Christmas Lunch Letter Dec 2015

Hill Avenue, Wickford, Essex SS11 8LT
Tel: 01268 734649
10 November 2015
Dear Parents
Christmas Lunch – Thursday 17th December
I am pleased to remind you that the school’s Christmas Lunch will be held on Thursday 17th December,
please see attached menu. We do hope all the children will wish to participate. The cost of lunch on this day will
be £2.50. Please return the slip with payment in an envelope clearly marked “Christmas Dinner”, with your
child’s name and class. This meal must be paid for separately and money on cards CANNOT be used.
Could we please ask that the reply slip is returned for all children indicating whether they are having a
packed lunch, school dinner or going home by Friday 20th November.
We regret that due to ordering arrangements with the kitchen supplier we are only able to secure a Christmas
lunch for your child if we have received a reply slip together with payment, if required, by Friday 20th
November. Any orders received after this date will not be able to be processed and your child will not be able to
have a school Christmas Lunch. If your child is in receipt of free school meals please return the slip indicating
their lunch choice, but no payment is necessary.
Please note there will be no jacket potatoes or salad on offer.
Yours sincerely
Mrs A J Waite
Child’s Name …………………………………………………………………. Class …………………………………….
Please tick one of the following options and return to the School with paymen (if required) NO LATER THAN
FRIDAY 20TH NOVEMBER. The cost of Christmas dinner is £2.50. (If in receipt of free school meals only the
slip needs to be returned). Due to having to order in advance, we cannot use credit that you may have on
your child’s dinner account on this occasion.
My child would like Roast Turkey
My child will be bringing a packed lunch
My child would like Roast Quorn Fillet
My child will be going home for lunch on this day.
Signed: ………………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Hilltop Junior School is the registered name of Hilltop Junior School Academy Trust
Hilltop Junior School, a company limited by guarantee
Registered as a company in England and Wales, registered number 7711826
Registered office: Hilltop Junior School, Hill Avenue, Wickford, Essex SS11 8LT