Foundation Stage Plan - Ince Saint Mary`s CE Primary School

Ince St Mary’s C.E Primary School
Curriculum Map 2014/15 Year: Reception
Learning Challenge
Who lives in my
Why do we have
Who are the famous
people in my books?
Who can I ask for
SC&SA - Confident to speak to
others about own needs, wants,
interests and opinions.
MR Explains own knowledge
and understanding, and asks
appropriate questions of others
SUMO-Hippo time
S-Questions why things happen
and gives explanations. Asks e.g.
who, what, when, how.
SC&SA - Is more outgoing
towards unfamiliar people and
more confident in new social
MR- Children play cooperatively, taking turns with
LA-Maintains attention,
concentrates and sits quietly
during appropriate activity.
MFB Children talk about their own and
others’ behaviour and its consequences
and know that some behaviour is
MH- Shows a preference for a
dominant hand. Begins to use
anticlockwise movement and
retrace vertical lines.
MH- Begins to form recognisable
H&SC- Eats a healthy range of
foodstuffs and understands need
for variety in food.
Text: Jack and the Beanstalk
W-Uses some clearly identifiable
letters to communicate meaning,
representing some sounds
correctly and in sequence.
Talk for writing text: My Brother
MH- They handle equipment and tools
effectively, including pencils for writing.
N- Records, using marks that they
can interpret and explain. In
practical activities and discussion,
beginning to use the vocabulary
involved in adding and
SSM- Children use everyday language
to talk about size, weight, capacity,
position, distance, time and money to
compare quantities and objects and to
solve problems.
TW Looks closely at similarities,
differences, patterns and change.
TW They make observations of animals
and plants and explain why some things
occur, and talk about changes.
BI Introduces a storyline or
narrative into their play. They
represent their own ideas,
thoughts and feelings through
design and technology, art, music,
dance, role play and stories.
My world and Jesus’ world
EMM They safely use and explore a
variety of materials, tools and
techniques, experimenting with colour,
design, texture, form and
Visit to a garden centre
Bug man
Pond dipping
Mini beast hunt in local area
SC&SA-Communicates about
home and community MRDemonstrates friendly behaviour,
initiating conversations and
forming good relationships with
peers and familiar adults.
MFB - Can usually tolerate delay
when needs are not immediately
met, and understands wishes may
not always be met.
MFB-Aware of the boundaries set,
and of behavioural expectations in
the setting.
MR - Initiates conversations,
attends to and takes account of
what others say.
Communication and
U- Understands the use of objects
(objects in the home)
Understandings of prepositions.
S- Builds up vocabulary that reflects
the breadth of their experiences.
U- Beginning to understand ‘why’
and ‘how’ questions.
Physical Development
M&H- draws lines and circles
(gross motor)
M&H- Uses one-handed tools and
equipment, e.g. makes snips in
paper with child scissors.
Text: Guess how much I love
R- Rhyme and Alliteration
(Phase 1)
Talk for writing text: You
Text: A birthday for bear
W- Sometimes gives meaning to
marks as they draw and paint.
Ascribes meanings to marks that
they see in different places.
N- Numerals in the environmentDoor numbers
SSM- Arrangements with
shapes/Positional Language
N- Realises not only objects, but
anything can be counted, including
steps, claps or jumps.
SSM- Beginning to talk about the
shapes of everyday objects, e.g.
‘round’ and ‘tall’.
Understanding The World
P&C- Shows interest in the lives
of those familiar to them.
TW- Asks questions about where
they live.
T- Use of a camera
P&C- Recognises and describes
special times or events for family or
T-Knows that information can be
retrieved from computers
H&SC-Dresses with help, e.g.
puts arms into open-fronted coat or
shirt when held up, pulls up own
trousers, and pulls up zipper once
it is fastened at the bottom.
Text: Over on the farm
R- Describes main story settings,
events and principal characters.
W- Gives meaning to marks they
make as they draw, write and
Talk for writing text: Rosie’s walk
N -Shows an interest in number
SSM- Beginning to use
mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D
shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and
mathematical terms to describe
T Children recognise that a range
of technology is used in places
such as homes and schools. They
select and use technology for
particular purposes.
Expressive Arts and Design
UM&M- Sings simple songs.
Uses Construction materials
BI- Engages in imaginative roleplay based on own first-hand
BI Plays cooperatively as part of a
group to develop and act out a
I am Special/Harvest
Births and Birthdays/Other cultural
Stories Jesus Heard
(animals in the bible)
Stories Jesus Told
Walk around local area
Walk to new school
Diwali Day
Visit from Father Christmas
Visitor- Discuss cultural festivalsEid
Visit to the library
Book character day
Farm visit/Tesco visdit
Fire service/police
service/doctor/nurse visitors
Visit to a fire station
Text: Non-fiction
R- Can segment the sounds in
simple words and blend them
together and knows which letters
represent some of them.
N- Uses the language of ‘more’
and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets
of objects.
SSM- Uses familiar objects and
common shapes to create and
recreate patterns and build
P&C They know about
similarities and differences
between themselves and others,
and among
families, communities and
EMM Constructs with a purpose
in mind, using a variety of
Selects appropriate resources and
adapts work where necessary.
What happened to
Jack’s beans?
What lives in my garden?
S-They develop their own narratives and
explanations by connecting ideas or
Text: Mad about mini beasts
W- They write simple sentences which
can be read by themselves and others.
R- They demonstrate understanding
when talking with others about what
they have read.