Minutes – 2015 April 27th

Mrs Ann Kinsey (Chair)
Mr Wynne Davies
Mr Noel Gaskell
Mrs Eileen Vincent
Mrs Edna Walters
In Attendance:
Mr Michael Hutchings (Clerk)
Opening comments and Declarations of Interest
Ann Kinsey took the chair and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Ann Kinsey declared an interest in item 10 Church Newsletter.
Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Dot Holloway and due to illness Brenda
Minutes of the meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2015 were proposed by WD and
seconded by EV as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Grass Cutting – In the meeting of the 2nd March it was reported two identical
tenders had been received. In the circumstances it was agreed the Clerk should
write to both to see if they would share the work. Unfortunately one of the
tenderers withdrew his quote and therefore it was agreed the tender be awarded
to Mr Graham Price
BT Broadband – it was noted that whilst the box had been installed in the
village, superfast broadband was not yet available as Brecon exchange still had
to be upgraded. The Clerk was asked to obtain a timescale from BT.
Fforddfawr - It was noted 2 trees had been planted by an unknown party. The
Clerk was requested to contact Brent Campbell of Powys County Council and
establish the latest position
Gate in boundary fence - The Clerk was instructed to write to Messrs Jeffreys
and Powell advising them that their clients have no right of access onto the
Council’s land and once again requesting them to instruct their clients to
reinstate the boundary fence.
Fire & Rescue Service - it was agreed to make one further attempt to arrange
a convenient date for them to attend a meeting.
Community Council Website
AK tabled a revised draft of the Council’s website. It was agreed that Tony
Thomas’s contact details also be included. It was expected that the site would go
live in about 2 weeks time with the following address:- www.llanddewcc.org. The
ongoing cost for hosting the website would be £50 for one year or £80 for 2 years
or £120 for 3 years.
Home Watch Scheme
It was noted that the Brecon Home Watch scheme is no longer in operation and the
Police had confirmed that they were no longer involved. There is however a self
registration Neighbour Watch Organisation website which offers up to date
practical crime prevention advice.
It was agreed, in the first instance, that an article be placed in the Monthly
Newsletter advising the community of the above and asking if there were anyone
interested in the new Organisation to contact one of the Community Councillors.
Correspondence, Literature and Information received.
Letters from Mr Phil Davies (dated 6th and 8th April) & Mr Gerwyn Parry
(dated 11th March) – both were concerned at the possible discharge of surface
water drainage from the new development at Ty Cerrig into the main sewer and the
increased risk of flooding in the village. As planning permission had already been
granted there was little that could be done at this late stage though it was agreed
that the Clerk should examine the Council’s records and ascertain what
representations had been made at the time.
The Chair then made the following personal statement:I would like to make a personal statement and would stress this is personal and is
being made as a result of the conversations and letters received from Mr Phil
Davies regarding the drainage from the new housing site granted permission in
Despite the fact that as a Council we must bear the brunt of disappointments of
villagers, I have to stress I was extremely upset by the tone and contents of Mr
Davies’ letter of the 8th April.
I have served this community I believe diligently in various roles for over 30 years,
its not possible to get everything right all the time but if, when I spoke to Mr Davies
on the 6th April when he delivered the first letter he was taken aback by my
reaction, I wish to make an unreserved apology. It was not my intention to be
unsupportive rather as I explained to both him and advising him of the Council’s
response to the same query to Mr Parry, there is nothing the Community Council
can do as planning permission has been granted and reserved matters are now in
the hands of the Highways Department.
In the 4th paragraph of Mr Davies’ letter he says “it would seem that no one
thought of this problem when the planning was sought etc etc… “
In the last paragraph of Mr Davies’ letter he states “So after more than ten years I
have realised that I have been asking the wrong questions etc etc….” As far as I
am aware we have received no letters of concern regarding the discharge of water
from the application site or drains in the crossroads from Mr Davies or Mr Parry.
On a purely personal note I would advise that I have looked at all the consultation
responses and representations in connection with applications P/2009/0844 and
P/2011/0563 and can find no correspondence from either Mr Davies or Mr Parry
voicing their concerns regarding the drainage from the site.
I stress the time to make representations on planning applications is within the 21
day consultation period. It may have been remiss of the Community Council not to
have commented on the discharge of water as it focused its comments on the extra
vehicular activity, visual impact, the ancient hedgerow, sewerage disposal and the
number of houses to be built on the site. Whilst Mr Davies states a letter of
concern would carry more weight from the Community Council than letters from
individuals, I would state that if I had concerns over anything affecting my property
I would voice these to the Community Council as well as personally writing to
Powys. If these concerns had been brought to the attention of the Community
Council in the public meeting held on 23rd June 2010 I know we would have
included them in our response.
We cannot do anything about the discharge of water from the new housing site but
in order to mitigate my credibility and as I understand that surveyors have been in
the village lately inspecting the drains, I propose the Community Council write to
Powys Highways urging them to do something about the drains in and around the
crossroads area where a problem lies at times of torrential downpours.
Letter dated 23rd April from Mrs Ann Kinsey Churchwarden of Llanddew
Church requesting a donation towards the production of the Monthly Community
Newsletter. Advising that recent discussions took place as to whether to stop this
but the consensus was that people would still like to receive a paper copy. The
Newsletter was felt to be an extremely important part of community life and one
which the community would still like to continue producing. The cost of printing
the Newsletter each month is £24.
The Community Council agreed to fund 50% of the cost of producing the monthly
Ombudsman – revised guidance on the Code of Conduct – noted
Reduced Library Opening Hours – noted
Village phone box – it was noted that BT were still try to get the Council to adopt
the box for a £1
School Modernization & School Transport Review – blanket Dispensation –
The Voice issue 26 - noted
Financial Matters
Insurance – it was noted that the annual premium had decreased by £20
Grant to Village Hall – it was agreed that this should remain at £500
Payment to Clerk – the Clerk’s expenses in the sum of £36.10 were approved.
Payment to the Chair – a payment of £6.99 for the purchase of a plant for Brenda
Sheridan was approved
Any Other Business
Village Hall Car Park – it had come to the attention of the Community
Council that on 22nd April, two Surveyors acting on behalf of Gareth Davies (the
owner of the land opposite Ty Cerrig) were measuring gradients etc from the main
road into the village down the driveway to the village hall car park. On speaking
to the Surveyors they advised they were measuring up for infrastructure works for
the proposed housing development in the field. They added they were measuring
for drainage to improve the situation at the crossroads when heavy rain overwhelms
the current drainage system. They were from a private company but added that
Powys County Council officers had been with them earlier to explain what was
In light of the above members agreed that :MH
The Clerk write to Mr Gareth Davies informing him that prior permission
should have been sought to enter onto Community Council owned land before
undertaking any such survey work and reminding Mr Davies that in April 2009
refusal had been given to lay drainage pipes under the village hall drive and across
the car park by the Community Council
The Clerk was also asked to write to Mr Simon Crowther, Powys County
Council raising concerns regarding the general flooding issues in the village which
may be exacerbated by the new development.
Date of Next Meetings
Monday 7th September
Monday 7th December
Monday 29th February
All meetings to start at 7pm in the Village Hall