Europass Curriculum Vitae - Università degli Studi di Urbino

Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name/ Surname
Date of birth
Manuela Carchesio
Pescara (PE), Italy
12 September 1980
Gender: Female
Desired employment / Environmental Engineering, Waste management, Waste
Occupational field Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Chemistry
Work experience
Dates 16 April 2013 – 15 April 2014
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Research Fellow
Research activities in the field of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering:
Main research topic: Waste management in the boat building sector. Characterization of the industrial
waste generation from the building of composite material-based boats and of some chemical-physical
properties of the representative types of boat building residues. Principal Project: “GeRISNaM” founded
by Marche Region (Italy), under specific Deliberation “DDS No. 40/S11, 17/06/2009, Distretto del Mare”.
Other research topics:
1) Biomethane Potential (BMP) tests on agro-industrial wastes. Principal project: “Filiera della
bioenergia: potenziale di biometanazione da biomasse peculiari in territorio di Pesaro-Urbino”,
founded by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro (FCRP)”, following the announcement for
the Funding to Research (D.R. 257/2012);
2) Performance evaluation of some innovative waste collection systems implemented at local scale.
Name and address of employer
"Carlo Bo" University, Supervisor: Dr. Ing. Fabio Tatàno, Località Crocicchia, Campus Sogesta, 61029
Urbino (Italy)
Dates 16 April 2012 – 15 April 2013
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Research Fellow
Research activities in the field of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Main research topic: Waste management in the boat building sector. Characterization of the industrial
waste generation from the building of composite material-based boats and of some chemical-physical
properties of the representative types of boat building residues. Principal Projects: 1) “GeRISNaM”
founded by Marche Region (Italy), under specific Deliberation “DDS No. 40/S11, 17/06/2009, Distretto del
Mare”; 2) “E.N.A” – LIFE09 ENV/IT/000125ENA.
Other research topics:
1) Biomethane Potential (BMP) tests on agro-industrial wastes through anaerobic digestion process.
2) Performance evaluation of some innovative waste collection systems implemented at local scale.
Name and address of employer
"Carlo Bo" University, Supervisor: Dr. Ing. Fabio Tatàno, Località Crocicchia, Campus Sogesta, 61029
Urbino (Italy)
Dates 16 April 2011 – 15 April 2012
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
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Manuela Carchesio
Research Fellow
Main research topic: Waste management in the boat building sector. Characterization of the industrial
waste generation from the building of composite material-based boats and of some chemical-physical
properties of the representative types of boat building residues. Principal Project: 1) “GeRISNaM”
founded by Marche Region (Italy), under specific Deliberation “DDS No. 40/S11, 17/06/2009, Distretto del
Mare”; 2) “E.N.A” – LIFE09 ENV/IT/000125ENA.
Other research topics:
1) Biomethane Potential (BMP) tests on agro-industrial wastes through anaerobic digestion process.
Name and address of employer
"Carlo Bo" University, Supervisor: Dr. Ing. Fabio Tatàno, Località Crocicchia, Campus Sogesta, 61029
Urbino (Italy)
Dates 01 April 2010 – 31 March 2011
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Research Fellow
Research activities in the field of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Main research topic: Waste management in the boat building sector. Characterization of the industrial
waste generation from the building of composite material-based boats and of some chemical-physical
properties of representative types of boat building residues. Principal Project: 1) “GeRISNaM” founded by
Marche Region (Italy), under specific Deliberation “DDS No. 40/S11, 17/06/2009, Distretto del Mare”.
Other research topics:
1) Biomethane Potential (BMP) tests on agro-industrial wastes through anaerobic digestion process.
Name and address of employer
"Carlo Bo" University, Supervisor: Dr. Ing. Fabio Tatàno, Località Crocicchia, Campus Sogesta, 61029
Urbino (Italy)
Dates 15 April 2009 - 28 February 2010
Occupation or position held
Visiting PhD student
Main activities and responsibilities
Synthesis of new unsymmetrically functionalized phthalocyanines and their attachment to the sidewalls
of SWNTs for catalytic purposes.
Name and address of employer
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Department of Organic Chemistry, Nanoscience and Molecular
Materials research group, Supervisors. Prof. Gema de La Torre, Prof. Tomas Torres, Ciudad
Universitaria de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain)
Dates 01 October 2007 - 31 December 2007
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Visiting PhD student
Synthesis and characterization of Metallorganic Phthalocyanines
Padua University, Department of Chemical Sciences, Supervisor: Prof Antonino Morvillo, 35131 Padua
Dates 01 November 2006 – October 2009
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
PhD student
Metalphthalocyanines: synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical analogues. Study of their
PhD thesis title: Ruthenium and Platinum phthalocyanines: photostability and nanoapplications.
Name and address of employer
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Manuela Carchesio
"Gabriele D'Annunzio" University, Department of Sciences, Supervisor: Prof. Nicola d'Alessandro,
66013 Chieti (Italy).
Education and training
Dates November 2006 – Ottobre 2009
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
PhD in Sciences (Inorganic Chemistry)
Metalphthalocyanines: synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical analogues. Study of their
photostability. Nanoapplications with unsymmetrical metalphthalocyanines. Metals mainly employed:
Ru, Pt.
PhD thesis title: Ruthenium and Platinum phthalocyanines: photostability and nanoapplications.
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
"Gabriele D’Annunzio” University (Public University)
66013 Chieti (Italy)
Dates 01 October 1999 - 20 April 2006
Title of qualification awarded
Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences (curriculum: atmospheric chemistry). Mark: 110/110 cum
Principal subjects / occupational skills
General Physics 1, General Physics 2, General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Spectroscopic Techniques, Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry,
Chemistry for artistical and cultural heritage, Physical Chemistry, Ecology, Toxicological Chemistry,
Analysis of ecologic systems, Atmospheric physics, Climatology and Meteorology, Atmospheric Remote
sensing, Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Aerobiology.
-Experimental thesis (December 2004 – April 2006) in Organic Chemistry working at Department of
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, Via Vetoio, Coppito (AQ) – ITALY –
-Thesis title: Synthesis and characterization of new surfactants PEG-derivatives
Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Cerichelli
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
University of the study of "L'Aquila" (Public University), Coppito, 67010 L'Aquila (Italy)
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spanish / Castilian
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user
A2 Basic user
A2 Basic user
A2 Basic user
A2 Basic user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences
Team spirit, sense of adaptation in multicultural environments
Technical skills and competences
Physico-chemical characterisation of waste according to Standard Methods;
Good ability in the setting up and management of lab-scale plants for BMP tests;
Good ability in the synthesis of organic and metallorganic compounds;
Good knowledge of the main spectroscopic tecniques: NMR, UV/VIS, IR;
Good aptitude in writing and editing scientific papers in English.
Computer skills and competences
Operating systems commonly used: Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Mac.
Software commonly used: Office Package, ChemOffice, XCalibur, Xwinnmr, TopSpin
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Manuela Carchesio
A2 Basic user
Publications _ Peer Reviewed Publications:
1. M. Carchesio, L. Tonucci, N. d'Alessandro, A. Morvillo, P. Del Boccio, and M.
Bressan, Visible photostability of some ruthenium and platinum phthalocyanines in
water and in the presence of organic substrates, J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 14
(2010), pp. 499-508.
2. M. Carchesio, F. Tatàno, G. Tosi & C. H. Trivellone, Industrial wastes from the boatbuilding sector in the Marche Region (Italy): a parametric and chemical-physical
characterization, Environmental Technology, Vol. 34, No. 22, 3043–3058,
3. P. d’Ambrosio, M. Carchesio, N. d’Alessandro, G. de la Torre, T. Torres. Linking
Pd(II) and Ru(II) Phthalocyanines to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Dalton
Transactions, DOI: 10.1039/C3DT53277A.
4. M. Carchesio, F. Tatàno, I. Lancellotti, R. Taurino, E. Colombo, L.Barbieri.
Comparison of biomethane production and digestate characterization for selected
_ International Conference Proceedings:
1. M. Nicastro, L. Tonucci, M. Carchesio, P. D’Ambrosio, N. d’Alessandro, M. Bressan,
Oxidation of allylic alcohols by selected water-soluble metallophthalocyanines, in
Proceedings of “CAFC-8, VII International Symposium on Catalysis Applied to Fine
Chemicals”, Pallanza-VB, Italy, September 16-20, 2007.
2. N. d’Alessandro, L. Tonucci, M. Carchesio, P. D’Ambrosio, M. Bressan,
tetrasulfophthalocyanines, in Proceedings of “ICPP 5, Fifth International
Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines”, Moscow, Russia, July 6-11, 2008.
3. L. Tonucci, N. d’Alessandro, M. Bressan, P. D’Ambrosio, M. Carchesio, S. Sortino,
A. Morvillo, Novel photosensitizers for selective oxidation of organics, in
Proceedings of “ADHOC 2008, 10th International Symposium on Activation of
Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation”, San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, July
20-25, 2008.
4. N. d’Alessandro, M. Bressan, M. Carchesio, A. Cortese, A. Morvillo, L. Tonucci,
β‐tetra(carboxypentyl)phthalocyanines of zinc, ruthenium and platinum, in
Proceedings of “ICPP-6, Sixth International Conference on Porphyrins and
Phthalocyanines”, New Mexico, USA, July 4 -9, 2010.
5. Manuela Carchesio, Fabio Tatàno, Giovanni Tosi, Filippo Mangani, Ezio Businaro,
Carlo Trivellone, Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the industrial solid wastes
from the boat building sector in Marche Region: parametrical and chemicalphysical characterization, in Proceedings of “Ecomondo 2011, 16th International
Trade Fair of Material & Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development – Section
Waste”, Rimini Fiera, Italy, November 09-12, 2011, pp. 810-817, ISBN:
6. M. Carchesio, F. Tatàno, G. Tosi, C. H. Trivellone, E. Businaro, F. Mangani, Analysis
of the industrial solid wastes from the boat building sector in Marche Region (Italy):
parametrical and chemical-physical characterisation, in Proceedings of “Sixth
International Conference on Waste Management and the Environment”, New
Forest, UK, July 4-6, 2012, WIT Press (GBR) , pp. 211-223, ISBN: 978-1-84564606-6, ISSN 1743-3541.
7. M. Carchesio, I. Lancellotti, F. Tatàno, R. Taurino, E. Colombo and L. Barbieri,
Combined BMP tests and digestate characterisation of peculiar agricultural
substrates in Italy, in Proceedings of "SIDISA 2012, 9th Edition of International
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Manuela Carchesio
Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering”, Milan, Italy, June 26-29,
2012, pp. 1-8, ISBN: 9788890355721.
8. M. Carchesio, I. Lancellotti, F. Tatàno, R. Taurino, E. Colombo and L. Barbieri,
Evaluation of agrowaste degradation by anaerobic digestion, in Proceedings of
“WasteEng 2012, 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and
Biomass Valorisation”, Porto, Portugal, September 10-13, 2012, pp. 146-151, ISBN:
9. M. Carchesio, F. Tatàno, E. Colombo, I. Lancellotti, R. Taurino, L. Barbieri,
Combined BMP tests and digestate characterisation of peculiar agricultural
substrates in Italy, in Proceedings of “ISWA 2012, The World Solid Waste
Congress”, Florence, Italy, September 17-19, 2012, pp. 1-10.
10. M. Carchesio, M. Goffi, F. Tatàno, Valutazione comparativa di sistemi differenti di
raccolta differenziata di rifiuti urbani: caso di studio del comune di San Costanzo
(PU), in Proceedings of “Ecomondo 2012, 17th International Trade Fair of
Material & Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development – Section Waste”,
Rimini Fiera, Italy, November 07-10, 2012, pp. 396-403, ISBN: 978883877708X (in
_ National Conference Proceedings
1. L. Tonucci, M. Carchesio, P. D’Ambrosio, M. Nicastro, N. d’Alessandro, M. Bressan,
Photo-oxidation of shikimic acid: a potential pathway to chemicals of
medical/pharmaceutical interest, in Atti di “PhotoBioChem '07, IV Convegno
Nazionale Congiunto di Fotobiologia e Fotochimica”, Acquafredda di Maratea,
Italia, 6-9 Giugno, 2007.
2. M. Carchesio, P. D’Ambrosio, N. d’Alessandro, L. Tonucci, M. Bressan, Sintesi e
proprietà di metallo-ftalocianine carbossilate, in Atti di “TUMA 2007, XXVI
Congresso Interregionale Toscana-Umbria-Marche-Abruzzo, Assisi, Italia, 26-28
Settembre, 2007.
3. P. D’Ambrosio, N. d’Alessandro, L. Tonucci, M. Carchesio, M. Bressan, Studio sulla
reattività dell'acido shikimico, in Atti di “TUMA 2007, XXVI Congresso
Interregionale Toscana-Umbria-Marche-Abruzzo, Assisi, Italia, 26-28 Settembre,
4. N. d’Alessandro, L. Tonucci, M. Bressan, P. D’Ambrosio, M. Carchesio, S. Sortino,
Palladio e Platino tetrasulfoftalocianine come fotosensibilizzatori per la generazione
di 1O2, in Atti di “Convegno Nazionale di Fotochimica”, Bertinoro (FC), Italia, 5-7
Giugno, 2008.
5. M. Carchesio, P. D’Ambrosio, N. d’Alessandro, L. Tonucci, M. Bressan, Fotostabilità
di metalloftalocianine, in Atti di “TUMA 2008, XXVII Congresso Interregionale
Toscana-Umbria-Marche-Abruzzo”, L'Aquila, Italia, 23-25 Giugno, 2008.
6. M. Carchesio, A. Cortese, L. Tonucci, N. d’Alessandro, M. Bressan, Fotostabilità di
ftalocianine idrosolubili potenzialmente utilizzabili nella terapia fotodinamica
contro il cancro, in Atti (Sezione Poster) di “TUMA 2009, XXVIII Congresso
Interregionale Toscana-Umbria-Marche-Abruzzo”, Pisa, Italia, 20-22 Settembre,
7. A. Cortese, M. Carchesio, L. Tonucci, N. d’Alessandro, M. Bressan, Ftalocianine
tetralchilcarbossilate di Zn, Ru e Pt: studio comparativo sulla produzione di
Ossigeno Singoletto in Acqua, in Atti di “TUMA 2009, XXVIII Congresso
Interregionale Toscana-Umbria-Marche-Abruzzo”, Pisa, Italia, 20-22 Settembre,
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Manuela Carchesio
- 03/09/2007 - 07/09/2007 National School of Fotochemistry, “Giacomo Ciamician” Bononia
University (Bononia);
- 19/03/2007 - 22/03/2007 School of NMR High Resolution Avance Base Bruker BioSpin srl ,
- 18/11/2008 - 27/11/2008 Writing in Scientific English – WAS, “G. D’Annunzio” University, Chieti;
- 03/11/2008 - 06/11/2008 Catalysis school - GIC - Certosa di Pontignano University of Siena Via Banchi di Sotto, 55 – SIENA
Up to date, 16 April 2014
Manuela Carchesio
Note: The information provided in this CV corresponds to the truth and I authorize the processing of my personal data pursuant to the Italian
Legislative Decree 196/2003.
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Manuela Carchesio