Warm Springs Middle School ASB

Warm Springs Middle School ASB
Election Packet 2011-2012
Thank you for your interest in running for the Associated Student Body Board! Being in
ASB is an important job that requires a lot of time, effort, dedication and responsibility. It
also is very rewarding, gives you great memories, opportunities to have fun, and gets
you involved in the school and the decisions that affect every student. ASB officers are
in charge of the school activities for the entire year.
Please read this packet carefully. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will
result in disqualification. If you have any questions, please see ASB Advisor Mrs. Lane
either before or after school in room 610. Be sure you know the deadlines and meet
them. Thank you for supporting your student body, your school, and for wanting to
impact lives and change futures here at Warm Springs Middle School!
ASB Officers must satisfy the following requirements in order to be a member of
the ASB Class:
• Must have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA throughout the school year.
• Must enroll and maintain enrollment in the ASB class (Period 4)
• Must be ready to commit a lot of time and energy into keeping WSMS as the best
school in the area.
• Must be a role-model in both academics and behavior. Referrals and/or suspensions
of any nature will constitute removal from their position.
Applicants will need to return this letter with signatures to Mrs. Lane in room 610 by April
8, 2011. Late applications will not be accepted, as responsibility is part of being in leadership.
You will give four teachers your recommendation slip and they will return it to me directly.
ASB Leadership Class
If you are accepted into ASB, you will participate in an ASB class during 4th period. This
is a year-long elective class that becomes your explore class. You will have an
opportunity to make a difference and influence school policies and activities. During the
course of the year, you will see first-hand how student government works and become
part of a democratic team to experience how decisions are made and implemented.
Please understand that all students automatically start off with a B in the class
and must work themselves up to an A grade. I look forward to an exciting and
adventurous year with everyone! If there are any questions please contact Mrs. Lane at
rlane@murrieta.k12.ca.us or at 951-696-3503 x 3180.
Student: ___________________________ Current Grade Level: __________
Parent/Guardian: ______________________________ Date: _____________
ASB Elections: April 27th and 28th (campaigning)
Voting: April 29th during 2nd period. Results: by 3PM
Speeches: During WSTV- 30 seconds per speech
Appointed Positions: Interviews will be scheduled with each candidate
Warm Springs Middle School
ASB Code of Conduct
Please read through carefully
I, the undersigned, solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will abide by the following Code of Conduct set forth by
Warm Springs Middle School. The following standards of eligibility, conduct, and responsibilities shall apply
to all members during their term of office.
I. Academic Achievement
• I will maintain an academic 3.0 grade point average throughout the entire 2010-2011 school year.
• If I receive less than a 3.0 GPA during a semester, I understand that there will be consequences and
limitations to my involvement in ASB, such as: being taken out of the ASB Leadership Class.
II. Behavioral Standards
• As a member of ASB, I realize that my conduct must be beyond reproach at all times, on and off campus.
• I will uphold the constitution and my oath of office.
• I will cooperate with and support the ASB President, ASB Director, and Warm Springs Middle School
• I understand if I am suspended from Warm Springs Middle School, I may be suspended from ASB
temporarily or permanently, as determined by the WSMS Administration Team.
• Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in immediate removal from office as determined by the
WSMS Administration Team.
III. Leadership Class/Leadership Training
Leadership class is an essential part of ASB. Being a part of this class means you will constantly learn how
to improve your leadership skills. Leadership class will meet during 4th period.
• I will enroll in this class
• I understand that the course syllabus for this class will be available at the start of the school year.
• I understand that the same school rules apply in this classroom as any other, including dress code.
• I understand that I am to show up to class on time. (Being late will result in a tardy.)
• I understand that I am not to use my cell phone/electronic devices in class. Class time will be used for
instruction and projects.
• I understand that it is my responsibility to work on projects/assignments given to me during class periods.
• I understand that, regardless of my position, I will be assigned various tasks that deal with all aspects of
• I understand that I will be assigned work tasks at all ASB functions and that it is my responsibility to work at
ASB events.
• I understand that being in ASB is a huge time commitment. I am prepared to work before school, lunch,
and after school.
• I understand that I am expected to set up and clean up after all activities.
• I understand that I will be assigned, and expected to execute, tasks by the Activities Director and/or the
ASB President.
IV. Other Items
• I will follow election guidelines as stated in the 2010 Warm Springs Election Packet.
Violation of any of the stated rules is cause for removal from office. Removal from office is determined by the
Warm Springs Middle School Administration Team.
Candidate Printed Name
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Candidate Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Body President
Leads daily classes
Acts as chief representative for WSMS in and out of school
Meets with Mrs. Lane to help plan the class agenda
Helps to plan events throughout the year
Must be confident with public speaking
Student Body Vice-President
Stands in for president if he/she is absent (see above)
Helps in delegating tasks and keeping ASB members on task
Works closely with ASB president to make sure they represent class well
Helps to choose music during lunch time
Must be confident with public speaking
Spirit Commissioner
Plans lunch-time activities (including choosing a theme, planning games, finding
staff participants, and logistics)
Plans/ creates other spirit events on campus.
Makes sure that the school stays spirited
Includes public speaking at rallies
Takes notes at all ASB meetings and prepares written materials to be distributed
Organizes information pertinent for each position
Maintains accurate records and makes sure that all groups on campus have
accurate records
Regularly updates any new information
Helps to keep track of inventory and what needs to be ordered
Helps to maintain accurate account information and balances
Analyzes expenditures and helps to maximize funds available
Coordinates development of reports (fundraisers, tracking items, etc…)
Helps to keep track of inventory and what needs to be ordered
A.S.B. 2011-2012
ASB President
ASB Vice-President
Spirit Commissioner
Appointed Positions
Public Relations
WSTV Coordinator
Website Technician
Supplies Manager
Coordinator of Special Events
Commissioner of Recognition
Coordinator of Student Activities
Coordinator of Staff Activities
8th grade Class Representative
7th grade Class Representative
Commissioner of Publicity
Commissioner of Communication
Candidates must complete this page.
Name: __________________________
Respond to each question in a short and thorough paragraph.
What talents, skills, and knowledge will you bring to ASB?
What program, club, or activities does WSMS currently not have that you
would like to see implemented? How would this program better student
life at WSMS?
Our community (school and home) has many pressing issues, such as:
litter, bullying, respect, people in need (food pantry, animal shelters, basic
human needs, etc…). Choose one community issue and devise a plan
that ASB could become involved with in helping out with these causes.
Meaning, give steps to implement a plan on how to address the issue and
make a change that will impact the school or community.
What is a leader, and what does it mean to be a leader? What kind of
leader are you?
Honesty, integrity, trust, and loyalty: Which one do you feel is the most
important for a person or group to be successful.
Write a 2-3 paragraph essay in which you answer the following questions:
1- Who is your role model? What makes them a role model? Why do you
look up to them?
2- What impact do you want to make at your school and in your community?
3- What do you hope to achieve and what difference would you make to the
Make sure to give clear reasons as to why you should be chosen for the
ASB/Leadership class.
Attach these two responses to your application.
Course Purpose: Students will develop as moral and ethical leaders with a primary
focus on building communication, citizenship, community, and diversity and equity
within our campus.
Course Essential Questions:
1. What is a Leader?
2. What type of community would you like to create?
3. How can you make a positive difference in our community?
4. How can our mission best guide our activities?
5. What will be our legacy?
Academically the class will explore:
Aspects of Leadership
Decision Making
Communication Skills
Evaluation Processes
* Organizational Skills
* School and Community Leadership
* Problem Solving/Conflict Management
* Public Relations
* Public Speaking
Production wise we will be involved in organizing and implementing many
school activities including:
Student Orientation
Student Recognition Programs
Staff Appreciation
Spirit Days/Week
* Lunch Activities
* Assemblies
* School Service Projects
* Special Recognitions
* Activity Program Marketing
Student Outcomes:
Have the knowledge and skills necessary to bring about a positive change
Build relationships and learn from people of all backgrounds
Work with others to achieve goals
Know about themselves and use that knowledge to enhance their work
Be responsible and reliable in their work
Expand, strengthen and/or create projects
Move beyond “how” and onto “why” things are and should be
Recognize the skills and viewpoints of others as assets
Students acquiring leadership skills:
learn best by doing
want to create
want to express themselves and be heard
need a variety of learning opportunities
need time to reflect
learn from each other
need time to debrief at the end of projects
develop best when they are supported by peers