4/5 th Grade Chorus Expectations

Elden Elementary School 4th/5th Grade Chorus
Chorus Behavior Contract
I understand that being a member of Chorus is a privilege and serious commitment.
Because of the number of students and important performances, it is important that
we work as a team. Attendance and positive, active participation is necessary
during chorus for the most success! Mrs. Kahl will remind students about positive
character at the start of each rehearsal.
The following discipline policy is subject to every student in chorus.
3 warning system
1st warning – A warning will be given to the student to stop inappropriate behavior. After chorus Mrs. Kahl and
student will discuss solutions to the problem.
2nd warning – Mrs. Kahl will call the student’s parents to inform them of the problem that has occurred and discuss
how the problem will be fixed.
3rd warning – Student may be removed from chorus until the issue is resolved with parents, student, Mrs. Kahl, and
Mr. Cardamone.
Being a responsible student is very important to me!
Chorus is going to be great! I know Mrs. Kahl has many exciting things planned
for us this year. We will practice and work hard together to perform for our
parents and friends
Students Signature
Parents Signature