Hoole CE Primary School - Hoole Church of England Primary

Hoole Church of England Primary School
A place to be - A place to grow!
Reception Educational Visit to Reaseheath, Nantwich
22nd May 2014
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are very excited to extend our learning experience beyond the classroom by having our Summer
Educational Visit to Reaseheath in Nantwich on Tuesday 24th June 2014.
Reaseheath offers children the opportunity to take part in a range of fun and interactive educational
activities including art, craft and fun outdoor experiences.
The children will need:
A packed lunch (this must be totally disposable).
Children will NOT need a snack as we will take our fruit to eat for morning break.
If you wish to order a packed lunch from school please indicate on the attached slip. This will need to be
paid for in the normal way. If you are entitled to a free school meal please also fill in a slip.
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £10.00 towards the cost of the educational visit to cover
coach travel and admission charges. Unfortunately, unless sufficient funds are raised the visit
cannot go ahead and will be cancelled.
Due to the cost of the visit, we need to know well in advance that contributions are made. Therefore,
please return the attached slip along with your voluntary contribution by Friday 6th June
If you have any queries regarding the visit or the cost of this please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mrs Jeffs and Mrs King
Let your light shine – Matthew 5:16 (Sermon on the Mount)
Hoole Church of England Primary School
A place to be - A place to grow!
Reception Educational Visit to Reaseheath
Tuesday 24th June 14
Please Return to the School Office By: Friday 6th June 14
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £10.00
Yes I would like my child to have a school packed lunch and enclose £2.15
My child has dinners all week which I have pre-paid and would like them to have a school
packed lunch
My child is on free school dinners and requires a school packed lunch
My child is on free school dinners but will be bringing their own lunch
Plus Fruit, biscuit and a packet of crisps
I give permission for my child to attend this off-site trip.
Name of Child: …………………………………………………………………….. Class:
Singed Parent: ……………………………………………………………………
Request for Parent Helpers
If you are able to help on this trip, please let us know:
Yes I am able to help
No – apologies I am unable to help on this occasion
Print Name:
Let your light shine – Matthew 5:16 (Sermon on the Mount)