Wednesday 12th November

Wednesday 12th November
Dear Parents,
Cake Sale.
Our Home School Association are organising a cake sale for the whole
School on Friday 29th November. These will now occur on a half-termly basis,
organised by groups of classes.
We politely request that the cakes for the sale on Friday 29th November are
donated by Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. These will be sold at
break time and if there are any left, after School.
Cakes, donated by children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, can be
brought to School from Wednesday 27th November. A reminder will be sent
out at the start of the week to all.
The money raised (we shall charge 10p or 20p per cake) will go to the
Springfield School Home School Association.
(The next Cake Sale will be hosted by Year 3 and Year 4 and will be on
Friday 17th January.)
Yours sincerely,
Christina Jandron
H.S.A. Member, Year 3 Parent.