PTA meeting: Monday 9th June 2014

PTA meeting: Monday 2nd February 2015
Start time: 9.05am
Finish time: 10.10 am
Persons present:
Mrs Patel-School Business Manager
Carli Davies-Marton-parent of Jake and Sophie
Lisa Harrison- parent of Macy
Jennifer Kesterton-parent of Lydia
Mrs Hulin- Teaching Assistant
Clare Creighton-parent of Eloise
Irina Oshenye- parent of Aaron, Angela and Joella
Leza Rake- parent of Stanley and Ruby
Nicky Belle- parent of Kye
Action /by
Panto tickets: PP purchased 450 tickets from the Jaguar Charity
for the Robin Hood production at the cost of £900. Tickets did
not go out to parents on time-mainly because PP was not in work.
PP to distribute tickets and
try and ensure that all
tickets are sold
Parents evening 10th and 11th February 2015-refershements were
sold at the last parents evening and this went well. PTA have
agreed to do this again using items we currently have in stock.
PP & LH to support the
Wednesday night- we need
volunteers for Tuesday and
possibly more for the
Wednesday night
Number square raffle went
well and it was agreed to
run another one during
parents evening but this
time just 50 squares instead
of 100 squares and to
reduce the price money to
£15.00- we will need
someone to do this over the
two nights
LH to finalise the class reps list. PP suggested that we meet the
LH to bring the list to the
class reps to remind them of the role, the ethos of the PTA and the next meeting
commitment required-we don’t want to put people off attendingbut at the same token we need to ensure that people understand
that they can dip in and out of helping-it’s the commitment we
need to know who can do what and how often.
Easy funding- lack of people using the website-which is supposed LH to do a presentation
to generate income for the PTA.
board to promote at the next
parents evening
Sticky Ed- the glue stick challenge has not taken off with hardly
anyone brining in any sticks. It was agreed to withdraw this
Christmas disco: DJ did not turn up leaving staff in the lurch.
PP to find out how much
School staff improvised and children on the whole enjoyed the
money was raised during
event. We know now that we must ensure that we have a DJ for
the disco event
the event as some musical games did not take place which did
make the event a little flat. Concerns were raised around parents
not being able to attend the party-again this was a school decision
to curb negative behaviour and to ensure that children were kept
safe during the event. PTA agreed to run the disco again with
school staff next year.
Future ideas: PP talked about parents wanting activities that they
could do with their children out of hours. Robin Hood ticket
sales, trips to Fantasy Island and fun days were discussed. PTA
agreed to commit to trying to organise a car boot sale with a fun
day during the summer term.
PTA talked about missed sales on face painting, selling
refreshments and food. KH suggested that we talk to other
schools about how they generate income and events.
Set up a planning
committee to organise a fun
day/food festival/car boot
Set up a planning
committee to organise a
indoor table top sale
PP to liaise with the circus
Discussions took place around having quiz nights, circus act event act and to organise an event
and film clubs.
for parents to attend with
the children after school
PP talked about the negativity within the PTA and gave an
example and explained how this impacts the school image and
reputation. PP asked for members to respect each other and when
things don’t go to plan or change not to take it personally. PP
also reminded members that they sign up to complete tasks/
specific roles and it does require commitment. One member
stated that they could not complete the original role fully they
signed up for. It was agreed to look to replace this role with
another person. PP agreed to do the minutes for this meeting and
KH said she would do the next lot until we recruit a secretary.
Bank account: PP gave KH a bank mandate. It was agreed that
PTA cheque authorisations would be KH, LH, NB and Miss
PTA goal- the aim of the PTA was discussed and it was felt that
we needed a purpose/goal for raising money. It was felt that
people would more likely give to a good cause if they could see
an outcome. PTA needs to raise a minimum of £1,000 per year to
replenish the play pod. The PTA talked about raising funds for
clubs, mini bus and equipment. This area required more thought
and discussion.
Dress down days-the PTA would like to run a number of dress
down days to raise funds-PP explained that we have to be careful
not to do too many as the school council commit to a number
events yearly.
Newsletter- PTA member questioned when the next newsletter
would go out and a discussion took place around different ways
of advertising.
PP to look at the regulations
around selling food that
parents have
PP to bring copies of the
roles and responsibility to
the next meeting
We need to recruit new
members and a secretary
KH to sort the mandates out
with Mrs Brady
PP to discuss with senior
leadership team
PP to discuss with Mrs
Newsletter needs to be
written and sent out to
parents after Feb half termpromoting events such as
bags for cash
PP to talk to Mrs Evans
about advertising more on
the school website
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3rd March 2015
Time: 9am