Functional data analysis in spaces of surfaces

Functional data analysis in spaces of surfaces
Analisi di dati funzionali in spazi di superfici
Laura M. Sangalli
Abstract The talk presents a novel functional data analysis technique for surface
estimation and spatial smoothing, at the interface between statistics and numerical
Abstract Il seminario presenta una nuova tecnica di analisi di dati funzionali per la
stima accurata di superfici e campi spaziali, all’interfaccia tra statistica ed analisi
Key words: penalized regression, partial differential equations, finite elements.
1 Surface estimation and spatial smoothing via regression
models with partial differential regularizations
The talk presents a novel functional data analysis technique for accurate surface
estimation and spatial smoothing. The proposed class of models are penalized regression models with regularizing terms involving partial differential operators. In
simpler context of curve estimation and univariate smoothing problems, the idea
of regularization with ordinary differential operators has already proved to be very
effective and is in general playing a central role in the functional data analysis literature. See, e.g., [12]. Also in the more complex case of surface estimation and spatial
smoothing, some methods use roughness penalties involving simple forms of partial differential operators. A classical example is given by thin-plate-splines, while
more recent proposals are offered for instance by [13, 16, 8]; see also the applications in [9, 6, 1]. Finally, although in a different framework, the use of simple form
of (stochastic) PDEs is also at the core of the Bayesian spatial models introduced by
Laura M. Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano
Laura M. Sangalli
[10] and more generally the larger literature on Bayesian inverse problems [15] and
data assimilation in inverse problems [5].
Regression models with partial differential regularizations merge advanced statistical methodology with numerical analysis techniques. Thanks to the combination
of potentialities from these two scientific areas, the proposed class of models have
important advantages with respect to classical statistical techniques for bidimensional smoothing and for surfaces and spatial fields estimation. Regression models
with partial differential regularizations are able to efficiently deal with data distributed over irregularly shaped domains, with complex boundaries, strong concavities and interior holes [14]. Moreover, they can comply with specific conditions at
the boundaries of the problem domain [14, 3], which is fundamental in many applications to obtain meaningful estimates. The proposed models can also deal with
data scattered over Riemannian manifold domains [7], only few methods existing in
literature for this type of data structures. Moreover, regression models with partial
differential regularizations have the capacity to incorporate problem-specific priori
information about the spatial structure of the phenomenon under study [4, 3, 2], with
a very flexible modeling that allows naturally for anisotropy and non-stationarity.
Space-varying covariate information is also included in the models via a semiparametric framework. The estimators have a penalized regression form, they are linear
in the observed data values, and have good inferential properties. The use of advanced numerical analysis techniques, and specifically of finite elements (see, e.g.,
[11]), makes the models computationally very efficient.
During the talk the method will be illustrated in various applied contexts, including demographic data and medical imaging data.
Acknowledgements The talk is based on joint work with Laura Azzimonti, Bree Ettinger, Fabio
Nobile, Simona Perotto, Jim Ramsay, Piercesare Secchi, Matthieu Wilhelm. This research has
been funded by the research program Dote Ricercatore Politecnico di Milano - Regione Lombardia, project “Functional data analysis for life sciences”, and by the starting grant FIRB Futuro
in Ricerca, MIUR Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Universit`a e della Ricerca, research project “Advanced statistical and numerical methods for the analysis of high dimensional functional data in
life sciences and engineering”(
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Functional data analysis in spaces of surfaces
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