Class: Geometry Teacher: Mrs - Hartville R

Class: Geometry Teacher: Mrs. Ward Phone: 741-6223
Conference Period: 4th hour (11:00 am to 11:46 am)
Classroom Rules
Geometry Topics
1. Lines and Angles
2. Triangles
3. Quadrilaterals and Circles
4. Area and Volume
Students will be expected to come to class everyday prepared and ready to participate. You will not be allowed to go
back to your locker after the tardy bell rings to get your supplies.
If you are late to class, you will be required to go the office and get a note. You are allowed 5 tardies per semester.
I will be following the grading scale found in the handbook. Grades will be given for tests, quizzes, and homework.
Students will be expected to complete their work on time! If your assignment is late you will receive half credit.
Students are allowed to correct homework papers for half credit.
Computer Policy
1. Be where you are supposed to be.
2. Use your assigned #.
3. Please do not touch the screen.
Disciplinary Consequences:
1st offense – verbal warning
2nd offense – computer privileges lost for the day
3rd offense – zero for the assignment/day
4th offense – office referral
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
These are a distraction to the school environment and should remain off and out of sight during the instructional day,
8am – 3:30pm.
All students that are absent will be required to get an admit slip (whether you have a note or not) from the office before
8:30 am and present it to me. Students will be allowed two days for every one absence to complete make-up work.
Disruptive behavior is not tolerated at Hartville School. I do not allow instructional time to be compromised with
disruptions. Depending upon the severity of a disruption, any of the following can be implemented.
Warning/Reminder of consequences if behavior continues
Disciplinary Consequence assigned by the teacher (i.e. extra work)
Office Referral
Hall Passes & Handbook
Students must have their handbook with them in order to leave the classroom. Students will be given one free hall pass in
my class per quarter to return to their locker or go to the restroom. After using the free hall pass, students will not be
allowed to leave class.