HP District 279 Health Grade Level Standards

District 279 Health Grade Level Standards
1. Understand the principles of vehicle safety.
2. Understand the effects of conflict and violence on society.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of medical and first aid safety.
4. Understand the impact that local and global natural disasters and man-made
terrorism have on health.
5. Understand the impact of substance use on long-term goals and development of
healthy life-style.
6. Examine attitudes about alternatives to chemical use.
7. Demonstrate understanding of addiction.
8. Understand the effects of alcohol use.
9. Identify the effects that nutrition and fitness have on quality of life.
10. Understand how consumers impact the environment.
11. Understand the implications of health care in our society.
12. Understand self-concept and its importance in total wellness.
13. Develop stress management skills.
14. Demonstrate the ability to set short and long-term goals to support a healthy lifestyle.
15. Identify the influence of media on health.
16. Understand that protection occurs through decisions, not after the fact.
17. Understand relationship between stress and disease.
18. Understand self-responsibility for health care.
19. Describe STI’s and examine their future impact.
20. Draw conclusions about prevention and cure.
21. Investigate and report resources to obtain help.
22. Identify male and female reproductive organs.
23. Describe the ideal date and the purpose of dating.
24. Explore relationships, how they develop, and their responsibilities.
25. Know various forms of contraception and how they work.
26. Investigate and evaluate parenting skills.
27. Examine gender differences in attitudes toward sexuality.
28. Develop an understanding of sexual orientation.
29. Examine attitudes toward intimacy and what it means.
22.Identify male and female reproductive organs.
23.Consider gender differences in attitudes toward sexuality.
24.Identify the issues, purposes and responsibilities of friendship and dating, such as
communication, commitment and compatibility.
25.Explore relationships and how they are built and responsibilities.
26.Be encouraged to abstain from sexual behavior until marriage
 Learn the value of refraining from sexual activity until marriage.
 Learn the abstaining from sexual activity until marriage provides the freedom
to pursue personal goals without worrying about physical, emotional, financial
and other concerns relating to premarital sexual activity.
 Learn that abstinence until marriage has been the cultural norm throughout
27.Understand that abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent conception
and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s).
28.Develop an understanding for sexual self-control.
 Learn that men and women are capable of controlling how they act on their
physical and emotional desires.
 Learn that they have a responsibility to make wise decisions concerning their
 Learn that sex is not simply a physical or mechanical act.
 Learn that males and females feel consequences of premarital sexual activity
in different ways and thus have different psychological responses.
 Recognize that love requires commitment that is a conscious daily decision
not based solely on feelings or self-interest.
29.Learn to avoid the consequence of premarital sexual behavior.
 Only physical safe sex is having sex with your uninfected marriage partner
who is having sex only with you.
 Premarital sexual activity hurts a person’s emotional, physical, psychological
and/or spiritual development and may have long-term consequences.
 Learn about struggles of teenage pregnancy and parenting.
30.Value the institution of marriage.
Marriage is a life-long commitment of love and fidelity between a husband
and wife.
 Life-long benefits of a committed marriage.
 The historical purpose and significance of marriage.
31.Value the importance of family/parenthood.
 Recognize the roles and responsibilities of each family member.
 Recognize that marriage between a man and a woman is the best way to
provide a stable family, which is the foundation of society.
32.Understand fetal development.
 Learn the stages of prenatal development.
 Use correct terms to describe fetal development.
33.Identify and define healthy moral values which lead to healthy
relationships such as respect, equality, honesty, promise-keeping
(commitment), self control, responsibility, fidelity, integrity, fairness
and kindness.
34.Recognize that the media may portray premarital sexual activity and
infidelity without showing the physical, emotional, psychological and
spiritual consequences.
35. Learn the importance of depending on one’s family values, not just
personal preferences, when making decisions.
 Being encouraged to seek parents’ help and guidance.
 Learn ways to increase effective communications with parents.
 Students who have religious beliefs will be encouraged to depend on the
wisdom that can be found in these teaching.
 Know sources of help and shelter locations.