley 206.
The application process will involve two (20-minute) interviews. The first interview will be with a
panel of faculty, staff, and students between September 7th- 10th, 2015. The second individual
interview with Katie will occur September 15th -17th, 2015. Please sign up for both interviews when
you submit your application and remember appropriate interview attire.
We welcome you to speak with us further about the opportunity of joining Head Staff. Thank you
again for you time and dedication to Orientation 2015 and good luck!
Katie A. Burr
Director of New Student & Transition Programs
Abbie Dalton
Coordinator of NSO