FMH Regional Cancer Therapy Center

FMH Regional Cancer Therapy Center
Resources and Support Services
Cancer Education/Support Services:
Breast Friends: Breast Friends is a program of peer support, education, and advocacy
for women 40 or younger who are breast survivors. Developed by the LifeBridge
Health System and the Young Survival Coalition Greater Baltimore Branch, the program
is designed to address the unique needs of young women affected by breast cancer.
Contact Deb Kirkland RN, BSN, Founder and President at 410-601-2189,, or visit the website
Frederick Community College Breast Cancer Support Group: Co-sponsored by the
Anne-Lynn Gross Breast Cancer Resource Center and Frederick Memorial Hospital.
Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the FCC Arts & Student Center,
F104A. All breast cancer survivors, from newly diagnosed to long-term
remission/survival are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Jane
Garvin, R.N. 301-846-2525, or the Anne-Lynn Gross Breast Cancer Resource Center,
FMH Cancer Patient Assistance Fund: Available to income qualified cancer patients
who need financial help paying for medicine, dietary supplements, and durable
medical supplies until a more permanent solution can be found. The Cancer Patient
Assistance Fund is dependent upon the generosity of the Frederick community. For
more information, phone Sharon Evans, LCSW at 240-566-4699.
FMH Cancer Quest Web Site: To access go to, click on Oncology
Services, and then click on FMH Cancer Quest. To aid your quest for information
regarding cancer, we have developed this easy to use interface. Information has been
gathered and compiled from a number of resources; such as The American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO), American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute (NCI),
CancerCare, and a number of Drug vendors. With this Patient Information Center you
can obtain information on: Cancer Types, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Hormone
Therapy, Targeted Therapy, Clinical Trials, Support Groups, and Treatment Side
Effects. In addition, an interactive Medical Procedures Tutorial, a Talking Dictionary,
and the ability to replay telephone workshops can be accessed.
CarePages: CarePages is an internet based service brought to you by Frederick
Memorial Hospital for patients and families that will allow family and friends to stay in
touch before, during, and after hospitalization, by having your own private and secure
page. For more information, or to start a CarePage, please visit, or call
CyberKnife Patient Support Group: The CyberKnife Patient Support Group is
dedicated to supporting people whose lives have been, or could be, positively affected
by the utilization of the CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery System. They strive to
improve the quality of life of these patients by providing continuing education and
support for patients, family, and friends. Online forums with CyberKnife trained
physicians available. Visit for more information.
CyberKnife Ambassador Program: This program pairs previous CyberKnife recipients
with current patients. These volunteers share their personal experiences with
CyberKnife and provide insight and support to new patients. To speak to a CyberKnife
Ambassador or to learn more about this program contact Janet Russo, CyberKnife
Coordinator, at 240-566-4761.
Exercise to Energize: A medically referred fitness program for people with cancer.
This is sponsored by Frederick Memorial Hospital. Fee for service - phone (301) 6201250.
Financial Assistance Programs at FMH:
*Medicaid at FMH: If you are a patient at FMH and a Frederick County resident,
assistance is available in completing an application for Maryland Medicaid.
Contact: Shelly Grimm, 240-566-3862, located at the FMH Main Campus
*Applications for Payment Plans and Uncompensated Care with the Frederick
Memorial Healthcare System: Contact Patient Accounts, attention Daisy Hood,
Patient Accounts Manager, 240-566-3248.
*Income based programs
Fittings By Michele: Private fittings for breast prostheses by appointment through
FMH Coordinated Breast Services, 501 W. 7th St., Frederick, MD 21701. Contact Amy
McGreevy, Patient Navigator at 240-566-4694. The services offered by ‘Fittings by
Michele” meet the special needs of women following breast surgery, chemotherapy,
and radiation. The best and most innovative products, emotional support, and patient
education are available. Lymphedema sleeves, wigs, headwear, swimwear, plus a
complete line of accessories are also available for purchase:, email:
Look Good/Feel Better: This program is to assist female cancer patients in coping with
appearance related to side effects of cancer treatment and is co-sponsored by the
American Cancer Society and Frederick Memorial Hospital. The group meets at the
Regional Cancer Therapy Center and the Frederick School of Cosmetology. For details,
contact the American Cancer Society at (888) 227-6333 or phone Support Services at
240-566-4699 or 4698.
Lymphedema Therapy: Lymphedema Specialist Angela Roberts will provide specified
massage therapy for this common but troublesome side effect of breast cancer. 240566-3132.
Man to Man: Prostate cancer support group for both patients and family members is
co-sponsored by Frederick Memorial Hospital and the American Cancer Society. The
group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Regional Cancer
Therapy Center. Contact Bert Hauver at 240-566-4715.
Patient Library: A free lending library and resource center at the FMH Regional
Cancer Therapy Center with many resources including, books, videos, audiotapes, and
computer searches for cancer patients and their family members. Open Monday
through Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm. For further information, please contact Support
Services at 240-566-4699 or 4698.
Reiki Therapy: Tuesday mornings, 9-11 am, free of charge for patients and
caregivers. Provided by FMH Wellness volunteer Reiki therapists held at the FMH
Regional Cancer Therapy Center. To register phone 240-566-4500.
Support Programs for Cancer Patients and Those Who Love Them: Programs of
support and education for cancer patients and those who provide support to them.
The program meets at the FMH Regional Cancer Therapy Center, times to be
announced. For further information please contact Support Services at 240-566-4699.
Survivors Offering Support (SOS): SOS is a support program that pairs informed and
trained breast cancer survivor volunteers with newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.
SOS volunteers are matched with new patients by similarities of age, lifestyle and
stage of breast cancer. Volunteers share their personal breast cancer experiences and
provide insight and emotional support to new patients. To speak to a mentor to learn
more about this important program, contact Amy McGreevy, Patient Navigator at 240566-4694 or Denise O’Neill, SOS Volunteer Coordinator at 301-694-5580 ext. 491.
Transportation Services:
Middletown Valley People Helping People (MVPHP): 301-371-3119, PO Box
477, Middletown. Free transportation to medical appointments for area
residents in need. Must live in the Middletown Valley area. Cost: None.
Partners in Care: 301-600-6008, 1440 Taney Ave., Frederick, Monday-Friday,
9am-3pm. Allow five business days advance notice for scheduling. Provides
transportation to appointments. Must be a senior or disabled adult living in
Frederick Co. in need of occasional assistance in order to maintain independent
living at home. Cost: Donations appreciated.
Road to Recovery: A free service offered by American Cancer Society volunteer
drivers who provide transportation assistance for cancer patients to and from
cancer treatments. Contact the American Cancer Society at (888) 227-6333 or
Support Services at 240-566-4699 or 4698 for more information. Patients must
be ambulatory to qualify for assistance.
Transit Plus Services of Frederick County: 301-600-1725. A demand response
shared transportation service for senior citizens (age 60+) and people with
disabilities. At least 48-hour notice required for special pick-ups off the regular
routes. Cost: Free to Medicaid recipients, $1 each way to medical
appointments, $2 for non-medical transport.
The WIG CLOSET: By appointment. Located in the Patient Education Resource Room
at the FMH Regional Cancer Therapy Center. A limited supply of new and gently worn
wigs, turbans, and scarves is available free of charge to women with cancer. Contact
Support Services at 240-566-4699 or 4698 to schedule an appointment or for more
Local Service/Agencies:
Alan P Linton Shelter: 301-631-2670, Religious Coalition, Emergency shelter for
homeless adults over the age of 18, 27 DeGrange St.
Cleaning for a Reason: 1-877-337-3348 or . Three
Frederick County cleaning companies participate in Cleaning for a Reason, a 501c(3)
nonprofit foundation dedicated to providing free house cleaning to women
undergoing cancer treatment. Women are matched with local cleaning companies that
will clean their homes once a month for four months. Kidwell’s Kleaning, Merry Maids,
and Castle-Maids are the local participating companies in the Frederick area.
Consumer Credit Counseling: 301-695-0369, 1003 West 7th St., Ste. 404, Frederick.
Free non-profit service provides credit counseling/budgeting advice and debt
Department of Aging: Phone: Services 301-600-1605, Information: 301-600-3522,
1440 Taney Ave., Frederick, MD 21701, offers a single point of entry into the service
system for older citizens, their families, and caregivers. Support programs, referrals
for services and benefits, and follow-up. Client Services offers information and
application assistance for the Phone Loan Program, Medicaid and Community Based
Services Waiver Program for Older Adults who meet eligibility criteria, 301-600-1657,
Senior Care Program, 301-600-2635, Meals on Wheels, 301-600-3554.
Federated Charities Loan Closet: Free 60-day loan program. Durable Medical
Equipment on loan (i.e. walkers, wheelchairs, etc.) to support the needs of home
health care. Any resident of Frederick County is eligible to borrow equipment from
the Loan Closet. No income requirements – donations are accepted. For more
information or to apply, phone 301-662-1561 between 8 am – 4 pm. Located at 22
South Market Street, Frederick.
Food Banks: For information call the Religious Coalition, 301-631-2670, located in
Brunswick, Emmitsburg, Frederick, Jefferson, Knoxville, Middletown, Thurmont, and
Frederick Community Action Agency: 301-600-1506. The FCAA offers
outreach/supportive services to the homeless/low-income families, homeless shelter,
case management services, and healthcare clinic, food bank, and Frederick Soup
Kitchen (evening meals seven nights a week) on-site. Weatherization and home repair
are also offered to Frederick County residents who meet the financial eligibility
requirements whether they rent or own their home.
Frederick County Department of Social Services: 301-600-4555 – Housing services,
Adult Case Management Services, In-Home Aide Services 301-600-2635, Energy
Assistance Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps 301-600-4575, etc.
Frederick County Hotline: Dial 211 or 301-662-2255, 263 W. Patrick St., Frederick.
Confidential telephone crisis hotline for people needing information, referrals, and
support. Available 24/7.
Frederick Rescue Mission: 301-635-6633, 419 West South St., Frederick.
Lunch/emergency food boxes to needy individuals and families.
Legal Aid Bureau, Inc.: 301-694-7414, 22 S Market St., Ste. 11, Frederick. Provides
free legal and/or referral services to qualifying low-income or elderly persons in noncriminal cases only.
Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Frederick County: 301-600-2155 or 800446-4926, 100 West Patrick St., Room 2120, Frederick. Provides services to veterans
and their survivors residing in Maryland, also assists in filing all claims for VA benefits.
MedBank: 301-600-1506, operated by the Frederick Community Action Agency, 100 S.
Market St., Frederick. The Medbank Program helps low- to moderate-income,
uninsured, or underinsured people obtain the prescription medications they need, but
can’t afford. The Medbank Program works by helping people to obtain free or lowcost prescription medications offered through patient assistance programs operated
by pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The prescription must be for a medical
or psychiatric condition that requires at least several months’ worth of medication.
Mt. Airy Net: Offers emergency assistance including rent, fuel/electricity,
pharmaceutical, food and clothing for Mt. Airy residents. 301-829-0472 /1615
The Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs/Mission of Mercy: 301-6312670, 27 Degrange St., Frederick. Emergency food, prescription assistance, and
energy assistance, schedule for Mission of Mercy – free medical care.
Partners in Care: 301-600-6008, 1440 Taney Ave., Frederick, Monday-Friday, 9am3pm. Allow five business days advance notice for scheduling. Provides transportation
to appointments, errand and grocery shopping, odd jobs around the home, and friendly
visitors. Must be a senior or disabled adult living in Frederick Co. in need of occasional
assistance in order to maintain independent living at home.
St. Vincent DePaul Society: 301-662-4676, 116 East Second St., Frederick, MD. Offers
emergency assistance including rent, fuel/electricity, and pharmaceutical assistance.
The Salvation Army: 301-662-2311, 223 W. 5th St., Frederick, Maryland. Offers
emergency assistance including rent, utilities, and pharmaceutical assistance. Thrift
store vouchers available. Assistance can be received every six months.
Seton Center, Inc.: 301-447-6102, 16840 S, Seton Avenue, Emmitsburg, MD. Income
and need based assistance with emergency situations such as utilities, rent,
prescriptions, and other needs.
Social Security Administration: 301-682-6765, 10 North Jefferson St., Ste. 204,
Frederick. Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, and Social Security
Disability. Benefit information and applications accepted on-site or by phone.
Bereavement Support Groups: All of these support groups are open to anyone in
Frederick County who has experienced the death of a loved one. Due to community
support there is no fee for these services. Contact Hospice of Frederick County at 240566-3030 for more information.
1. Genesis: Open-ended, self-help group designed to provide support to individuals
who have experienced the death of a loved one. This group offers a safe place
where members can talk about their loss, share their stories, and express their
2. Focus: Eight week closed-ended evening group designed to help those who have
experienced the death of a loved one learn what to expect from the grieving
process, while encouraging self-reflection. Focus provides a structured setting
where members are encouraged to discuss their emotional responses, helping them
process this information as it relates to the grieving process.
3. H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Progress and Express): Eight-week, closed-ended
educational and emotional support group for those who have experienced the
death of a spouse or a life partner. H.O.P.E. offers daytime sessions that focus on
issues relevant to the grieving process.
4. Treasures: Six-week, closed-ended evening group for parents who have
experienced the death of an infant. Treasures will help couples or individuals
understand and achieve a healthy resolution to grief suffered as a result of
perinatal loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS or any type of infant death.
5. Camp Jamie: A weekend camp to teach grieving children coping skills, while
providing a safe place for them to experience laughter, love and leisure.
Additional Community Support Groups:
Department of Aging Caregiver Support Program/Services: A variety of
services are available to caregivers throughout Frederick County, who care for
seniors 60 and over: Monthly support group, education and training, respite care
subsidies, linkage with other relevant community resources and programs, and
individualized information, referral and support services. Mary M. Collins,
Caregiver Support Program, Frederick County Department of Aging, 301-6006001.
Spousal Caregivers Support Group: sponsored by non-profit Well Spouse
Association, offers practical ideas and emotional support for coping with the
stress and demands associated with spousal caregiving. For more info, call 301371-4368, or
Multiple Sclerosis Self-Help Group: For all people newly diagnosed (in the last 2
years) with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Frederick County. Held 3-5 pm on the 4th Sunday
of the month at the Common Market Community Room, Rt. 85, Evergreen Square,
Frederick, MD. The purpose of this group is to provide support, information, and
resources for those newly diagnosed with MS, within an accepting and hopeful
environment. Contact Melissa Ward, 301-668-2948.
Smoking Cessation:
Smoking Cessation Classes: Free smoking cessation classes at the FMH Wellness
Center. Contact Mary Sheehy, MSN, CRNP, coordinator, (240) 379-6011.
Stop Smoking for Life: Free 10 hour smoking cessation program offered by the
Frederick County Health Department. Weekday and Saturday classes available,
to learn more or to register call (301) 631-3390.
Stroke Support Group: A group for stroke survivors, family and friends who come
together for education about strokes and to share stories with one another for mutual
support. The group meets every second Tuesday of the month, 4:30 –6 pm, at Glade
Valley Rehabilitation Center. Contact Denise Bouze, Physical Therapist at 301-8984320 or Laura Atkinson, 301-898-4300.