General Science Chapter 23 Notes


Chapter 23

Earth’s Surface

23.1 Fresh Water

• Earth is 71% water

• 97% is salt water

• 3% is freshwater

• Most freshwater is in the form of groundwater- water found underground in cracks and between particles of rock and soil.

• Some freshwater is found in lakes, streams, water vapor, and clouds.

The Water Cycle

• The water cycle is made up of several processes, including evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and the eventual return of flowing water to the ocean.

• Evaporation- liquid to vapor (gas)

• Transpiration- when water vapor is released from the leaves of trees and other plants

• Condensation- when water vapor expands and cools, water vapor forms droplets which crystallize at lower temperatures

• Precipitation- when water droplets or ice crystals get too heavy, they fall as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or freezing rain

Fresh Water

• A small portion of Earth’s fresh water is located in the atmosphere, streams, and lakes. Most is located in groundwater and glaciers.

• Glaciers- large masses of moving ice and snow on land

• Runoff- water that flows over Earth’s surface, goes into streams

• Tributary- smaller stream that flows into a larger river

• Watershed- area of land that contributes water to a river system

(Rocky Mountains to Appalachian)

• Saturated zone- region where the pore spaces are entirely filled with groundwater

• Water table- top of saturated zone

• Permeable- water can pass through

• Aquifer- permeable rock saturated with water

• Impermeable- water cannot pass through

23.2 Weathering and Mass Movement

• Erosion- the process that wears down and carries away rock and soil

• Erosion acts through weathering, the force of gravity, and through the movement of streams, groundwater, glaciers, wind, and waves.

• Erosion forms canyons, caves


• Weathering is the process by which rocks are chemically altered or physically broken down into fragments at or near Earth’s surface

• There are two forms of weathering: mechanical and chemical. They cause rocks to disintegrate or decompose.

• Mechanical weathering- process of physically breaking rock into smaller fragments

• Abrasion- rocks scrape or grind against one another

• Chemical weathering- process in which rock is broken down by chemical reactions, such as water, acid, and oxidation

Rates of Weathering

• The rate at which mechanical and chemical weathering take place depends on three main factors: temperature, the availability of water, and the type of rock.

• High temperature and abundant rainfall lead to a higher rate of weathering.

• Limestone and marble rapidly weather.

Mass Movement

• Mass movement- the downward movement of rock and soil due to gravity

• Through the process of mass movement, gravity moves loose material down a slope.

• Landslide- rapid movement of large amounts of rock and soil

• Mudflow- rapid mass movement of soil and other sediment mixed with water

• Creep- soil gradually moves down a slope (caused from ice)

• Slump- weak layers of soil or rock suddenly move downslope as a single unit

23.3 Water Shapes the Land

• Deposition- the process in which sediment is laid down in new locations, usually by flowing water

• Saltation- process of particles bouncing along a stream bottom

• A stream’s ability to erode depends mainly on its speed.

Features Formed by Water Erosion

• Water erosion forms V-shaped valleys, waterfalls, meanders, and oxbow lakes.

• V-shaped valley- contains rapids and waterfalls, occur at stream’s source

• Flood plain- flat area along a stream that is entirely covered only during times of flood

• Meander- slight curving of river, looks like a loop

• Oxbow lake- a separate, curved lake formed when sediments cut off river

Features Formed by Water Deposition

• Features deposited by flowing water include alluvial fans and deltas.

• Alluvial fan- when a stream flows out the mountains and onto plains, it slows down, sediments settle, and a fan-shaped deposit of sediment is left

• Delta- a mass of sediment deposited where a river enters a large body of water

Groundwater Erosion

• The processes of chemical weathering causes much groundwater erosion, including the formation of caves and sinkholes.

• Stalactite- on cavern ceiling, icicle-like formation

• Stalagmite- pillar of minerals on cavern floor

• Sinkhole- weakened limestone can collapse suddenly

23.4 Glaciers and Wind

• Glaciers form in places where more snow falls than melts or sublimates.

• Continental glacier- thick sheet of ice that covers a huge area, such as a continent or large island

• Valley glacier- glacier that occurs in a high mountain valley

• Plucking- glacial ice widens cracks in bedrock beneath the glacier

• Glaciers cause many distinctive features in the landscape, including cirques, horns, U-shaped valleys, and glacial lakes

• Cirque- valleys formed from valley glaciers

• When a glacier melts, it deposits its load of sediment, creating a variety of landforms.

• Till- glacial sediment

• Moraine- mound of sediment at the downhill end of the glacier and along its sides, formed by till

Wind Erosion and Deposition

• Wind erodes the land by deflation and abrasion.

• Deflation- wind picks up and carries away loose surface material

• Abrasion- wind blows sand against other rocks, sandblasting

• Features deposited by wind include sand dunes and loess deposits

• Dune- deposit formed from windblown sand

• Loess (less)- deposit formed from windblown dust

23.5 The Restless Oceans

• Salinity- the proportion of dissolved salts in water (35g/kg water)

• Light and temperature decrease with depth, whereas pressure increases.

• Continental shelf- gently sloping plain forms an apron of shallow water along the edges of most continents

• Surface current- large stream of ocean water that moves continuously in about the same path.

• Winds blowing across the surface of the ocean cause the continuous flow of surface currents

• Deep ocean currents are caused by differences in the density of ocean water

• Upwelling- movement of water from the deep ocean to the surface

• In upwelling, winds blow warm surface water aside. This allows cold water from the deep ocean to rise and take the place of the warmer water.

• Two physical processes, hydraulic action and abrasion, are responsible for much wave erosion

• Longshore drift- the process that moves sand along a shore

23.6 Earth’s History

• Relative age- of a rock is compared to the ages of other rocks above or below it in a sequence of rock layers

• Law of superposition- if rock layers are undisturbed, younger rocks lie above older rocks, and the oldest rocks are at the bottom

• Geologists use the law of superposition to determine the relative ages of sedimentary rocks from the sequence of rock layers and the fossils within each layer.

• Extinct- no longer exists

• Index fossil- easily identified, occurred over a large area, and lived during a well-defined period of time

• Absolute age- time that has passed since the rock formed, determined by radioactive dating

A Brief History of Earth

• Era- major stage in Earth’s history

• Period- smaller unit of era

• Mass extinction- when many creatures die in a short time

• Precambrian time- 4.6 Billion to 544 Million years ago,

Earth was formed, one-celled organisms

• Paleozoic Era- 544 to 248 Million years ago, clam and worm, fish, flood

• Mesozoic Era- 248 to 65 Million years ago, dinosaurs

• Cenozoic Era- 65 Million years ago to now, ice age, mammals, humans
