District Leadership Team Meeting

District Leadership Team Meeting
March 22, 2011
Mr. Patterson set objectives for meeting –
1. Share individual SOSS data
2. Review data
3. identify next steps for Waiver Day
4. identify support needed to be provided to BLTs
Individual Building Reports - Each building shared results of BLT data
concerning the top 2-5 items that are most critical to implementation of TBTs
in the SOSS areas of TBT implementation and student achievement. Each
school provided a hard copy handout to DLT members.
Synthesizing Building Data – As an activity, team members identified the
commonalities and recurring items from each of the areas of the SOSS
presented by each school. Common themes were:
Strengths – positive attitude, value in the process, collaboration and
sharing, focus on groups, using data to drive instruction, pre/post assessment,
being able to identify obstacles (opens discussion), self-assessment process,
want to share, seeing student progress, focus on items we have control over,
focus/start of conversation to identify power standards, taking the pulse; not
doing autopsy.
Obstacles – pacing of content, time, sufficient resources, identifying
power standards, time to understand, write, etc. formative assessments,
SMART goals, building content vocabulary, clarity and communication
direction and role, define purpose and inform district (transparency), options
when intervention/mastery, pacing conflict, EDM vs. mastery math, multiple
subject teachers/teams and traveling teachers, short answer/extended
response, communication between buildings, student use of technology,
kindergarten readiness.
Strategies – EDM protocol, K-12 math scope and sequence needed,
maintain transparency at all levels (DLT-BLT-TBT), training on SMART
goals, process of identifying power standards, pacing and power standards on
one document, devise alternative schedules to meet student needs, get grade
levels across district together, time for adults to work together, FOCUS.
Support – Math resource to EDM with white binder w/gap fillers,
“revisiting” resources currently held by district, buildings, utilizing current
technologies to help communication and transparency.
Activity - What to do with this data? Organize commonalities in relation to a
guiding question posed to group, prioritize items in order of importance, what
are implications for this data on next waiver day, supports to our building
teams, and district plan for 2011-12.
The DLT was broken in to three groups with each group addressing one
question based on data presented.
Group 1: Implications for Waiver Day – Summarize our progress/place,
hear keynote all together as a district, pacing/mastery conflict, handle grade
level continuity between buildings, identify steps that were integral to
process, develop professional development in SMART goals and guidance for
pacing, ask keynote speaker ahead of time pertinent questions and focus for
waiver day. DTEC will organize format of delivery.
Group 2: Supports to BLTs - Acknowledge effort put in to process,
training for SMART goals, clear set of goals and timeline to accomplish this
in SMART goal format.
Group 3: District Plan 2011-12 – looked at action steps, 100% of
teachers will meet in TBT, allow for collaborative time, professional
development on SMART goals.
Next meeting: May 25, 2011