Ch 8 Notes


2.a.1 – All living systems require constant input of free energy (8.1-8.3).

4.b.1 – Interactions between molecules affect their structure and function (8.4 &


The totality of an organism’s chemical processes

Concerned with managing the material and energy resources of the cell

Pathways that break down complex molecules into smaller ones, releasing energy

Example: Cellular respiration


Pathways that consume energy, building complex molecules from smaller ones

Example: Photosynthesis, condensation synthesis


Energy cannot be created or destroyed

It can be converted from one form to another

The sum of the energy before the conversion is equal to the sum of the energy after the conversion

Some usable energy dissipates during transformations and is lost

During changes from one form of energy to another, some usable energy dissipates, usually as heat

The amount of usable energy therefore decreases

Ability to do work

The ability to rearrange a collection of matter

Forms of energy:

› Kinetic




Energy of action or motion

Ex: heat/thermal energy


› Stored energy or the capacity to do work

› Ex: chemical energy

Energy needed to convert potential energy into kinetic energy

Activation Energy

Potential Energy

The portion of a system's energy that can perform work

Known as ΔG

ΔG = Δ H - T Δ S

Δ = change (final-initial)

ΔG = free energy of a system

ΔH = total energy of a system


T = temperature in o K

ΔS = entropy of a system

If the system has:

› more free energy=less stable (greater work capacity) less free energy=more stable (less work capacity)

As rxn moves towards equilibrium, ΔG will decrease

These are the source of energy for living systems

They are based on free energy changes

Two types : exergonic and endergonic



› chemical reactions with a net release of free energy

Ex: cellular respiration

› - ΔG , energy out, spontaneous



› chemical reactions that absorb free energy from the surroundings

Ex: Photosynthesis

+ ΔG , energy in, non-spontaneous

- ΔG +ΔG

Couples an exergonic process to drive an endergonic one

ATP is used to couple the reactions together

Types: mechanical, transport, chemical

A denosine T ri p hosphate

Made of:




Adenine (nitrogenous base)

Ribose (pentose sugar)

3 phosphate groups*

*bonds can be broken to make ADP

Three phosphate groups and the energy they contain

Negative charges repel each other and makes the phosphates unstable

› Tail is unstable = more free energy = more instability

Works by energizing other molecules by transferring phosphate groups

Hydrolysis of ATP = free energy is released as heat (can be adv or not adv)

Energy released from ATP drives anabolic reactions

Energy from catabolic reactions

“recharges” ATP

Very fast cycle

› 10 million made per second



Takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria

Using special process called substrate-level phosphorylation

› Energy from a highenergy substrate is used to transfer a phosphate group to

ADP to form ATP

Biological catalysts made of protein

Speeds up rxn without being consumed

Cause the speed/rate of a chemical rxn to increase

› By lowering activation energy


*AB and CD are “reactants”

*AC and BD are “products”

*Involves bond forming/breaking

*Transition state: can be unstable

Unstable state

Energy is released as heat

Lower the activation energy for a chemical reaction to take place

Why do we need enzymes?

› Cells can’t rely on heat to kick start rxns

Why? Denaturation, heat can’t decipher between rxns

Enzymes are selective! Can only operate on a given chemical rxn

Substrate –

› the material the enzyme works on

Enzyme names:

Ex. Sucrase

“- ase” name of an enzyme

1st part tells what the substrate is (i.e. Sucrose)

Some older known enzymes don't fit this naming pattern

Examples: pepsin, trypsin

The area of an enzyme that binds to the substrate

Structure is designed to fit the molecular shape of the substrate

Therefore, each enzyme is substrate specific

Enzyme +



Sub complex

Enzyme +


Notice: Complex becomes product, but enzyme stays the same! Enzyme is NOT




Lock and Key model

Induced Fit model

Reminder: Enzymes and substrates are usually held together by weak chemical interactions (H/ionic bonds)

Substrate (key) fits to the active site

(lock) which provides a microenvironment for the specific reaction

Substrate “almost” fits into the active site, causing a strain on the chemical bonds, allowing the reaction

Usually specific to one substrate

Each chemical reaction in a cell requires its own enzyme

Don’t change during rxn

Always catalyze in direction towards equilibrium





Active site is template for enzyme

Enzymes may break/stretch bonds needed to be broken/stretched

Active site is microenvironment

Active site directly participates in chemical rxn





Allosteric Sites

Factors that change protein structure will affect an enzyme.


› pH shifts (6-8 optimal)

Temperature (up, inc activity)

Salt concentrations


› Non-protein helpers for catalytic activity

› Examples: Iron, Zinc, Copper


› Organic molecules that affect catalytic activity

› Examples: Vitamins, Minerals, usually proteins

Inhibitor video


› mimic the substrate and bind to the active site (compete for active site)

Toxins/poisons – Ex: DDT

Can be used in medicine – painkillers, antibiotics

Noncompetitive bind to some other part of the enzyme

Causes active site to change shape

Identify forms of energy and energy transformations.

Recognize the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Recognize that organisms live at the expense of free energy.

Relate free-energy to metabolism.

Identify exergonic and endergonic reactions.

Identify the structure and hydrolysis of ATP.

Recognize how ATP works and is coupled to metabolism.

Recognize the ATP cycle

Relate enzymes and activation energy.

Recognize factors that affect enzymes specificity and enzyme activity..

Recognize factors that control metabolism.
