Sacred Heart School of the Arts
Parent Council
Meeting Minutes
Date: December 12th 2012
December 12th 2012
Present: Cindy Roy, Nancy Kircher, Stephanie Boeve, Alisha Resendes, Sandra Kim, Kathy Robinson, Jaqueline Miquelon,
Wanda Fonteyne, Karen Ballhorn, Shawna Frederickson, Tina Lesyk, Kevin Prediger.
Opening & Welcoming Prayer
Stephanie Boeve welcomed everyone and Cindy Roy read the prayer “Nothing More Beautiful”.
Overview of last months Meeting Minutes-Nancy Kircher
 The Minutes from last months meeting were handed out.
 Stephanie gave everyone a moment to review the notes.
A motion was made to accept the November 14th, 2012 Minutes as presented.
Sandra Kim motioned. Cindy Roy seconded. Minutes were carried.
Business Arising from Previous Meeting-Stephanie Boeve
 Cat Chat Date is to be set for April 19th.
 Parent Council was given the Teachers Wish List for each of the 4 School Quadrants.
1. Athletics: Singlet’s (a type of sleeveless Jersey) can be used for a wide range of sports. 24x$25 each=
2. Performing Arts: Stage/Gym Lights
estimated cost $2000.00
3. Music/Band: Instruments, music related items. Estimated cost $2000.00
4. Miscellaneous: Recycle Bins estimated cost 8 setsx$40=$500.00 Couches for Teacher Lounge Area 4x
$800.00=$3200.00 Mr.Prediger offered to put some money towards the cost for Teacher Couches so
Council could afford the purchase costs.
Now that we have the list Parent Council will be making those decisions at January’s Council meeting. Parents are asked to
look over the list and come to the meeting to contribute their input and ideas.
 Think Recycle- Shawna Frederickson has been doing great work to get Think Recycle going, we have
set a goal for $1000 dollars to get started. An announcement will be sent out before and after
Christmas. A box is going to be put out soon for collections but if there are donations before this time
Parents can bring donations to the office.
*See Attached for more details.
Treasurers Reports-Christine Kirrmaier
 Not Available
Principals Report-Kevin Prediger
1. PT Interviews: Parent/Teacher Interviews this year were a bit later than usual but had a very good Parent
Any feed back Parents wish to give is highly encouraged and can be emailed to Mr.Prediger at .
2. Technology in the Classroom: tech info in the December newsletter; What does it mean? This information
was given out so Parents would understand what role technology will play in the classrooms and to give
more incite into what the future classrooms will be like. The school will still hold its No Cell Phone policy
and all students will still be held accountable for improper use of the computers. Teachers will still be
dictating whether or not technology will be used in their class rooms and these items are only to be used as
a tool for accessing information relative to what is happening in the classroom.
If students bring either Tablets, Laptops or other technology to school they will be responsible for looking
after their own equipment. The School will also still have permission to check and or confiscate computers
that are not being used appropriately.
Digital Citizenship was also discussed and students will be given a list of inappropriate things they should
be aware of when using any computers on the school premises.
3. Three Year Education Plan: Any Questions? Parents were given the opportunity to ask questions about the
4. Response to Intervention (RTI), Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) and Student Tutorial Time:
Introduction Articles were handed out to all parents. Mr.Prediger briefly went over the article explaining their
importance and how this will ad Teachers understanding of their Students learning levels and also to
promote higher levels of learning. With these systems in place students will get the help they need sooner
and teachers will be able to easily target their problem areas.
Has asked Pius McLean (AISI coordinator) to come to the Feb 13th School Council meeting as part of the
Principal’s report.
Mr.Prediger Thanked all Volunteers who brought in food and snacks for the Teachers on Parent/Teacher Interview Night it
was very much appreciated.
School Report-Karen Ballhorn
 Said a very BIG Thank You from All the teachers for a wonderful meal on PT Night!!
 Schools Christmas Concert is next week and Parents are encouraged to try to make the 1:30pm show
as the evening show will be very busy and full. The show will be approximately 1hr 15 minutes in length.
 Advent Wreath Blessing will be on the 21st and Christmas Mass for School will be at10:45 am.
 School Basket Ball teams have been chosen and the exhibition games went well for Senior and Junior
Boys and Girls.
Trustees Report- Henry Effron, John Tomkinson
 There was no report available at this time.
 Parents were looking for news on Survey taken.
Fundraising Report- Sandra Kim
 No new business to report at this time.
New Business:
1. Alberta Opera- An idea was brought to the table to see if parents thought it was a good idea to alternate
Alberta Opera every second year so that the budget could allow for something different. It has been tabled
until the New Year but ideas and thoughts from parents are welcomed.
Mr.Prediger discussed trying to get a $5000 grant from the Foundation for the Arts that would help support Alberta Opera
putting on a special program at the School. It was suggested that this program would need its own committee, Tina Lyesk
and Stephanie Boeve will look into starting the committee for February.
2. Purdy’s chocolate order has been tabled until next month. Parent Council will look at catalogue for next
3. An idea to have three Baskets to raffle at each Christmas Concert was brought to the table. A budget of
$200 was set for all 6; Sandra Kim will be purchasing the items for the baskets. The Student Leadership
program will be looking after the tables and sales from tickets. A draw will be made at the end of each
concert and winners will get to choose a basket.
Cindy Roy motioned. Stephanie Boeve seconded. Christmas Baskets to raffle at concerts carried.
The three themed baskets will contain 1.Coffee and Tea 2.Chocolate and Treats 3.Family Movie Night , 3 will
be raffled in afternoon and 3 in the evening.
*A special request was made for Nancy’s Thumbprint Cookies:
Preheat Oven to 350
½ cup Butter
½ cup Brown Sugar
-beat until creamy and smooth
Then Add:
1 ½ cups Cake & Pastry Flour
½ tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
3 tbsp. Milk
¼ cup chopped Milk Chocolate Chips
Mix until it makes a nice soft dough and then form into 1inch balls.
Remove foil from Hershey’s Plain Chocolates and press gently into each dough ball.
Bake for 12 minutes and allow to cool.
A tip with these cookies is to never do more than a double batch or else they won’t turn out!! 
Meeting Adjourned. 8:34pm