plan summary - Lewis County Schools

JUNE 14, 2004
The main goals at Lewis County Middle School are improving student achievement,
increasing test scores, reducing our substantive achievement gaps and meeting AYP
(Adequate Yearly Progress). Our data analysis showed that we need to focus on reading
school wide as well as in regards to meeting AYP for our students with disabilities. We
also need to concentrate on reducing the substantive achievement gap among male and
female students and free and reduced vs. non-free and reduced lunch participants.
Finally, we need to concentrate on continual improvement in all areas of the CATS test.
We will be participating in professional development activities (i.e. Marzano Strategies
and Differentiation of Instruction) and implementing other instructional practices from
past professional development (i.e. Boys and Girls Learn Differently, A Framework for
Understanding Povert and Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Strategies/Structures) that will
help enable our students to reach the CATS and NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
1. When and how did your school develop its mission statement? When and
how did your school community last review it?
We have a brand new mission statement that was developed this past school
year. We formed a Beliefs, Vision, and Mission Statement Ad-Hoc Committee
who helped gather and develop information and ideas with the entire faculty and
staff and establish these statements for our school. We adopted the new belief,
vision and mission statements at our May 2004 SBDM Council meeting.
2. Did the council use a Needs Assessment process aligned with Kentucky’s
Standards and Indicators for School Improvement? If not, please identify
and describe the process that was used.
The principal used guidelines in the Kentucky Consolidated Planning Guide
“Road to Proficiency” to organize the Planning/Title I and Needs
Assessment/Title I teams. The Standards and Indicators for School
Improvement document was used to assess our instructional program and
assessment needs.
3. When did the council complete each step of its Needs Assessment Work?
If some parts were completed in past years and not repeated in the current
school year, please identify those parts and when they were most recently
The school compiled and analyzed data from the following sources: Kentucky
Association of School Councils Consolidated Planning Tools Kit, Kentucky
Association of School Councils Tools for School Councils (2002 Gap
Report/Assessment Graphs and 2003 Gap Report/Assessment Graphs),
Kentucky Performance Report, CTB Data, STAR Reading Data, Title I Survey,
Math Program Improvement Review, Social Studies Improvement Review,
Science Improvement Review, various surveys and school discipline records
during the 2001-2002 school year by the following committees: Curriculum and
Instruction, Assessment, Student Needs and Community Needs, Professional
Development, School Structure and Organization. The Kentucky Performance
Report and CTB data are analyzed every year beginning in late October.
4. When did the council decide on Priority Needs, Causes, Goals, and
The council decided on the Priority Needs, Causes, Goals and Objectives at the
January 2002 council meeting.
5. When did the council identify substantive achievement gaps, set gap
targets, and adopt its time schedule for closing the gaps?
The council identified our substantive achievement gaps as free and reduced
lunch participants and male students, adopted gap targets from KASC and
adopted a time schedule recommended by KASC for closing the gaps at our
January 27, 2003 council meeting.
6. When did the council review drafts of the components?
The council reviewed a rough draft of the components on February 9, 2004.
Addressing substantive achievement gaps (free and reduced lunch and male
students), reading, and meeting AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) as well as
improving overall were priorities determined through data analysis at LCMS. The
council also reviewed the drafts on May 24, 2004.
7. When did the council review estimates for costs and drafts of Section 7
The council reviewed estimates for costs and drafts of Section 7 requests on
March 22, 2004 and on June 28, 2004.
8. When was the public meeting held to present the Plan to the community,
and who attended?
The first public meeting was held on February 9, 2004. In attendance were:
Doug Hampton, Paula Lewis, Jean McGlone, Charity Stout, Billie Jo Thornsberry
and Dana Yates. The second public meeting was held on May 24, 2004. In
attendance were: Doug Hampton, Paula Lewis, Charity Stout, Billie Jo
Thornsberry, Dana Yates, Rosemary Gilbert, Stacey Fite, Jack Lykins, Tony
Johnson, Charity Burriss, Bill Billman, Patty Owens, Mike Reis, Brent Biddle and
Rick Robinette. The third and final public meeting was held on June 28, 2004.
Those in attendance were: Doug Hampton, Paula Lewis, Billie Jo Thornsberry,
and Dana Yates.
9. When did the council officially adopt your revised Plan?
The council officially adopted our revised CSIP on June 28, 2004.
10. When did the council officially adopt any Section 7 requests?
Any Section 7 requests were approved/adopted at the March 22, 2004 and June
28, 2004 council meeting.
11. When and why has the Plan been revised since that data?
We began reviewing the data after it arrived in mid October 2004. We used the
Collaborative Inquiry Process based on the work of Dr. Nancy Cook, “Using
Data, Getting Results” with the training and assistance of Diane Johnson, ARSI
Regional Teacher Partner. Our district set aside 2 half days for the staff to begin
the data analysis process. Mrs. Forman, Assistant Superintendent/Supervisor of
Instruction, spent one half day at LCMS working with departments on data
analysis on November 21, 2003. The staff then graphed results and determined
strategies for each area. Each group presented their finds to the entire staff and
we set school priorities. We also spent another day on data analysis with Mr.
Hall on January 16, 2004. Dates for all formal meetings include: 11-21-03, 12-303, 12-10-03, 12-16-03, 2-9-04, 2-17-04, 5-24-04 and 6-28-04. These meeting
include team planning meeting, teachers’ meeting and council meetings. The
plan was revised to address priority needs in all content areas, reducing the
substantive achievement gaps for free and reduced lunch participants and male
students and to meet AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) in reading for students
with disabilities.
12. How will you evaluate your Plan, and when?
Evaluation of our plan will be an on-going process. We will look at our CATS
data each October to see how effective our activities and strategies are. LCMS
will continue to complete the data analysis process, look at our gap analysis
report and look at our NCLB, AYP Summary/Report to see what is working and
what is not working and determine what we need to do. The council will receive
periodic updates/reports on the progress being made to implement the plan.
13. For each step listed above, what other stakeholders were involved and
how? Include names and identify those who represent parents, teachers,
other staff, other stakeholders, primary parents, migrant parents, and your
community’s ethnic diversity.
All of the following people had the opportunity opportunity to give input:
Paula Lewis – Principal
Nick Adams – Principal
Mendy Mays – Guidance Counselor
Deana Duff – Grant Coordinator
Michelle Watson - Librarian
Jean McGone – SBDM Parent Representative
Charity Stout – SBDM Parent Representative/PTO Parent Representative
Mary Shoemaker – Parent/Cook
Kathy Willis – Youth Services Center
Loretta Dixon – District Support
Johna Hord – District Support
Belinda Forman – District Support
Robert Hall – District Support
Barb Kennedy – District Support
All LCMS Certified and Classified Staff