
Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 DEEP-­‐SEA RECORD OF MEDITERRANEAN MESSINIAN EVENTS (DREAM) Perforazione scien=fica nel Mediterraneo Angelo Camerlenghi ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI OCEANOGRAFIA E DI GEOFISICA SPERIMENTALE Con il contributo di: Johanna Lofi, Gert De Lange, Rachel Flecker, Daniel Garcia-­‐Castellanos, Chris+an Hübscher, Wout Krijgsman, Stefano Lugli, Vinicio Manzi, Terry McGenity, Marina Rabineau, Marco Roveri, Francisco Sierro………. …….and many others 1 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Uncovering a Salt Giant Umbrella proposal of the Deep-­‐Sea Record of Mediterranean Messinian Events (DREAM) mul+-­‐phase drilling project Angelo Camerlenghi ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI OCEANOGRAFIA E DI GEOFISICA SPERIMENTALE Con il contributo di: Giovanni Aloisi, Sierd Cloe+ngh, Hugh Daigle, Gert DeLange, Rachel Flecker, Daniel Garcia-­‐
Castellanos, Zohar Gvirtzman, Chris=an Hübscher, Wout Krijgsman, Junichiro Kuroda, Johanna Lofi, Stefano Lugli, Agnès Maillard-­‐Lenoir, Yizhaq Makovsky, Vinicio Manzi, Terry McGenity, Andrea Moscariello, Marina Rabineau, Marco Roveri, Francisco Javier Sierro, Nicolas Waldmann …….and many others 2 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Geographical and temporal distribu+on of salt giants giants (modified from Warren, 2010) Saline giants are found only in the most recent 600 million years of Earth history. The first great change in oceanic salinity (from an inferred value 1.5 to 2 +mes the modern value) probably occurred during the latest Precambrian when huge quan++es of salt were sequestered from 3 seawater in giant Neoproterozoic evaporite basins (Knauth, 2004). Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Most salt giants in the geological record are old and have typically experienced intense deforma=on (Davies and Engelder, 1985; Hudec and Jackson, 2007). Images courtesy Cris+an Hübscher, Hamburg 4 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 They are commonly the focus of applied research by the petroleum industry because of: •  sealing capacity of salt rock •  the recurrent associa+on with structural traps for hydrocarbon fluids, •  perturba=ons to in situ stresses associated with salt bodies. Images courtesy Cris+an Hübscher, Hamburg 5 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Besides the industrial interest: The global importance of salt giants •  Salt giants are the sedimentary expression of extreme environmental events of global relevance, ojen resul+ng from a combina+on of deep earth-­‐system dynamics and clima+c forcing. •  Salt deposi+on impacts the structural, chemical and biological evolu=on of the sedimentary basins in which it accumulates, and affects global ocean salinity. •  Because of the variety of chemical environments, salt giants have the poten=al to harbour an unprecedented diversity of microbial life with excep+onal metabolic ac+vity. 6 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 •  Being almost free of any overprin+ng by plate-­‐tectonic processes, young salt structures reflect almost pure salt tectonics caused by differen=al load and gravita=onal spread. •  Quan+ta+ve understanding of salt dynamics and associated fluid flow is fundamental to the assessment of submarine geohazards, and explora=on or produc=on risks. End-­‐member conceptual models for early salt deforma+on caused by basin subsidence and marginal +lt (gliding), and caused by differen+al load. Gliding is considered to have started during the salt deposi+on phase crea+ng internal salt deforma+on. 7 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Despite their global occurrence and general importance within the global Earth system, there is currently no complete stra=graphic record through an un-­‐deformed salt giant. Similarly, there is a significant lack of knowledge about the factors controlling salt giants deposi=on, their early evolu=on, the impact that thick salt deposi=on exerts on the isosta=c response of con=nental margins and on sub-­‐salt forma=ons. 8 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Drilling the Messinian salt giant in the Mediterranean represents a unique opportunity to understand the sedimentary history, stra=graphy, biosphere and fluid dynamics of a salt giant in a state close to its original deposi=onal configura=on. This is a novel concept for scien+fic drilling in sedimentary basins and addresses fundamental ques+ons posed in the IODP (Interna=onal Ocean Discovery Program) Ini+al Science Plan and beyond. hnp://www.iodp.org 9 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 About 6 million years ago the Mediterranean Sea was transformed into a giant saline basin, one of the largest in the Earth's history and demonstrably the youngest. Lofi et al., in prepara+on, modified ajer Maillard et al., 2011 10 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 •  More than 106 km3 of salt (6% of the dissolved oceanic salt) accumulated, locally exceeding a thickness of 3 km in the deep basins. •  This extreme, but geologically brief event (640 ka, 5.97 – 5.33 Ma), changed the chemistry of the global ocean and had a permanent impact on both the terrestrial and marine ecosystems of a huge area surrounding the Mediterranean. •  Increasing Mediterranean salinity was driven by tectonic restric+on of exchange with the Atlan+c Ocean and modulated by the impact of clima+c precession on surface water salinity. Lej: A view of the desiccated Mediterranean basin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis Source: hnp://
www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/12/mediterranean-­‐flood. Right: Ar+st’s impression of the Early 11 Pliocene Gibraltar Strait flooding (©1986 Guy Billout, first published in The Atlan+c Monthly). Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Seismic markers of the Messinian Salinity Crisis Messinian seismic markers on the Mediterranean con+nental margins (Balearic Promontory) (A) and in the deep Mediterranean Basin: Western Mediterranean (Provençal Basin) (B), and Eastern Mediterranean (Levant Basin) (C). PQ: Pliocene-­‐Quaternary; BU: Bedded Unit; UU: Upper Unit; MU: 12 Mobile Unit; LU: Lower Unit (ajer Lofi et al., 2011a). Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Three (simplified) conceptual scenarii STAGE 1
Scenario 1: Roveri et al., 2001; 2008; 2014a
euxinic deposits
Moderate base-level drop
thick deep water evaporites
(resedimented + cumulates)
primary gypsum in silled
marginal basins
Scenario 2: Ryan, 2008; Lofi et al., 2011b
Large base-level drop
highly concentrated
basin (brines)
"frozen brines"
primary gypsum in silled
marginal basins
Scenario 3: Bache et al., 2009
Large base-level drop
primary gypsum in silled
marginal basins
thick clastics (pre-salt)
salt precipitation in
shallow water
13 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 October 2003 The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) starts ODP 1985-­‐2003 October 2013 DSDP 1968-­‐1983 MOHOLE 1958-­‐1966 The Interna=onal Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) starts Exploring the Earth Under the Sea 14 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 The interna=onal Ocean Discovery Program Implemen=ng Organiza=ons (IOs) USIOU.S. Implemen=ng Organiza=on hbp://www.iodp-­‐usio.org/ ● Consor+um for Ocean Leadership ● Texas A&M University (TAMU) ● Lamont-­‐Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (LDEO) CDEX The Center for Deep Earth Explora=on hbp://www.jamstec.go.jp/chikyu ● Japan Agency for Marine-­‐Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) ESO ECORD Science Operator hbp://www.eso.ecord.org/ ● Bri+sh Geological Survey ● University of Bremen, Germany ● European Petrophysics Consor+um (EPC) University of Leicester (EPC Coordinator), U.K. Université de Montpellier, France RWTH Aachen University, Germany Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 16 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 17 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 ECORD/ICDP – MagellanPlus Workshop Series Program hnp://www.essac.ecord.org Brisighella (Ravenna) Italy May 05 – 08 2013 Since 1970: • 50 sites, 120 holes • 13 km of cores •  44-­‐84% of core recovery • Technological limita=on (no riser) 19 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 ECORD/ICDP – MagellanPlus Workshop Series Program hnp://www.essac.ecord.org Brisighella (Ravenna) Italy May 05 – 08 2013 DEEP-­‐SEA RECORD OF MEDITERRANEAN MESSINIAN EVENTS (DREAM) The purpose of the DREAM Workshop was to: • 
gather three genera=ons of scien=sts (those who par+cipated in the discovery, those who are presently ac+vely involved in research, and the next genera+on) • 
iden=fy loca=ons for mul=ple-­‐site drilling (including riser-­‐drilling) in the Mediterranean Sea • 
Iden+fy a strategy to solve the several open ques=ons s=ll exis=ng about the causes, processes, =ming and consequence at local and planetary scale of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). 20 Brisighella (Ravenna) Italy 37 scien+sts and 13 students/young post docs !
21 Brisighella (Ravenna) Italy 37 scien+sts and 13 students/young post docs !
22 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 23 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 DREAM ACTION PLAN emerged from the two ECORD Magellan+ Workshops (Brisighella and Paris): Proceed with the submission of: Umbrella proposal of the Deep-­‐Sea Record of Mediterranean Messinian Events (DREAM) mul+-­‐phase drilling project: Uncovering a Salt Giant (Camerlenghi et al.) Submined on April 1st 2014. 4 related scien+fic drilling proposals: 24 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Drilling Proposal 1: DREAM: Deep-­‐Sea Records of the MSC (Lofi, Camerlenghi et al.) to be submined on October 1st 2014 (pre-­‐proposal) The main objec+ves of the DREAM pre-­‐proposal will be to answer the following overarching ques+on: What are the causes, =ming and emplacement mechanisms of the MSC salt giant? 25 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Drilling Proposal 2: Deforma=on and fluid flow in the MSC salt giant (Hübscher et al.) to be submined on October 1st 2014 (pre-­‐proposal) The main objec+ves of the DREAM pre-­‐proposal will be to answer the following overarching ques+on: What are the factors responsible for early salt deforma=on and fluid flow across and out of the halite layer? 26 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Drilling Proposal 3: Probing the Salt Giant for its Deep Biosphere secrets (Aloisi et al.) to be submined on October 1st 2014 (pre-­‐proposal) The main objec+ves of the DREAM pre-­‐proposal will be to answer the following overarching ques+on: Do salt giants promote the development of a phylogene=cally diverse and excep=onally ac=ve deep biosphere? 27 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Drilling Proposal 4: Probing deep Earth and surface connec=ons (Rabineau et al.) submined on April 1st 2014 (pre-­‐proposal) The main objec+ves of the DREAM pre-­‐proposal will be to answer the following overarching ques+on: What are the mechanisms underlying the spectacular ver=cal mo=ons inside basins and their margins? 28 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 (Lofi et al.,2011) 29 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 30 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 31 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 32 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 33 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 34 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 35 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 36 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 37 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 38 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 39 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 40 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 41 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 42 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 43 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Courtesy M. Rabinueau and the GOLD Project 44 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Courtesy M. Rabinueau and the GOLD Project 45 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Mul=ple-­‐plamorm drilling •  Riser drilling (D/V Chikyu) for deep basin sites •  Riserless drilling (D/V JOIDES Resolu+on) for Mediterranean margin sites and erosional surface sites. •  Mission Specific Plamorm (MSP) drilling or ICDP drilling rigs in very shallow water or on land. 46 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 LIMITING FACTORS •  Water depth (presently 2500 m) •  Hazard to drilling: stress in the salt rock inducing rapid deforma+on, and possible overpressure in the pre-­‐salt forma+ons. •  Logging while drilling (LWD) and geochemical logging side-­‐wall coring in salt. 47 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 •  Links with oil and gas industry are considered of primary importance for the success of DREAM •  Site survey !
48 Caffè Scien+fico -­‐ Seminari di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale 8 Aprile 2014 Bicycle race concept of DREAM PELOTON PELOTÓN Drag reduc+on up to 40% in the middle of the peloton GRUPPO 49 