Concentration: 0.5% and 5.25%

Concentration: 0.5% and
The lower and higher concentrations are
equally efficient in reducing the number of
bacteria in infected RC
Spangberg et al 1973
• Cveck et al 1976b
Why is this?
• Bystrom and Sundqvist 1985
• Siqueira et al 2000
Acidifying the Clorox
optimizes HOCL content
Ph makes a BIG difference in available Cl Commercial Clorox = Hi ph (storage) – less available
 But the tissue dissolving effect is directly
related to the concentration
Spangberg et al 1973
• Hand et al 1978
How Do We compensate ?
1. Use regular NaOCl for C&S - solvency
2. Use “modified” formula for final
bacteriocidal rinse.
Modified NaOCl
1. Lowers the Ph – increases available Cl- (HOCL)
2. Lowers TOXICITY
50 ml distilled water
0.5 ml NaOCl (Clorox)
0.5 ml Acetic acid (White Vinegar)
Mixed fresh for every treatment - 2 hr shelf life