Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus
Leadership In Organizations
MANA 4325-541
Professor Information
Name: Angela Boston
Telephone: (214) 514-3638 mobile
Office Hours: By Appointment
Course Information
MANA 4325 Section 541: Leadership In Organizations
Beginning Date of Session: Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Ending Date of Session: Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Meeting Times: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm – 6:50pm (classroom/lecture)
Required Text Book
Title: Leadership: A Communication Perspective
Author(s): Michael Z. Hackman and Craig E. Johnson
Publisher: Waveland Press, Inc.
Year Published: 2004
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 1-57766-284-9
Course Overview
This is an upper-level, seminar-based course examining leadership theory and research, and
emphasizing the development of leadership and interpersonal skills through self-assessment case
analysis, and experiential exercises. There are no prerequisites listed for this course.
Course Policies
Competencies: Upon completion of this course, the student will have demonstrated the
competencies as listed in the current edition of the university catalog.
Delivery Methodology: This course, MANA 4325-541, is offered as a lecture/classroom
course. This course requires that students meet at a designated time in the classroom. The
activities that we will utilize in the classroom consist of these: 1) Time reserved for instructor
lecture, 2) Time reserved for individual/group presentations, 3) Time reserved for research, selfassessments and development, and 4) Time reserved for exams. Emphasis is placed on active
learning, encouraging personal assessment and growth, fostering respect for theory and research,
and engaged dialogue of leadership stories and experiences.
Attendance/Participation: Students are expected to attend class and participate in the
exercises and activities. The attendance/participation of the student are essential to the learning
and to the overall success of the course. Group discussions and projects, class exercises, case
studies, and workshops cannot be made up for full credit. Attendance will be taken and many of
the insights gained in this course are experiential and require participation. Students are
Professor Angela Boston
required to keep us with assigned reading and activities. An absence on the day a student is
scheduled to deliver a presentation (either individual/group) will result in a grade of zero for that
Course Outline
Grading Criteria:
(5) Proactive Reading Reports
20pt each = 100pts
(1) Group Movie Analysis Project
= 100pts
(1) Mid-Term Exam
= 100pts
(1) Final Exam
= 50pts
Participation (exercises, case studies, projects, applications) = 50pts
= 50pts
Total pts = 450pts
Grading Scale:
450 – 405 = A
360 – 404 = B
315 – 359 = C
270 – 314 = D
269 & below = F
Grade Notifications: Each assignment/exam submitted will be reviewed, graded, and
returned to the student in a timely manner. In certain cases, the instructor may ask the
student/group to provide copies for future use or references and examples. Final grades are
available approximately one (1) week after the completion of the session. The instructor will not
leave messages or comments regarding grades in on any media that is not secured.
An “I” (incomplete grade) may be given at the discretion of the professor when emergencies
prevent students from competing course requirements. Should an “I” be granted, the student will
be given a set time to complete the requirements before an “F” grade is assigned.
Student Responsibilities
This syllabus contains information, policies, and procedures for this course, MANA 4325-541.
By enrolling, the student agrees to read, understand, and abide by the policies, rules, regulations,
and ethical standards of the university as contained in the current university catalog and schedule
of classes.
How to Withdraw from a course: To be considered official, the class withdrawal
must be in writing and signed by the student requesting the withdrawal; the professor will not
accept any withdrawals verbally or through email. Please refer to the university catalog for
procedures and the refund policy schedule.
Academic Honesty/Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else
information as though it were your own. If you use another person’s words, ideas, or
information or if you use material from a source—whether a book, magazine, newspaper,
Professor Angela Boston
business publication, broadcast, speed, or electronic media—you must acknowledge the source.
Failure to do so violates the university’s ethics policy and students will be disciplined
Bibliography: Research resources are available through the university physical library (oncampus) and the email library (on-line). Students may search for books, periodicals, and other
sources/materials pertaining to subjects covered in this course.
Tentative Class Schedule: Professor may modify/change, at her discretion.
T/TH Dates
Class information covered
T – 8/24 Th – 8/26
Course Introduction and Preview, Syllabus,
Read: Chapter 1 – Leadership and Communication
Lectures, activities, exercises, case study
Work on group selections for project.
T – 8/31 Th – 9/3
Chapter 1 – Leadership and Communication
Read: Chapter 2 – Leadership and Followership
Communication Styles; group selections finalized
Discuss Movie Analysis project; and movie
selection approvals; Lecture, activities,
case study and exercises
T – 9/7 Th – 9/9
Chapter 2 – Leadership and Follwership
Read: Chapter 3 – Traits, Situational, and
Functional, Leadership; Lecture, activities
exercises, case study: #1 Proactive Reading
Due: Tuesday 9/7
T – 9/14 Th – 9/16
Chapter 3 – Traits, Situational, and Functional
Leadership; Read: Chapter 4 – Transformational
and Charismatic Leadership; Lecture, activities,
exercises, case study.
T – 9/21 and Th – 9/23
Chapter 4 – Transformational and Charismatic
Leadership; Read: Chapter 5& 6 Leadership
and Power; Leadership and Influence; Lecture,
activities, exercises, and case study: #2 Proactive
Reading Due: Tuesday 9/21
T – 9/28 and Th – 9/30
Chapters 5 & 6 Leadership and Power; Leadership
and Influence; Read: Chapter 7 – Leadership in
Groups and Teams *Note: October 1st last day to
withdraw with a “W”
Professor Angela Boston
T – 10/5 and Th – 10/7
Chapter 7 – Leadership in Groups and Teams;
Read: Chapter 8 – Leadership in Organizations
Lecture, activities, exercises, case study:
#3 Proactive Reading due Tuesday 10/5
T – 10/12 and Th – 10/14
Chapter 8 – Leadership in Organizations
Class discussion and pre-exam Q&A
Read: Chapter 9 – Public Leadership
Midterm Exam: Thursday 10/14 (Chapters 1-8)
T – 10/19 and Th – 10/21
Chapter 9 – Public Leadership;
Read: Chapter 10 – Leadership and Diversity
Lecture, activities, exercises, case study;
#4 Proactive Reading due Tuesday 10/19
T – 10/26 and Th – 10/28
Chapter 10 – Leadership and Diversity
Read: Chapter 11 & 12 – Ethical Leadership and
Followership and Leadership Development
Lecture, activities, exercises, case study.
*Nov 1st
T – 11/2 and Th – 11/4
Chapter 11 – Ethical Leadership and Followership
Winter/Spring Registration Chapter 12 – Leadership Development
Lecture, activities, exercises, case study;
#5 Proactive Reading due Tuesday 11/2
Group Presentations Thursday 11/4
T – 11/9 and Th – 11/11
Group Presentations
T – 11/16 and Th – 11/18
Group Presentations
T – 11/23 and Th – 11/25
Research, Self-Assessment/Development
Thanksgiving Holidays (Be Safe!)
T – 11/30 and Th – 12/2
Group Presentations; Class Discussion
Final Review pre-exam Q &A
T 12/7
Final Exam 5:30pm – 8pm (Chapters 9-12)
All papers returned
December 10-12 Commencement Ceremonies (Congratulations it was worth the hassle!!)
Professor Angela Boston