Classroom Management Plan

Mrs. Rivera’s Classroom Management/Procedure Plan
Instructor Name: Mrs. Marilyn Villarreal-Rivera Course Title: Resource Reading
Contact Information: or Nolan Middle School
I. Beginning Class
Homework Policy
Students will be given homework on Monday. Students will be expected to return their
homework to the appropriate period file within the first five minutes of class on Friday.
Upon Entering the Classroom
“On time” means that students are in their seat, with materials ready when class begins. The
students will: retrieve their Interactive Notebook, sit down in their seats, and do the writing
prompt on the board.
*Time between classes and/or during lunch time is an appropriate time to take care of
bathroom stops, phone calls, office visits, etc.
Absent Students
When a student is absent, upon entering the room the next day they must pick up assignments
from the absent folder in the student file! This also applies to students in ISS or on a field trip.
Bathroom Policy
Bathroom breaks are a privilege, and they will be earned. Any student with any medical condition
must submit a doctor’s note expressing the medical condition desiring frequent bathroom breaks.
Students will not be allowed to go to the restroom TEN minutes before the bell or TEN minutes
after the bell. Students who wish to go to the restroom MUST demonstrate a substantial amount
of work completed before exiting the classroom.
Materials Policy
Student should come to class every day with the appropriate materials (paper, pencils, markers,
glue, scissors, etc). I allow students to borrow materials when they submit to me their Nolan
Middle School Identification Card as collateral.
Tardy students
There will be no classroom penalty to students that are late to my class. Students who are late to
my class will receive an MOR from the campus. Tardy students are still responsible for
completing his/her daily assignments. Upon arrival, the tardy slip will be entered into the student
profile folder for further reference. If tardiness is continuous for one particular student then
his/her parents will be contacted.
Distributing Materials
Each student is responsible for supplying pencils, markers, crayons, and erasers. When materials
such as rulers, scissors, and glue are needed, then I will ensure that the students have the
appropriate tools on their desks to succeed.
Group Work Norms
1. Use your inside voices
2. Use upper level thinking questions
3. Write Cornell notes
4. Breathe, Communicate, Think, Plan, Create
5. Encouraging words ONLY!
II. Classroom Rules
Discipline procedures
Continuously reflect upon…
1. How you interact, speak, and respond to the teacher
2. How you share, pair, think, and treat your neighbor and group mates
3. How you handle, utilize, and deal with another person’s belongings.
When the above and posted rules are violated...
Student will receive one warning
Student will be moved to a location more favorable for learning
Student will receive a letter/email/phone call for their parent.
Student will receive an MOR
After multiple MORs and parent contact-student will receive a referral
The slant method will be used through out the class period. When a student is prepared physically
for information, then the mind will follow.
S-Sit up straight
L-Lean forward
A-Activate thinking
N-Note important points
T- Track the speaker
Expected student behavior
All students are expected to follow classroom rules. They must exhibit appropriate behavior
throughout the day. When any student begins to interfere with teaching act, interfere with other
students’ right to learn, does something physically or psychologically unsafe, or damages school
property, they will face the consequences put in place by the teacher. The following items are
NOT permitted in my classroom unless specifically instructed by me, the teacher.
- Cell phones (Educational Purposes ONLY and they must be placed “home” upon
- Game systems
- Food items including chewing gum
- Music Players such as Ipods or mp3 players
- Rubber bands or any toy objects
III. Academic Feedback
Teacher/Student Conference
Students will be required to meet one on one with the teacher for any of the following reasons:
struggling in academics or classroom behavior, tutoring sessions, too many absent or late slips,
conference at parents request, and most importantly, a job well done!
A rubric will be submitted by me, the teacher, and signed by each student for ALL big
assignments. Expectations will be made clear to all students before beginning an extensive
assignment. The district grading policy is as follows;
Assignment Type
Regular Course
Rewards and Incentives
When doing something appropriate, like following a rule or listening to the teacher’s directions,
the student will be given a ticket. Every nine weeks that child will be able to use their tickets for
the Rivera Class Shop. Items in the store will be donated by the teacher.
Posting Student Work
Every child will get the opportunity to be recognized for a job well done. Their work will be
posted on the “Mustang Pride” wall inside of the classroom.
Communicating with Parents
While I do have a conference period, it is also my planning period. If you are wishing to speak
via phone or in person, an appointment must be set.
Progress Reports
Parents will be given the opportunity to know their child’s progress by checking the campus site,
home access. Progress reports will not be sent home in the mail by the teacher but sent by Nolan
Middle School.
IV. Work Requirements
Interactive Notebook Requirements
Students will be required to maintain and keep up, all year long, with a Composition Notebook.
Every 9 weeks they must keep a table of contents with their daily input and output of work. On
the left side of the their spiral they will have bell work and daily reflection. On the left side they
will have notes, handouts, foldables, diagrams etc. that are given by the teacher.
Due Dates
Students will be required to meet due dates for all assignments. When a due date is missed a
certain penalty will apply depending on the assignment and how late the assignment was turned
in. All my homework assigned for the week will be due on Friday of every week.
Neatness and Legibility
The student will be required to write legibly on all assignments. If the teacher is unable to
comprehend what the student writes, then the student will be required to rewrite the assignment
using their best penmanship.
Incomplete or Late Work
Students are required to complete all assignments in their entirety. When assignments are
continuously turned in incomplete the students will be required to meet one on one with the
teacher (mandatory tutoring) and a phone call will be made to the parent.
V. Monitoring, Assessing, Grading, Student Work
In-class Participation
Participation points will be a small portion of quarter grades. Student participation will be based
on student interaction during group activities, having desired materials for class, volunteering
during lesson instruction, and class work inside their interactive notebooks.
Completion of In-class Assignments
All in-class assignments will be required to be filled out in their entirety. Once a student finishes
an in-class assignment it will be turned in to the daily bin or neatly arranged in their composition
notebook. All in-class assignments will be graded and given back to the student for feedback.
Completion of Stages of Long-term Assignment
When a long-term assignment is issued, the child will receive a checklist for progress. A set
amount of criteria will be assigned for each day. The student will turn in their checklist on a
weekly basis for teacher approval.
Monitoring all Students
Students will be monitored through quizzes, unit tests, and standardized tests given by the state.
During the year a portfolio will be kept for every student with his or her best work. Parents can
view this portfolio at any time in the school year.
Students Exchanging Work With Other students
When a student is correcting a paper the student must use the revising code set by the teacher.
Correct answers must be left untouched. The grading students must sign their name on the bottom
after posting the grade or positive comments in the top left corner of the assignment.