OMT - Angel`s Star Wellness Center

Osteopathic Manipulation Information
What is Osteopathic?
Traditional Osteopathy is holistic or “whole person” approach to healing.
Osteopaths are trained to look at the mind, body and spirit, rather than focus only
on the diseased parts. They embrace the philosophy that the body has an innate
or natural ability to heal itself. By using hands on manipulation techniques, the
osteopath removes physical restrictions that cause pain or disease and allow the
body to heal naturally.
What is D.O.?
Osteopaths or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) are fully licensed physicians like MD
who are authorized to prescribe medication, perform surgery, and order all
diagnostic tests. While attending their own medical schools, DO are responsible
for the same academic courses as MD but receive additional training in the study
of body’s musculoskeletal system.
Why choose an Osteopathic?
Osteopaths believe in the body’s innate healing ability. A DO offers a variety of
non invasive healing treatment not traditionally available from allopathic
physicians (MD). In contrast to chiropractors, DO is a fully licensed physician
trained to prescribe medication and perform all diagnostic tests.
What is Osteopathic Manipulation Medicine (OMM) and Osteopathic
Manipulative Treatment (OMT)?
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) is a specialty of osteopathy that
emphasizes a hand-on approach to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness or injury.
Osteopaths work with their hands to identify areas where body structure is
abnormally impaired or restricted. Using gentle and precise osteopathic
manipulation treatment (OMT) techniques, restrictions are removed, pain is
relieved and the body is able to heal itself.
Who can benefit from O.M.T?
People of all ages and backgrounds, including infants, children, athletes,
workers, and the elderly have all experienced pain relief and improved mobility
from OMT.
Osteopathic Manipulation promotes deep relaxation and well-being. OMT also
helps to maintain health and prevent disease or injury.
What type of conditions can OMT be used for?
Pain Relief:
- Neck, back, and shoulder pain
- Headaches, and migraines
- Sprains and strains
- Muscle aches
- Joint pain
- Sciatica
- Overuse Syndromes
- Sport injuries and accident related injuries
Illness/ Medical Conditions
- Asthma
- Sinusitis
- Bronchitis
- Frequent colds and sore throats
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Back pain
- Groin pain
- Leg swelling
Infants and Children:
- Colic
- Spitting up
- Suckling difficulty
- Birth Trauma
- Delayed development
- Recurrent ear infections
How does OMT work?
In order for the body to maintain health, it must have normal nerve function and
be able to circulate all of its fluids (ex. blood, lymph, digestive fluids, cerebral
spinal fluids etc). These fluids carry hormones, enzymes, nutrition, and oxygen
required to regulate the body and sustain health. Any blockage of the fluids or
nerves results in pain or disease. These blockages may be structural or nonstructural.
Structural (physical) blocks may be in the bones, tissues or organs. Osteopathic
manipulation uses gentle hands-on techniques to remove physical blocks – this
restores normal structure and function, which promotes innate healing and pain
Non-structural impediments may include emotional patterns or memories that
create physical stress on the body which result in pain or disease. These are
often responses to stressful incidents of the past or present, or are of a repetitive
nature. Non-structural impediments may be helped with OMT or with spiritualmedical healing.
What osteopathic manipulation treatment (OMT) techniques are used?
Depending on your condition, different osteopathic treatment techniques are
used. Some examples including: soft tissue, myofascial release, cranial-sacral,
visceral manipulation, muscle energy, lymphatic, Jones strain-counterstrain,
facilitated positional release and cranial biodynamics.
What is an Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment like?
Most patients are treated sitting or lying down. All treatments are specific to the
patient and their particular condition. A variety of techniques are used: some
resemble stretching while others are very light in touch. During the treatment
some patients feel a sense of relaxation, warmth, or tingling. Others report no
sensation at all.
For those who have never experience it, Osteopathic manipulation is difficult to
describe, as it is unlike any other form of manual therapy. It is not massage, reiki,
or chiropractic. Many patients cannot even feel most of the Osteopath’s most
effective techniques.
Are there any side effects to a treatment?
Most patients experience deep relaxation and improvement of symptoms.
Adverse effects may include, but are not limited to: muscles aches, and the
possible aggravation of symptoms existing prior or treatment. which usually
resolve in 1-2 days.
How long does it take to get better?
Many factors are involved in healing. A patient in general good health responds
more quickly than someone with a chronic problem. A chronic condition takes
years to develop and takes longer to heal. Depending on the nature of problem,
an individual may be helped within a few treatments, while others require a much
longer periods of time. Once pain is resolved, maintenance care is offered to help
prevent recurrence of pain or disease.