Ch 6-Rocks -

Identify major types of rock, explain how they form
Summarize steps in the rock cycle
Summarize the factors that affect stability of rocks
Summarize factors that affect whether rock melts
Describe how cooling rate of magma and lava affects
texture of igneous rocks
 Classify igneous rocks according to composition and
 Describe intrusive and extrusive igneous rock structures
Explain processes of compaction and cementation
Describe how chemical and organic sedimentary
rocks form
Describe how clastic sedimentary rock forms
Identify the sedimentary rock features
Describe the process of metamorphism
Explain the difference between regional and contact
Distinguish between foliated and nonfoliated
metamorphic rocks, give example of each
What defines a rock?
 Material that makes up solid parts of Earth, 1 or
more minerals, or made of solid organic matter
 Igneous rock- forms from magma
▪ Means from fire
 Sedimentary-forms from sediment that is
compressed and cemented together. How?
 Metamorphic-forms when existing rock is altered.
▪ Means changed from
Rock cycle-series of processes in which rock forms,
changes from one type to another, destroyed and
forms again by geological processes
 Steps
 Igneous is exposed and broken into sediment
 Sediment is compacted and cemented
 Sedimentary rock becomes metamorphic through certain
 Metamorphic rock melts and forms magma
 New igneous rock
Factors that affect stability
 Chemical Stability
▪ Chemical compound maintains stability or breaks down
to form different chemical
▪ Depends on chemical bonds between atoms in mineral
▪ More bonds between silicon and oxygen=more resistant
 Physical Stability
▪ Rocks have natural zones of weakness, determined
where rocks form
What are igneous rocks?
 Rocks that form when magma cools and solidifies.
Most are made of crystals
 How does magma form?
What are the factors that affect whether a
rock melts?
 Temperature, pressure, presence of fluid in rock
Partial melting
Intrusive igneous-rock formed from cooling
and solidification of magma beneath Earth’s
Extrusive igneous-rock that forms from the
cooling and solidification of lava at Earth’s
 Differ in size of crystals or grains
Texture determined by size of crystals in
rock-size determined by cooling rate
Coarse grained-large mineral grains
 Ex. Granite
 Slow loss of heat=large crystals
Fined grained-small crystals
 Ex. Basalt and rhyolite
 Cools rapidly
Porphyritic-large crystals embedded w/ small
 Cools slowly then more rapidly near surface
Glassy-few crystals
 Ex. Obsidian
 Cools quickly, contains small % of dissolved gases
Vesicular-full of holes
 Ex. Pumice
 Cools rapidly, contains large % of dissolved gases
Composition-determined by chemical composition
of magma
 Divided into 3 families; Felsic, mafic, intermediate
 Felsic Rock
 Magma contains a lot of silica
 Light coloring
 Contains plagioclase feldspar, biotite mica, muscovite
 Ex. Granite, rhyolite, obsidian, pumice
Mafic Rock
 Magma has lower proportions of silica
 Rich in iron and magnesium
 Contains plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene minerals. Also
ferromganesian minerals-hornblende
 Ex. Basalt and gabbro
Intermediate Rock
 Minerals such as plagioclase feldspar, hornblende,
pyroxene, biotite mica
 Lower proportions of silica than felsic, higher than mafic
 Ex. Diorite and andesite
What is an intrusion?
 Igneous rock masses that form underground
Types of intrusive rock structures
Batholiths-forms cores of mt ranges
Stocks-similar to batholiths, smaller
Laccoliths-form small dome shaped mts
Sills-lies parallel to layers of rock around it
Dikes-cut across rock layers. Common in areas of
volcanic activity
What are extrusions?
 Igneous rock masses that form on Earth’s surface
Types of extrusions
 Volcano-vent in which magma, gases, volcanic ash are
▪ Volcanic neck-solidified central vent
▪ Narrow dikes may be exposed
 Lava flows-flat masses of rock
 Lava plateau-series of lava flows that cover vast area w/
thick rock
 Tuff-volcanic ash deposits
What is sediment?
 Loose fragments of rock, minerals, and organic
material, result of natural processes
Transported by wind, water or ice
Sediment looses chemical and physical
 Sediment is squeezed, size of pore space between
sediment grains is reduced by weight and
pressure of overlying layers
 Sediments are glued together by minerals that
are deposited by water
Form from minerals once dissolved in water
Form when dissolved minerals precipitate out
of water because of changing concentrations
of chemical
 Why do minerals precipitate?
▪ Evaporation
 Ex. Gypsum and halite
Form from remains of living things
 Coal, limestone
What makes up coal?
What makes up limestone?
 Shells of tiny, one celled organism
Sedimentary rock that forms when fragments
of pre-existing rocks are compacted or
cemented together
Conglomerate-rounded fragments
Breccia-angular and have sharp corners
Sandstone-sand sized grains cemented
Shale-clay sized particles cemented and
compacted together, easily split apart
How are sediments transported?
Characteristics of sedimentary rock
 Stratification-layering of rock, occurs when conditions of
sediment deposition changes
▪ Beds=stratified layers
▪ Massive beds=no internal structures
 Cross beds-slanting layers of sed rock form w/in beds
▪ Sand dunes or river beds
 Graded bedding-various sizes and kinds of material in one
▪ Reverse grading=smallest grains on top of large grains
Ripple Marks-caused by action of wind or water
on sand
 Sandstone
Mud Cracks-form when muddy deposits dry and
 River’s flood plain, dry lake bed
Fossils-remains or traces of ancient plants and
Concretions-lumps of rock w/ different
composition of main rock body
 Geode=rock that forms when minerals crystallize
inside cavity of sed rock
What is metamorphism?
 Process in which heat, pressure, or chemical
processes change one type of rock to another
 Forms from existing igneous, sedimentary or
metamorphic rock
What causes minerals to change into other
Types of metamorphism
 Regional and Contact
Contact Metamorphism
 Change in texture, structure, chemical composition of rock
due to contact w/ magma
Regional Metamorphism
 Change in texture, structure, or chemical composition of
rock due to changes in temperature and pressure over
large area
 Tectonic forces
Which way do you believe most metamorphic rock
is formed?
Classified on texture and chemical composition
Types of Rocks
 Foliated-minerals arranged in planes or bands
▪ Extreme pressure causes crystals to realign or regrow
▪ Minerals w/ different compositions separate-dark and light bands
 Non-foliated-no bands or aligned minerals
▪ Original rock contains grains of only one mineral, or small amounts
of other minerals
▪ Original may contain grains that are round or square
▪ Ex. Quartzite and marble