Symbolism TSL -

The Scarlet Letter
by Nathaniel
Major characters in The
Scarlet Letter
Hester Prynne
The Scarlet Letter is
filled with symbolism.
Symbolism is when
one thing is used to
represent something
Darkness vs. Light
Sunshine seldom shines on Hester, but
often on Pearl. Sunshine represents
goodness while the darkness represents
evil and hidden sins. The forest is a dark
and forbiding place that the Puritans felt
was full of evil. This is the place where
Hester and Arthur meet years after Pearl is
born,and it is only there that they can feel
free enough to express their long
repressed feelings for one another, for it is
here that the rules of society cannot
The Sunlight Does Not Shine on
“Mother,” said little Pearl, “the sunshine
does not love you. It runs away and hides
itself, because it is afraid of something on
your bosom. . . . It will not flee from me,
for I wear nothing on my bosom yet!”
“Nor ever will, my child, I hope,” said
“And why not, mother?” asked Pearl,
stopping short. . . . “Will it not come of its
own accord, when I am a woman grown?”
Dimmesdale Hides in the Light
It is only in the dark of night that
Arthur Dimmesdale can allow himself
to come out and "reveal" his sin as he
does in the dark of night on the
scaffold where Hester’s sin was
revealed in the light of day.
The Letter “A”
The "A" represents adultery in the beginning of
the book. It is Hester's punishment for
committing sin. She wears it with stoic endurance
and embellishes it with gold threads until it
becomes a thing of beauty. Later in the novel, the
town has forgotten Hester's original sin. Now the
"A" is thought to represent "able" or "angel" .
When the meteor makes a phenomenal "A" in the
night sky, the town is in awe of its wonder. They
think it must be "Angel" .
We may also associate it with “Alone” or
The Rosebush by the Prison Door
The prison is a place of despair and
doom, but the rose growing by the
door represents the beauty and
forgiveness of nature.
Weeds and Poisonous plants
The Rose at Governor
Bellingham’s house
As Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold with Hester and
Pearl in Chapter XII, a meteor traces out an “A” in the
night sky. To Dimmesdale, the meteor implies that he
should wear a mark of shame just as Hester does. The
meteor is interpreted differently by the rest of the
community, which thinks that it stands for “Angel” and
marks Governor Winthrop’s entry into heaven.
Pearl - Although Pearl is a complex character,
her primary function within the novel is as a
symbol. Pearl is a sort of living version of her
mother’s scarlet letter. She is the physical
consequence of sexual sin.
Hester Prynne
The protagonist of the novel who is an English woman
and the wife of Roger Chillingworth. She is tried and
condemned for her sin of adultery with Dimmesdale and
charged to wear the scarlet letter, "A", an indication of
adultery, on the bosom of her gown forever. Even
though she has a daughter out of wedlock, she refuses
to reveal who the father is. As a young woman, her
youthful beauty, luxuriant hair, and excellent features
are diminished by her self-effacing puritanical way of
dressing. As an older lady, she returns to Boston where
she is finally accepted for her kindness and service.
Arthur Dimmesdale
The young, handsome, and unmarried pastor of
Hester's church. Apart from committing adultery
with Hester, he is guilty of hiding his sin. His
intense suffering and remorse, however, are
reflected in his rundown physical appearance.
He emerges as the tragic figure of the novel
around whom revolves the plot's suspense and
on whom the reader's attention is centered.
Thus, he is also considered a protagonist, like
Roger Chillingworth
A scholarly physician who has sent his wife
ahead of him to America. He fails to join her
quickly, for he is captured by Indians from
whom he gathers a knowledge of herbal
medicine. He is an old, evil, vicious, ugly, and
deformed man. His diabolical vengeance on
Dimmesdale, while pretending to treat him,
makes him the personification of evil.
The beautiful daughter of Hester and
Dimmesdale. She is the living symbol of the
scarlet letter and has peculiar traits that make
her sometimes appear as a demon. Her love for
nature and freedom, her vivacious spirit, her
alienation, her rebelliousness, her
inquisitiveness, and her innocent but symbolic
comments reveal her distinct personality. She is,
however, a product of the difficult situation into
which she is born.
Pearls are formed in oysters when a grain
of sand slips inside and irritates the
oyster. The oyster covers the irritant and it
becomes a thing of rare beauty. Just like a
real pearl , Pearl in The Scarlet Letter is
born of her mother's shame and suffering ,
but has become a precious, rare, and
beautiful child.
The Main Themes of The Scarlet Letter
Sin and its effect on the individual
 Hawthorne explores this by tracing the
consequences of different kinds of sin on
3 different characters: Hester,
Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth.
 The consequence of sin is alienation, and
as their sins differ, so do the kinds of
alienation that result from them.
Hester’s isolation is physical – the townspeople shun her.
There is a magic circle of ignominy caused by her scarlet
letter. However, the scarlet letter is the means to her
redemption. Hawthorne believes that no reconciliation
with God, society, or self can happen without confessing
one’s sin and coming to terms with it. “Be true! Be true!
Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some
trait whereby the worst can be inferred.”
Hester’s pregnancy makes her sin known and she works
out her redemption slowly and painfully in public view.
The A changes from Adultery to Able.
Dimmesdale suffers agonizing guilt and
 The admiration of his parishioners wounds
him because of his sense of unworthiness
and alienation from God.
 His redemption is possible only when he
publicly confesses his sins on the scaffold
(and not at night when no one was there
to hear).
Chillingworth’s sin lies in his single-minded pursuit of
vengeance – in violating “in cold blood, the sanctity of
the human heart.”
His obsession transforms him into a fiend.
His isolation is represented by the dread his dark and
stooping posture inspire in the children of the town
(remember Pearl sees him as a Devil).
His secret sin, which finally destroys him, is
unpardonable because he himself is unable to forgive.
Another Theme
Another theme is that Sin brings special knowledge or
insights to the sinner (just like eating the forbidden
apple gave insight to Adam and Eve)
 Hester sees the sins of others
 Dimmesdale in able to look into the hearts of his
 Chillingworth has insights into Dimmesdale’s soul
 Mistress Hibbins (the resident witch) intuitively sees into
the minister’s soul
 Pearl, who isn’t a sinner but who is born as the result of
sin, can figure out that Dimmesdale is his father without
being told.
The Structure of the Novel
The novel is symmetrical. Very carefully
planned out.
The Three Main Scenes
All take place on the scaffold
 They underscore the unity of the novel
 They bring together the four major
characters and show their changing
circumstances throughout the novel.
Themes are universal ideas that an author
wants to express through his/her writings.
A theme is not the “topic”, but rather an
idea about the topic that an author wants
to put forth.
Themes can be expressed as a sentence: a
universal statement that should apply
beyond the story.
Forgiveness and Revenge
CHillingsworth seeks his revenge for
Hester's adultery, but it poisons his
soul and destroys any happiness he
might have found. His only
vindication comes when he leaves his
inheritance to little Pearl.
Guilt and Innocence
Hester accepts her guilt and her
punishment without complaint.
Arthur Dimmesdale hides his guilt,
and it destroys him from within. He
cannot bear what he has done, but
has not the courage to face his sins.
Pearl is the innocent product of her
parent's guilt and sin, but she is
innocent and beautiful. She grows up
to live a life of luxury.
Truth and Lies
Arthur Dimmesdale cannot face his sin. He does not have
the courage to face his punishment. He secretly carves the
“A” into his chest in a vain attempt to punish himself. The
real punishment is that which his own guilt and lies do to
his soul. They destroy him from within.
Hester accepts her punishment. She does not hide from it,
and she is , at the end, vindicated because no one
remembers her sin.
Roger Chillingsworth hides his true identity. In so doing, he
becomes filled with bitterness, hatred, and evil. It is only
when he leaves an inheritance to little Pearl that the reader
feels any sympathy toward him.
Be True
Because both Chillingworth and
Dimmesdale live a lie, they suffer
more than Hester, whose sin is
The townspeople shun Hester and the children
are forbidden to play with little Pearl. Yet they
seek Hester's skills as a seamstress, and they
secretly envy the beauty of the embellished "A"
that adorns her clothing....adornment that they,
as Puritans of plain and simple lifestyle are
forbidden to wear.
Arthur Dimmesdale enjoys the prestige of being a
well-respected minister, a man of God. Yet, he is
the father of Hester's child, the sinful adulterer
the townspeople want Hester to name.
It is Hester’s pride that helps her
survive .
 It is Arthur Dimmesdale’s pride that
leads to his destruction.
 It is Roger Chillingworth’s pride that
leads him to be a bitter, evil person
obsessed with vindictiveness.
Irony of situation : When we expect one
thing to happen, but the opposite happens
 Verbal Irony: When someone says one
thing, but actually means the opposite.
 Dramatic Irony: When the reader knows
something that the characters in a story
do not know.
Dramatic Irony in The Scarlet Letter
The reader knows that Arthur Dimmesdale
is Pearl’s father. The townspeople do not
know this.
The reader knows that Roger
Chillingworth is Hester’s husband. The
townspeople do not know this.
Situational Irony in The Scarlet Letter
The symbol of Hester’s sin ( the “A”)
that could have destroyed Hester has
made her stronger and envied by
those who shunned her.
Irony (cont.)
The "A" that Hester is forced to wear,
and which she hates in the
beginning, becomes a valued part of
her identity. She even refuses to
remove it when she no longer is
required to wear it. She panics
when the town considers allowing
her to remove it.
Irony (cont.)
The sin that Arthur Dimmesdale
hides because he is afraid it will
destroy his reputation as the revered
minister ends up destroying his very
Irony (cont.)
Pearl, who is shunned along with her
mother, grows up to have all the
luxuries that those who shunned her
will never have.
Dimmesdale A character so weak that only Hester’s
love and his extreme suffering lend him
 Some consider him the protagonist
because he is the tempted one, the one
who is persecuted, and the one whose
confession climaxes the novel
Chillingworth –
 Somewhat of a stock character (which
may take away from his believability)
 He does change in the novel (though we
never really see the scholar who was
“thoughtful of others, craving little for
 His change into the fiend that wants
revenge is pDimmesdale of what causes
Hester to feel guilt
Pearl –
 The only character who suffers as a
result of a sin she didn’t have anything
to do with
 Symbolic in nature – is a living
representation of Hester’s sin and is
definitely pDimmesdale of her
punishment as well as her salvation
 Is finally humanized in the final chapter
Situational Irony – the fact that
Chillingworth, the wronged husband,
whom might normally gain the
sympathy of the reader, ends up being
a fiend. He is a physician, whose
mission should be to cure, and he
affixes himself to Dimmesdale, who he
eventually plans to make suffer for the
rest of his days. It is also ironic that
Dimmesdale, who is agonized by guilt
Dramatic Irony- occurs mostCont.
often when Hester and
Dimmesdale meet in public and must communicate in
ways that the onlookers will not understand (ex. When
Dimmesdale asks Hester to reveal the father of her
Verbal Irony – Example would be when Hawthorne
accounts for the popularity of Hester’s needlework
among the Puritans as follows: “Vanity, by putting
on…the garments that had been wrought by sinful
Some symbols keep the same significance throughout –
the scaffold, which represents public notice, and weeds
and unsightly vegetation which stand for moral evil.
Others, like the forest, which represents both nature and
the threatening powers of the Black Man, are
The central symbol, the Scarlet Letter, does change in
meaning, as Hester works her way towards absolution.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Summary
This chapter sets the
scene (17th c Boston)
 Drably dressed Puritans
gathered in front of the
 In front of the prison is
a growth of weeds, and
beside it grows a wild
rose bush.
Chapter 1 – Analysis
The rust, decay, and ugliness foreshadow
the gloom of the novel.
 Two landmarks ---the prison & cemetery–
point to themes of punishment & death.
 Although the rose is beautiful, it is a
striking contrast to everything else.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Summary
Puritans are gathered in front of the
prison to witness a public punishment.
 Most of the women appear self-righteous
in discussing Hester Prynne’s sin.
 Proud & beautiful, Hester emerges from
the prison wearing an
elaborately embroidered
scarlet letter A on her dress.
 The A stands for adultery.
Chapter 2 - Summary
Hester is carrying a three-month old infant
in her arms.
 The crowd is unsympathetic as Hester
walks toward the scaffold of the pillory.
Chapter 2 - Summary
While standing on the pillory, Hester
dreams of her past life in England (with
her father) and on the Continent (with her
“misshapen scholar” husband).
 Stern faces watch Hester.
 Hester is painfully aware of her present
position of shame and punishment.
Chapter 2 – Analysis
Pearl is the symbol of Hester’s sin.
 Roger Chillingworth (the misshapen
scholar) is Hester’s legal husband.
 Hawthorne reveals his critical attitude
toward Puritan society (probably due to
his family background).
Chapter 2 – Analysis
The goodwives condemn Hester and
suggest more violent torture. Hawthorne
objected to this type of attitude in early
American Puritanism.
 Hawthorne avoids over-generalizing
Puritans by including one character who is
somewhat sympathetic toward Hester.
 This chapter is heavy in historical
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Summary
In this chapter, Hawthorne reveals that
Hester was sent ahead from Europe by
her husband.
 Hester has been in Boston for two years
without any word from her husband.
 Because Hester was with child, she was
not executed for the sin of adultery.
 Hester’s punishment is standing on the
scaffold for three hours & wear the
symbolic letter for the rest of her life.
Chapter 3 - Summary
Hester’s husband encountered problems in
crossing the Atlantic Ocean. At some
point, he was held captive. These
problems delayed him from reaching
 Hester’s husband is upset that the baby’s
father is not sharing in the public
Chapter 3 - Summary
Hester dreads talking to her husband.
 The Reverend Mr. John Wilson is Boston’s
oldest and most famous minister.
 The young Reverend Mr. Arthur
Dimmesdale’s voice tone reveals a
kindness toward Hester.
 Hester refuses to name the father of her
 Pearl cries and screams.
Chapter 3 – Analysis
Reverend Dimmesdale is the father of
Pearl. This fact makes his passionate
appeal one of the richest passages of
irony in the book (there is a strong
undercurrent of personal meaning in
Dimmesdale’s public remarks).
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Summary
Back in the prison cell, Pearl convulses in
 Hester’s husband poses as a physician by
the name of Roger Chillingworth, and
does not reveal that he is married to
 Although fearful he will harm the baby,
Hester allows Chillingworth to give the
baby medicine.
 Still in fear, Hester accepts some sedative.
Chapter 4 - Summary
The sedative calms Hester.
 Hester and her husband talk intimately
and sympathetically---both accept a
measure of blame for the current
 Chillingworth does not want revenge
against Hester; however, he wants to
know who violated his marriage.
Chapter 4 - Summary
Since Hester is concealing the identity of
her lover, Chillingworth requests that
Hester also keep her husband’s identity
 Chillingworth promises not to take the life
or damage the reputation of her unknown
lover (if Hester doesn’t give the name of
her husband).
Chapter 4 - Summary
Chillingworth warns Hester if she fails to
keep his identity secret, then he will hurt
Pearl’s father.
Chapter 4 – Analysis
This is one of the more dramatic chapters
of the book.
 Regarding the development of
Chillingworth, we see both what he has
been and what he is to become.
 Chillingworth is a lonely, gentle scholar
who has been robbed of his wife;
however, he has an element of selfdestruction in his grim determination to
discover the man who has caused him
Chapter 4 – Analysis
Hester never pretended to love her
 Hester does deeply love Pearl’s father.
 It is Hester’s concern for Dimmesdale
(more than her sense of obliagation to
Chillingworth) that persuades her to swear
to keep her husband’s secret. *This
promise will make Hester and her lover
suffer later in the book.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Summary
After her imprisonment,
Hester is free to leave
Boston; however, she
moves into a small thatched
cottage on the outskirts of
 Hester supports herself as a
seamstress. Her work is in
demand for everything but
wedding dresses.
 Hester remains a social
outcast. She patiently takes
abuse from the
Chapter 5 – Analysis
The primary function of this chapter is to show
Hester undergoing penance.
 Hester goes beyond the letter of the law–
staying in Boston (atmosphere of torture) when
she could leave.
 Hester dresses in the coarsest and most
somber attire when her natural taste is for the
rich and beautiful.
 Despite Hester’s apparent humility and her
refusal to strike back, she resents and inwardly
rebels against the viciousness of her Puritan
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – Notes
At age three, Pearl is a
physically beautiful,
vigorous, and graceful
little girl.
Pearl has unusual depth
of mind but an
uncontrollable, fiery
passion (neither threats
or kindness of Hester
can control this side of
Hester makes rich,
elaborate dresses for
Chapter 6 – Notes
Pearl’s mischief and disrespect for
authority remind Hester of her own sin of
the passions.
 Hester names her daughter “Pearl”
because she came at a “great price.”
Chapter 6 – Notes
Hester and Pearl rely on one another because
they are excluded from “respectable” society.
 Pearl does not try to make friends; rather, she
throws rocks and screams at the other children.
 Pearl’s only companion in play is her
imagination—but even in her games of makebelieve she never creates friends. Pearl does
create make-believe enemies (Puritans) she
plans to destroy.
Chapter 6 – Notes
The object that most captures Pearl’s
attention is the scarlet letter on her
mother’s dress.
 As an infant, Pearl grasped at the letter.
As a child, Pearl threw wild flowers at the
 Pearl denies having a Heavenly Father and
demands that Hester explain where Pearl
came from.
Chapter 6 -- Analysis
Hester’s interpretation of Pearl’s behavior
as almost supernatural or fiendish takes
place primarily in Hester’s mind.
 Hester deeply loves Pearl but cannot
understand her and somewhat fears Pearl.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 -- Summary
Hearing that influential citizens are going to
take Pearl away from her, Hester goes to
Governor Bellingham’s mansion.
 Under the pretext of taking him gloves, Hester
plans to plead for the right to keep her
 When she is taunted by a group of Puritan
children, Pearl screams and threatens the
Chapter 7 – Summary
Leech is an archaic term for a physician.
 Hester attempts to quiet Pearl who is
crying and screaming for one of the red
roses from the garden.
Chapter 7 -- Analysis
The scarlet A is strengthen by two striking
variations: the magnified A in the
breastplate, and Pearl as a living version
of the scarlet symbol.
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 -- Summary
The Governor is shocked by Pearl’s vain and
immodest costume. He doubts Hester’s fitness
to raise Pearl in a Christian way.
 The Governor instructs Reverend Wilson to test
Pearl’s knowledge of religious items.
 Although Hester has taught Pearl much more
about religion than most
three year olds, Pearl
deliberately pretends
Chapter 8 -- Summary
After a plea from Hester, Dimmesdale
persuades the Governor and Wilson to let
Pearl remain with her mother (as a
blessing from God & as a reminder of sin).
 Leaving the mansion, Mistress Hibbins
(the governor’s sister) invites Hester to a
midnight meeting of witches in the forest.
Hester declines.
Chapter 8 Analysis
For the first time in three years (since the
scaffold) the four main characters are together.
 This chapter contains the first hints as to
Dimmesdale being the father.
 Dimmesdale has been suffering with his
concealed guilt.
 Chillingworth physically appears more ugly,
dark, and misshapen.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Summary
Some Puritans believe that it is as special act of
Providence that Chillingworth has arrived and
can take care of Dimmesdale.
 Dimmesdale and Chillingworth have separate
apartments in the same house.
 Gradually, the townspeople become suspicious
of Chillingworth; however, they have faith that
Dimmesdale is strong enough to overcome his
Chapter 9 – Analysis
For Dimmesdale, the relationship with
Chillingworth is dangerous.
 There is a Satanic turn in Chillingworth’s
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 -- Summary
Chillingworth is obsessed with discovering
the truth.
 Chillingworth asks Dimmesdale why a man
should be willing to carry secret sins to
the grave rather than confessing them
during his lifetime.
 Dimmesdale replies that most men do
confess but that some men do not
because they would no longer be able to
do God’s work on earth.
Chapter 10 -- Summary
Chillingworth finds Dimmesdale asleep in a
chair. He pulls aside the minister’s
vestment (ceremonial robe) and finds a
letter A carved into the skin.
 Chillingworth experiences feelings of
wonder, joy, and horror.
Chapter 10 Analysis
Chillingworth has become diabolical in his
determination. As seen in chapter ten, this is
the most vicious side of Chillingworth; however,
Hawthorne reminds the reader that C had once
been kindly, pure, and upright. C did not
choose a path of evil.
 C is a victim of his need to seek the truth.
 D is a victim of his own weakness.
 Dimmesdale is consumed with painful inner
suffering. He is wasting away from the
struggle with his soul.
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 -- Summary
Knowing the secret, Chillingworth begins his
unrelenting torture of Dimmesdale.
 Dimmesdale begins to abhor Chillingworth
Dimmesdale tolerates Chillingworth because he
feels the dislike stems from an impurity in his
own heart.
 Dimmesdale becomes more popular among the
congregation. D’s suffering allows him to
sympathize with the sin and suffering of others.
Chapter 11 -- Summary
The misplaced adoration (from the
congregation) tortures Dimmesdale and he
wants to confess.
 Incapable of the one act necessary for his
salvation, Dimmesdale substitutes selfpunishment (often by beating himself with a
bloody scourge) &
walks the house at
Chapter 11 -- Analysis
Hawthorne’s irony shows up again in the
clever paradox of Dimmesdale’s futile
attempts at public confession.
 The more D asserts his own sinfulness,
the holier the congregation believe him to
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 -- Summary
Realizing the mockery of his standing safe
and unseen where he should have stood
seven years earlier before the
townspeople, Dimmesdale is overcome by
a self-abhorrence which leads him to
shriek aloud.
 Dimmesdale tells Pearl he cannot stand
with them on the scaffold the next day but
that he will stand with them on judgement
 Hester refuses to reveal Chillingworth’s
identity to Dimmesdale.
Chapter 12 -- Analysis
One of the most powerful chapters (due to
the symbolism)
 Hawthorne was a master at psychological
realism (D’s sudden mood changes, selfcondemnation, near insanity, subconscious
expression of suppressed desires).
 D’s first two refusals to acknowledge
publicly Hester and Pearl may suggest
Peter’s first two denials of Christ. (But
perhaps Dimmesdale, like Peter, will have
a third opportunity.)
Chapter 13
Chapter 13—Summary
Hester’s untiring services to the sick, the
poor, and the troubled have won her
much respect among the townspeople
who once condemned her.
 Some people attribute to the embroidered
letter a supernatural power to protect its
 Hester’s warmth, charm, and passion have
been replaced with coldness, severity, and
Chapter 13—Summary
Only in the care and education of Pearl
does Hester demonstrate warmth and
enthusiasm (but Pearl’s abnormal nature
baffles and saddens Hester).
 Hester wonders whether it would be
better if she and Pearl were dead. The
fact that she can contemplate suicide
indicates that the letter has not done its
Chapter 13—Analysis
This chapter helps the reader understand
Chapter 14
Chapter 14--Summary
Chillingworth tells Hester that there is talk that
she may be allowed to remove the letter.
 Hester denies the right of the magistrates to
remove the letter saying if she were worthy to
not have the letter that it would naturally fall
 Hester believes Chillingworth has been
transformed into a devil. Chillingworth blames
Dimmesdale for his transformation and says
that D has made his purpose in life evil.
Chapter 14--Summary
Chillingworth tells Hester that she can
reveal his identity to Dimmesdale.
 Hester is not really sinful or fiend-like.
Fate has created the tragic situation.
Chapter 14--Analysis
Hester’s misery (as she senses her
responsibility for Dimmesdale’s suffering & for
Chillingworth’s moral deterioration) evokes the
physician’s sympathy.
 The suggestion that Chillingworth is powerless
to resist the dictates of fate does not in
Hawthorne’s view, excuse the physician from
responsibility for his actions --- but it does
make it possible for the reader to sympathize,
while condemning him.
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 -- Summary
After Pearl arranges eel-grass (in the form
of a letter A) on her dress, Hester tells
Pearl that the green letter has no
 Pearl says Hester’s letter means the same
thing as when the minister puts his hand
over his heart.
 Hester says she knows nothing of the
minister’s heart.
Chapter 15 -- Analysis
Despite their moment of mutual pity in the
preceding chapter, Hester hates
Chillingworth. By involving her in the
unnatural marriage, Chillingworth set off
the chain of events leading to her present
suffering, and Dimmesdale’s.
 Despite Hester going beyond the letter of
the law in accepting punishment, she is
not at heart truly repentant.
Chapter 15 -- Analysis
The pathetic loneliness of Hester’s position
becomes vivid as Hawthorne shows her
wondering whether she might not make of
Pearl a real friend and confide to her at
least part of the truth about the letter A.
 Only two adults besides Hester know the
full story and neither is convenient or
pleasant to talk with about the issue.
 Hester has no one to talk to.
Chapter 15 -- Analysis
It is natural that Hester is tempted to take
Pearl into her confidence, and it is sad
that, instead, she slams the door on her
daughter’s curiosity. In so doing, Hester
finds it necessary to lie about the reason
for her scarlet letter. As Hawthorne points
out, this is the first time in seven years
that she has been false to the symbol she
Chapter 16
Chapter 16 -- Summary
While in the forest, Pearl suggests that the
sunshine is running from Hester because
of the letter she wears.
 Hester tells Pearl that the Black Man of the
forest put the mark on Hester.
Chapter 16 -- Analysis
The chilly gloom of the forest almost
perfectly reflects Hester’s state of mind.
 The narrow footpath through the dense
forest is suggestive of the path which
Hester has been forced to follow for the
past seven years.
 Hester sees the forest itself as the “moral
wilderness in which she had so long been
Chapter 16 -- Analysis
The obvious significance of the sunshine fleeing
from Hester is complicated by the irony of the
ever-vivacious Pearl’s appearing to absorb the
 The story of the Black Man and his mark is
described as common superstition; yet for
Hester, it has a special and personal meaning.
 The brook is suggestive of Pearl “inasmuch as
the current of her life gushed from a wellspring as mysterious, and had flowed through
scenes shadowed as heavily with gloom.”
Chapter 16 -- Analysis
The difference between the song of the
brook and the song of the girl is also
symbolic. Unlike the brook and Hester,
Pearl has not known sorrow which leads to
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 -- Summary
Neither Dimmesdale nor Hester have found
 Dimmesdale and Hester have both worked to
atone for their sins; however, D suffers more
because his sin is concealed.
 Hester tells Dimmesdale that Chillingworth is
her husband and that he is an enemy to D. D
forgives Hester for not telling him earlier.
 D says Chillingworth’s sin is greater than their
 Hester and D vow to leave Boston together.
Chapter 17 -- Analysis
This chapter is key to the development of the
love story. After seven years, Hester and
Dimmesdale are able to be alone to talk.
 Hester realizes that she must be a source of
strength for D.
 Dimmesdale is seen as a man (rather than just
a minister) whose passions are not always
under perfect control.
 D’s cry of despair and appeal for help from
Hester tend to humanize him and make him a
more believable character.
Chapter 18
Chapter 18 -- Summary
Hester is a woman of independent mind and
strong passions, who has never been a Puritan
and who for seven years has not even been a
member of society. Hester’s strength and
assurance convince Dimmesdale that they can
start a new life together.
 Feeling a surge of joy, Hester removes her
letter and cap. As her rich, dark hair falls about
her shoulders, Hester youth, passion and
beauty seem to return. The sunshine breaks
through the forest.
Chapter 18 -- Summary
Dimmesdale is afraid that Pearl may not like
him. Hester is sure that having a father will
help to straighten out Pearl.
 Pearl seems so wild in the village; however, in
the forest she is in her proper element. The
forest, as though recognizing her nature, takes
her in as one of its own. The animals do not
run from Pearl and the wild flowers seem
pleased when she gathers them to decorate her
hair and dress.
Chapter 18 -- Analysis
In the forest, nature’s principles operate
rather than the laws of man. Hester and
Dimmesdale have given in to natural
impulses, and Nature symbolically
indicates its approval in a sudden burst of
 Mistakenly thinking that he can change his
entire nature and turn his back on the
past, the minister becomes exuberant at
the thought of escaping with Hester.
Chapter 18 -- Analysis
The obvious symbolism of the forest’s
accepting Pearl is that she was born of a
natural, rather than a socially-sanctioned,
 With all three of the family group now molding
their conduct to the laws of nature (rather than
the laws of man) it almost appears they can
find happiness. The discouraging omens are
that D fears that Pearl may not accept him and
the slowness in which Pearl approaches him.
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 – Summary & Analysis
Dimmesdale admitted fear that someone might have
noticed the resemblance Pearl had to her father.
Upon seeing her mother without the letter, Pearl goes
into a fit of rage.
In Chapter 2, Hester was tempted to hold Pearl up so
as to cover the letter – but realized that “one token of
shame would poorly serve to hide another.”
Here the living symbol (although she did so
unknowingly) of Hester’s sin actually forces her to
accept again the cloth token (letter.)
Pearl kisses her mother but washes away
Dimmesdale’s kiss because he has not publically
acknowledged his part.
Chapter 20
Chapter 20 – Summary
Hester is to secretly book passage for two
adults and one child on a Bristol-bound
ship. They are leaving for Europe in four
days – one day after Dimmesdale is to
preach the Election Sermon. D is so
happy that he seems physically stronger.
 Back in town, D encounters irrational
temptations. He wonders whether he has
really sold his soul to the devil.
 D burns his old sermon and writes a new
Chapter 20 – Analysis
In the change in Dimmesdale, and in his series of
temptations toward some wild and wicked action,
Hawthorne shows the deep subconscious effects of
Dimmesdale’s conscious commitment to sin.
Until his agreement with Hester, D’s strong Puritan
conscious had struggled constantly with his weak
will. But now, he has made the deliberate choice
for the first time to do what he wants (although it
be a sin).
D’s subconscious tries to make his guilt known.
Hawthorne had tremendous psychological insight.
Chapter 21
Chapter 21 – Summary & Analysis
Hester tells Pearl that the minister will be
a the market place but that they must not
greet each other.
 Hester learns that Chillingworth has
planned to take Dimmesdale on the ship
to Europe. Escaping Chillingworth will not
be an easy task for Hester, Pearl, and D.
 Puritans were forbidden to act as freely as
the sailors
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 -- Summary & Analysis
As he passes, Dimmesdale fails to look at
Hester. It upsets and depresses Hester
that D ignored her in passing.
 Dimmesdale’s strength is only temporary.
 The strings of tension are drawn tighter as
Hawthorne brings in each of the major
characters. The point of crisis has arrived,
and the problem is entirely Dimmesdale’s.
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 -- Summary & Analysis
Dimmesdale inspires the crowd with his speech.
 Standing with Hester and Pearl, Dimmesdale
tells Hester that he is dying and must
acknowledge his shame – he turns to the crowd
and discloses his guilt.
 As D dies, Chillingworth cries out (because D is
escaping his grasp).
 D asks God to forgive Chillingworth, asks for a
kiss from Pearl (which he receives), and tells
Hester farewell.
Chapter 23 -- Summary & Analysis
Dimmesdale symbolically rejects the help of
Reverend Wilson (representing the church) and
Governor Bellingham (representing the state).
He turns only to Hester for support in a
moment of crisis – even she cannot help him at
this point. He must expose the letter on his
 When the climactic action drains D of his
strength and he collapses, it is again Hester on
whom he leans. But she cannot assure him
that his public act of repentance was better
than their plan to escape from Boston.
Chapter 23 -- Summary & Analysis
D’s recognition of Pearl takes place in the form
of a highly symbolic kiss. It symbolizes Pearl’s
acceptance and forgiveness of him. Also, it
converts her from a cold, unreal, imp-like
creature into a human being, one who weeps
human tears for the first time in the book.
Pearl becomes a person --- “A spell was
 D has made his place with God, but unlike
Hester, he is too much the Puritan to be
optimistic about the future.
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 -- Summary & Analysis
Some people in the market place say the mark
on Dimmesdale was the result of
Chillingworth’s magic drugs --- while others say
it was the result of a suffering spirit, the result
of D’s own hand, or that there was no mark at
 Though he finds Chillingworth’s sin the most
grievous in the book, Hawthorne is not Puritan
enough to view the man coldly and vindictively.
Chapter 24 -- Summary & Analysis
Hawthorne gives strong hints that Pearl lived
on in happiness and wealth, married well, had
a child, and remained an affectionate and
dutiful daughter to Hester.
 While Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth
were all involved in the tragedy through their
own sins, Pearl was a helpless victim.
 The end of the novel focuses on Hester. After
inheriting property (incredible wealth) from
Chillingworth, Hester went to Europe with
Pearl. After a number of years Hester returned
to her cottage in Boston.
Chapter 24 -- Summary & Analysis
Although Hester had done her penitence (and
not the sternest Puritan would have forced
Hester to wear the letter again), she put it on
voluntarily and wore it the rest of her life.
 Hester gained a kind of wisdom through her
suffering. After many years, Hester died and
was buried in the cemetery near Dimmesdale.
One tombstone served both graves and read –
“On a black background, the scarlet letter A.”
The Scarlet Letter
Review PowerPoint
English 11
Mrs. Dibble
Nathaniel Hawthorne –
the man behind the novel
 Sometimes known as an Antitranscendentalist – didn’t believe in man’s
power to go beyond
 He believed that evil was a dominant force
in the world and his fiction expressed a
gloomy version of human affairs
Inherited Guilt – born is Salem,
Massachusetts and was descended
from a prominent Puritan family.
 Ancestor played key role (hanging
judge) in Salem witchcraft trials
 Another ancestor was known for the
persecution of Quakers 
 Most of his works deal with inherited
Hangin’ with the
Lived in a Utopian society (Brook Farm)
for a while
 Got married and moved to Concord
 Hung out with Emerson and Thoreau
(leaders in spiritual philosophies) but
didn’t gel with their beliefs
Out of There
Appointed surveyor at Salem Custom
House (which accounts for the first
pDimmesdale of The Scarlet Letter)
 This is where he wrote (and grained great
success with) The Scarlet Letter. Typical
of Hawthorne’s work, this novel deals with
guilt and sin among early Puritans.
The Historical Context of the
Hawthorne chose Boston in the 1640s as the setting
for the text – only about a 1000 English Puritans
lived there then
 Puritans (established during reign of Queen Elizabeth
– thus the reference to her) sought to purify the
church and wipe out all traces of Catholicism (thus
the negative Catholic comments)
 Boston was ruled by a theocracy and the
government was not intended to provide religious
freedom to all
 Those who didn’t fit in (i.e. Quakers) were dealt with
Predestination – a Puritan Doctrine
Puritans believed that all things are controlled beforehand by
the Hand of God.
All humans deserved damnation because of original sin
however God elected to save some anyway.
One could not influence that destiny by good works or alter the
divine plan.
Nonetheless, Puritans fought to remain righteous, suppressing
the desires of the flesh (which is why what Dimmesdale and
Hester do is sooooo bad).
Puritans believed they could recognize internal corruption in
Harsh discipline wasn’t necessary to punish, since God would
do that. It was to show others what would happen if they did
the same thing. This is why Hester is pointed out all of the
There were some paradoxes…
Although Puritans embraced a strict life, it
wasn’t always somber and simple.
 They encouraged tradesmen and
craftsmen to live among them
 They prized simplicity yet loved fine
 Their furniture makers developed great
Dimmesdaleistry and their leaders (like the
governor Hester goes to visit) lived in fine
Although Hester Prynne is fictional, she
may have been derived by a woman to
whom Hawthorne’s ancestor meted out
 Hester Craford, for fornication with John
Wedg, as she confessed, was ordered to
be severely whipped. The whipping was
delayed until six weeks after she gave
birth to the illegitimate child.
Literary Focus of Chapters
Chapter One – The Prison Door
* sets the scene for action to come
* prepares reader for theme – w/
discussion of prison and rosebush
* introduces contrasting symbols of weeds
and flowers – sin and forgiveness
*reveals theme of human forgiveness
Chapter Two – The Market Place
* introduces stern morality of Puritan society
* we see Hawthorne’s disapproval of the stern
women in the crowd
* introduces main character – immediately showing
his sympathy for her by making her full of beauty,
grace, and pride
* scaffold is introduced as a symbol of the public
view of things as contrasted with what is hidden in
people’s (Dimmesdale’s) heart
 Chapter 3 – The Recognition
* the reader strongly suspects that the
deformed stranger is Hester’s husband
whom she had been thinking about in the
previous chapter
* suspense is built
 Chapter 4 – The Interview
* develops Chillingworth’s character
* Hester shows that she fears his nature
when she asks, “Dimmesdale thou like the
Black Man that haunts the forest around
 Chapter 5 – Hester at her Needle
* entirely descriptive chapter which
examines Hester’s penance for her sin
Chapter 6 – Pearl
* Also has little plot & no dialogue
* Describes Hester’s penance in relationship to her
* Although, a reminder of her sin like the letter, Pearl is
“a lovely child, whose placw was on that same
dishonored boson, to connect her parent forever with
the race and descent of mortals, and to be finally a
blessed soul in heaven.”
 Chapter 7 – The Governor’s Hall
* heavy in symbolism
* Hester’s A is magnified in the governor’s
* Pearl demands a rose from the bush
which reminds us of the rosebush outside
of the prison
 Chapter 8 – The Elf-child and the Minister
* Four main characters come together
* Hints are given that Dimmesdale is
Pearl’s father
* Physical appearances mirror
psychological or spiritual states.
Dimmesdale is weak; Pearl is impish, and
Chillingworth is freaky ugly and more
Chapter 9 – The Leech
* Develops more fully what was hinted at in the
previous chapter
 Chapter 10 – The Leech and His Patient
* Reminds us that Chillingworth has always been
kind and upright which contrasts with what he has
* Emphasizes how revenge has contributed to
Chillingworth’s decline
* Pearl is shown to have insight – seeing
Chillingworth as the Black Man
* At the end of the chapter Chillingworth makes
some kind of discovery
Chapter 11 – The Interior of a heart
* Chillingworth becomes certain of Dimmesdale’s
guilt and his cruel purpose is intensified
* Ironic that Dimmesdale’s attempt at public
confession only intensifies his parishioners’ love for
Chapter 12 – The Minister’s Vigil
* 2nd of 3 scaffold scenes, bringing all 4 characters
* duality of light in the sky – what is the real
* Dimmesdale’s subconscious – he does not go
willingly to the scaffold, sleepwalks there; barely
resists his impulses – wants to shriek out
Chapter 13 – Another View of Hester
• States the changes that have occurred in
Hester over time and the way the
community sees her
Chapter 14 – Hester and the Physician
• Evokes reader’s sympathy for
Chillingworth, who with the potential of
being a good man, has turned into a fiend.
• At the end of the chapter he shows his
Chapter 15 – Hester and Pearl
* Hawthorne explores Hester’s inner world.
* Here she looks a little negative because of her
expressed hatred for Chillingworth and her lie to Pearl.
Chapter 16 – A Forest Walk
* Symbolic chapter – rays of sunshine that disappear for
Hester, Pearl resembling the brook – even if unlike the
brook she is sparkling – this is because, as Pearl says, “I
wear nothing on my bosom yet!”
Chapter 17 – The Pastor and His Parishioner
* 1st chapter of a love story
* 1st time Dimmesdale and Hester are alone together
* Shows the depth of Hester’s feelings for
Chapter 18 – A Flood of Sunshine
* Setting of the forest plays important role,
representing an oasis of freedom
* Allows Hester to let down hair and throw off her
* Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl plan to follow
natural laws instead of laws of mankind
* Weird relationship between Pearl and Dimmesdale
 Chapter 19 – The Child at the Brookside
* Pearl’s behavior is focus – her being
upset with the changes in Hester and her
wiping away Dimmesdale’s kiss
 Chapter 20 – The Minister in a Maze
* Shows the effects of Dimmesdale’s
* He seems to want to reveal his sinful
nature to the world
 Chapter 21 – The New England Holiday
* Hawthorne interrupts the plot to talk
about Puritan society
* Gives historical background of Election
 Chapter 22 – The Procession
* This chapter revolves around
Dimmesdale – the other three main
characters are waiting to see how he
handles his conflict
Chapter 23 – The Revelation
* 3rd and final scaffold scene
* novel’s climax
* significant that Pearl kisses Dimmesdale for the first
time before he dies
Chapter 24 – Conclusion
* the denouement of the novel
* Gives fates of remaining characters
* Philosophizes on the lessons to be learned