
Classes in the Department of General, Oncologic and Paediatric Urology include:
- tutorials according to the schedule, between 7:45 – 10:45
- Seminars according to the schedule, between 12:00 – 13:30
Tutorials include taking part in the morning report, in the morning visit, assisting to the dressing
exchanges, examinations of the patients with the emphasis on urologic examinations, assisting to
selected surgeries on the urologic operation room or endoscopy room, assisting to diagnostic
examinations such as urography, cystography, retrograde pielography , ultrasonographic examinations of
the abdomen, transrectal ultrasonographic examinations.
TEACHERS: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Wolski
I. Name of the unit offering the course: Department of General, Oncological and Paediatric Urology
II. Head of the Unit/course coordinator: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Wolski
III. 6th year, number of hours: 42
IV. Form of the classes: seminars: 12, tutorials: 30
V. Form of crediting: credit with grade
VII. Number of ECTS points: 2
VIII. Aims of the classes:
Practical classes include the following skills:
1. urology examination of the patient (history and physical examination)
2. Interpretation of the examination results
3. Defining the strategy of the examination process
4. Interpretation of the additional examinations – laboratory, imaging results
5. Knowledge of etiology and course of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary tract and the
knowledge of their diferentation
6. Per rectum examination of the patient with estimation of the prostate
7. Basics of the ultrasonography examination of the abdomen
8. Setting the preliminary clinical diagnosis basing on the urological examination and additional
radiologic and labolatory results and planing of the treatment
9. Knowledge of the action and aplication of the different medicaments used in urology
10. Correct introduction of the catheter into the bladder
11. Knowldege of the principles of the work in Urology Clinic and ESWL laboratory
12. Knowldege of the principles of the work in Urodynamic procedures workroom
take place within the Clinic and outpatient clinic.
During the exercises, the students are assigned to patients which they have to take care of, together with
the leading doctor. Students have to make themself familiar with the illnes history, they learn how to plan
additional examinations and take part in qualification process for the surgeries. In the last day of the
exercies, students are to pass the exercise test, which is based on describing the illnes of the patients that
they have been taking care of.
It is allowed to miss one day of exercises, or one seminar, if having a justified cause. How and when this
day will be re-done is to be agreed with the Head of the Clinic. Two days of missed exercises mean it is
necessary to repeat the whole cycle of exercises with the next group of students.
Seminars are done according to the attached schedule. Students have to come to Seminars prepared.
After doing the above activities, students are taking the course passing exam with notion in their index.
Necessary literature:
1. Pocket guidelines European Assotiation of Urology
2. Guidelines European Assotiation of Urology
3. Diferential diagnosis in urology – by J. Thuroff
Responsible for the classes in the Urology Clinic:
Magdalena Mikulska Jovanovic MD, FEBU, Janusz Tyloch MD
Department of General, Oncologic and Pediatric Urology
Head of the unit: Prof. dr hab. med. Zbigniew Wolski
Medical doctor faculty, Medical doctor majoring, study year VI
Responsible for realization of the program: Prof. dr hab. med. Zbigniew Wolski
Form of the activities: exercises and seminars – attendance compulsory
It is allowed to miss one day of exercises, or one seminar, if having a justified cause. How and
when this day will be re-done is to be agreed with the Head of the Clinic. Two days of missed
exercies mean it is necessary to repeat the whole cycle of exercises with the next group of
Form of passing: tutorials: .......... oral exam on the last day of tutorials
seminars: ......... compulsory attendance
course: ..... oral exam with note in the index; the student can attempt
doing the exam after passing exercises and the whole seminar cycle.
Hours count:
- exercises: 4 hours per day during 7 days for every student group,
- seminars: 2 hours per day during 6 days for every student group
Goal of the course: Passing the basic knowledge coverign diagnostics and treatment of urinary
tract diseases in adults and children
Course curriculum:
- The role of a family doctor in diagnosing urological diseases
- Symptomatology of urological diseases
- Urological diagnostics
- Urological tools, sterilisation
- Basic urologic surgeries
- Inflamatory disseases of urogenital organs
- Radiological diagnostic, CT, MRI, scintigraphy, urodynamic examinations and ultrasonography in
- Urinary lithiasis evaluation and medical management including modern methods of treatment
- Neoplasms ofthe upper and lower urinary tract (including prostate cancer) – diagnostic and
- Congenital anomalies of the urological tract
- Basic informations about pediatric urology
- Basic informations about gynecologic urology
- Diseases of male genital organs
- Diseases of prostate (BPH, prostatitis),
- Basic informations about andrology
- Erectile dysfunctions
- Acute urological cases
- Injuries of urogenital organs –nonoperative and operative treatments
11. The scope of materials for self-study by student. – Basic knowledge will be passed during
seminars. Students will expand their knowledge using the literature.
- Basic:
1. Pocket guidelines European Assotiation of Urology
2. Guidelines European Assotiation of Urology
3. Diferential diagnosis in urology – by J. Thuroff
1.Campbell Walsh Urology
12 Itemized list of practical skills and confirmation of passing grade is given on special form:
”Passing tests of practical skills”
Name and Surname of the student
Year of studies, group
Practical skill
1. Urologic examination of the patient
(history and physical examination)
2. Skill of interpretation of the examination
3. Skill of defining the strategy of the
diagnostic process
4. Interpretation of the additional –
laboratory tests and radiology imaging
5. Knowledge of etiology and course of
acute and chronic diseases of the urinary
tract and the knowledge of their
6. Setting the preliminary clinical diagnosis
basing on the urological and aditional
(laboratory and radiologic) examinations
and planing of the treatment
7. Knowledge of the action and aplication
of the different medicaments used in
8. Per rectum examination of the patient
with estimation of the prostate
9. Correct introduction of the catheter into
the bladder
10. Basics of the ultrasonography
examination of the abdomen
11. Knowldege of the principles of the
work in Urology Clinic and outpatient
12. Knowldege of the principles of the
date passed
authorised person
work in Urodynamic procedures laboratory
Passed exercises: date: .................................
signature: ...................................
Final grade: date: ....................... grade: ...................... signature: ...............................