references– depression in older adults: diagnosis, treatment and

Blazer, D. Depression in Late Life (3rd ed.) Springer Publishing, 2002
Overview of topic, especially good demographics
Bonjean, M. Elders Enhancing Exceptions in J.L. Ronch and J. Goldfield (Eds.) Mental Wellness and Aging:
Strength Based Approaches, Health Professions Press, 2003.
Application of solution focused therapy to work with older adults
DeRubies, R. Gelfand,L. Tang,T. and Simons, A. Medications versus cognitive behavior therapy for severely
depressed outpatients: Mega – analysis of four randomized comparisons. American Journal of Psychiatry.
156,1007-1013, 1999.
Meta analysis of all relevant literature on mid-life adults – equally treated by medication or one of the
empirically supported psychotherapies – severity of depression not a predictor of outcomes
Gallagher-Thompson, D. and Thompson, L. W., Applying Cognitive Behavior Therapy to the Psychological
Problems of Later Life in S. H. Zarit and B. G. Knight (Eds.) A Guide to Psychotherapy and Aging: Effective
Clinical Interventions in Late Stage Context,1996, American Psychological Ass.
Summarizes cognitive behavioral research
Hollon, S., Munoz, R., Barlow, D., Beardslee, W. Bell, C., Bernal,G. Psychosocial interventions development
for the prevention and treatment of depression: Promoting innovation and increasing access. Biological
Psychiatry, 52, 610 –630, 2002.
Patients meeting criteria for severe depression treated as effectively by CBT as medication
Karel, M.,Oglandhand, S. and Gatz, M. Assessing and Treating Late-life Depression: A Casebook and Resource
Guide, Basic Books, 2002.
Keller, m., McCullough, J., Klien, D. Arnow, B, Dunner, D. Gelenberg, A. et. al. A comparison of nefazodone,
the cognitive behavioral –analysis system of psychotherapy, and their combination for the treatment of chronic
depression. New England Journal of Medicine. 342, 1462-1470, 2000.
Combination of CBT and medication may be superior when depression is chronic
Lewinsohn, M., Zeiss, A., Duncan, E. Probability of relapse after recovery from an episode of depression.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 98, 107-116, 1989
Large community based sample, 1,130 older adults, to examine reoccurrence – 45% had a second episode
over a ten year period and 15% had a third episode
Lipchik, E. Beyond Technique in Solution-Focused Therapy: Working With Emotions and the Therapeutic
Relationship, Guilford Press, 2002.
Guide to solution focused therapy
Mueller, T. & Leon, A. Recovery, chronicity, and levels of psychopathology in major depression. Psychiatry
Clinics of North America, 19, 85-102, 1996.
Reynolds, C., Frank, E., Dew, M., Houck ,P. Miller, M., Mazumdar, et al. Treatment of 70 plus year olds with
recurrent major depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 7, 64-69, 1999.
Schneider, L. Meta-analysis from a clinicians perspective. In L.S. Schneider, C. Reynolds, B Lebowitz & A.
Friedhoff (Eds.) Diagnosis and treatment of depression in late life (pp. 361-373) American Psychiatric Press,
Scogin, F., & McFlreath, L. Efficacy of psychosocial treatments for geriatric depression: A quantitative review.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 69-74, 1994.
Smyer, M.. and Qualls, S. Aging and Mental Illness, Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
Overview of mental health issues in late life
Williamson, G., Shaffer, D. and Parmalee, P., Physical Illness and Depression in Older Adults: A Handbook of
Theory, Research and Practice, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2000.
Zeiss, A.M. & Breckenridge, J. Treatment of late life depression: A response to the NIH Concensus Conference.
Behavior Therapy, 28, 3-21, 1997.
Compared meta analysis of psychotherapy outcomes and analysis of medication outcomes – finding
equally good outcomes for both