Research Bursary Program
Supervisor Project Proposal for Summer 2015
Supervisor Last Name: Razek
Supervisor First Name: Tarek
McGill Dept/School: Surgery
Faculty Professor (Full, Associate or Assistant): Assistant
Phone No. (optional):
Research Field: injury, education, Northern health
Proposal No. (1 or 2): 2
Research Location (McGill or affiliated institution): Montreal General Hospital
Ethics approval will be required for proposed project (Yes/No): No
Proposed project will involve chart reviews (Yes/No): No
Project Title (maximum 1 line):
The role of a digital database and rural trauma team training on trauma care in Northern Quebec and Canada.
Hypothesis/Question to be Addressed (maximum 4 lines):
We will try to determine the importance of Injury as a public health issue in the North by using a novel dataset to
capture injury events in the region. We will test the hypothesis that injury is a major public health. A rural trauma
team training program will be implemented and assessed.
Specific Aims (maximum 10 lines):
To better understand the injury epidemiology in Quebec’s North region we will implement a novel dataset in
several health outposts in Quebec’s North and analyse the results. We will also evaluate the trauma systems
response to these events with geographic analysis of the injury patterns and patient flow from these areas to
We will implement a tablet based data collection system for the database which will allow greater ease of
acquiring but more importantly greater efficiency in pre-programmed analysis of the data collected in real time.
A rural trauma team training course will be implemented and assessed for its impact.
Role of Student (maximum 15 lines):
The student will help in the evaluation of the design and implementation of a novel database in the Northern
health outposts together with a team of providers working in Montreal and in the North. The student will be
expected to participate in the analysis and interpretation of the data as it is accumulated throughout the study
The student will also help implement educational interventions designed to impact the injury care in these regions
with associated testing of the effectiveness of these interventions.