Diapositive 1

2nd Ukrainian-French semiconductor-on-insulator workshop
7th International workshop functional nanomaterials and devices
April 8-11 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine
Arnaud Bournel, Comics meeting, April 23 2013
2 814 258 habitants en 2012
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More precisely
Cultural center Djerelo
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Some pictures…
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… with snow
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For JS Martin
Cathedral St. Michael
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Organized by
• F. Balestra (IMEP-LAHC Grenoble, France)
• D. Flandre (ICTeam, Univ. catholique de Louvain, Belgique)
• A. N. Nazarov (Inst. Semicond. Phys., Kiev, Ukraine)
55 participants from 15 countries (Ukraine, Russia, France, Austria, Germany,
Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Poland, Brazil…)
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F. Balestra
K. Bourdelle
IMEP-LAHC/ Sinano Institute,
Grenoble, France
SOITEC, Bernin, France
C. Fenouillet-Beranger1,2 1) CEA-LETI MINATEC- Grenoble,
et al.
2) STMicroelectronics, Crolles,
V. Kilchytska et al.
ICTEAM Institute, UCL, Louvain-laNeuve, Belgium
*CEA-Leti, MINATEC Grenoble,
Challenges and solutions for very low energy computation
→ TFET is great, carbon is bad
Engineered substrates for advanced CMOS technology nodes
and More-than-Moore applications
→ XOI for electronics an photonics, smart stackingTM
for MEMS & CMOS (3D integration: oxide-oxide, CuCu, through-silicon via or TSV)
CMOS performance enhancement with FDSOI technology
→ ultrathin body and buried oxide: TBOX = 25 nm for 28
nm-node, TSi = 6.5 nm for 14 nm-node)
Cf. Grenouillet @IEDM 2012
Ground plane, hybrid integration with bulk…
Perspectives of UTBB FD SOI for analog and RF applications
→ few works on the subject…
Effect of self heating, electrostatic coupling with the
substrate through the BOX, influence of ground plane,
fringe effect du to reduced width
fT = 160 GHz & fmax = 140 GHz @ LG = 30 nm. But
intrisically fT = 700 GHz
Cf. Kilchytska & Makovejev SSE 2012
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Y.M. Georgieva et al.
V. Sverdlov, S. Selberherr
Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien,
A. Orlikovsky,
V. Vyurkov, S. Filippov,
I. Semenikhin
P.G.D.Agopian 1,2, J.A.Martino
1 et al.
National Institute, UCC Cork,
Silicon and germanium junctionless nanowire transistors for sensing and
digital electronics applications
bTyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
→ Towards autonomous microfluidic sensors: chemical species as
cImperial College London, London, UK
top gate in the subthreshold regime thanks to a backgate
RIE etching for defining NW: low roughness (0.8-1.6 nm, width
down to 10 nm)
Autonomy? VBG = 0 V if possible….
Silicon spintronics and its applications
→ A review… As I was young, but Si instead of III-V.
Spin relaxation, spin accumulation, spin-FET (still a dream….),
single spin readout in a Si SET,
Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in diamond? Van de Sar, Nature 484
Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Quantum noise in nano-transistors
Moscow, Russia
→ Model of quantum excess noise at finite temperature thanks to
Landauer-Buttiker approach, cf. Vyurkov SSE 2012
1LSI/ PSI/USP - University of Sao Paulo,
Early voltage and transistor efficiency of pTFET compared to pFinFET triSP, Brazil
gate devices
2Centro Universitario da FEI, SBC, Brazil
→ Fabrication on the same wafer (N+ source instead of P+ source)
3Imec, Leuven, Belgium
10× higher gm/ID, 2× higher Early voltage, +30 dB of voltage gain
4E.E. Dept., KU Leuven, Belgium
But Ion = 0.6 nA vs. 1.1 mA
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C. Teichert
Institute of Physics, Leoben, Austria
M. Phaner
Université de Lyon, Ecully, France
1Lashkaryov ISP, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
T. Rudenko1
A. Nazarov1, .R. Yu2, 2Tyndall National Institute, UCC Cork,
S. Barraud3 et al.
3CEA-LETI, MINATEC, Grenoble, France
V.P. Popov,
I.E. Tyschenko,
*A.N. Nazarov,
**T.S. Ávila,
**P.L. Grande
Rzhanov ISP, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
*Lashkaryov ISP, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
**Institute of Physics, UFRGS, Porto
Alegre, Brazil
Atomic-force microscopy based diagnostics of functional
→ A good review, no device
Growth of Pentacene thin films for Organic Field Effect
Transistors: an AFM study
→ Influence of thickness on the organization of the
pentacene grains/islands
30 nm: the best. Then decrease of mobility due to access
resistance (conduction in the first layers)
On mobility behavior in high doped junctionless nanowire
→ Doping larger than 1019 cm-3
Better gate control leads to higher electron density, then
to stronger screening of doped impurities and finally to a
(slightly) higher mobility….
Carrier transport in few nanometer SOI layers with Ge atoms
incorporated from BOX
→ 2 nm-thick SiGeOI: Ge implantation in SiO2, Si
bonded on top, H+ mplant for smart cut, annealing…
2-3× higher hole mobility
Benefice / Ge condensation? Ultrathin films…
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P.K. Hurley1,
É. O’Connor1,
V. Djara1, J. Lin1,
S. Monaghan1, I.
M. Pemble1,
Y.Y. Gomeniuk2,
K. Cherkaoui1
X. Portier1,
A. Slaoui3,
F. Gourbilleau1
Y.Y. Gomeniuk1, et
National Institute, UCC
Cork, Ireland
2Lashkaryov ISP, NASU, Kiev,
Investigating the electronic properties of the high-k/InGaAs MOS
Caen Cedex 4, France
Charge trapping in hafnium silicate films with modulated
ISP, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine composition and enhanced permittivity
3InESS, ULP/CNRS, Strasbourg,
ISP, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine Conduction-band offsets in Pd/Al2O3/InGaAs MOS structure
National Institute, UCC
Cork, Ireland
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of Siegen, Germany
Royal Institute of Technology,
Kista, Sweden
The potential of graphene devices for More than Moore
→ Hot electron vertical transistor, with Al2O3 and SiO2
insulators betwwen emitter and base or base and
collector: Mehr IEEE EDL 2012, Vaziri SSE 2013 &
NanoLett 2013. THz feasible in theory…
Bandstructure changes induced by strain for
piezoresistive sensors (collab with Palestri)
M.V. Strikha
Lashkaryov ISP, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
Non-volatile memory of new generation and ultrafast IR
modulators based on graphene on ferroelectric substrate
A.N. Nazarov1 et al.
M. Lemme1,2
ISP, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine Graphene layers fabricated from Ni/carbon-rich a-SiC bilayer
ISP, SB RAS, Novosibirsk,
D. Svintsov1, V.
A. Orlikovsky1, V.
T. Otsuji2
of Physics and Technology, All-graphene tunnel field-effect transistor
RAS, Moscow, Russia
→ Schottky source-drain, cf. Sze 1968
2RIEC, Tohoku University, Sendai,
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D. Flandre
ICTEAM Institute, UCL, Louvain- Nanopower sensing with nanoelectronics
la-Neuve, Belgium
IMEP-LAHC Minatec, CNRSG. Ardila, A.
Kaminski-Cachopo, Grenoble INP, UJF, France
M. Pala,
A. Cresti, L. Montès,
R. Hinchet, J.
M. Daanoune, M.
University of Liverpool, UK
S. Hall, N. Sedghi,
I.Z. Mitrovic, J.F.
Y. Huang
A.G. Ulyashin
Towards self-powered systems: using nanostructures to harvest
ambient energy
Solar energy harvesting using THz electronics
SINTEF Material and Chemistry, Nanostructures and nanotechnologies for Si based photovoltaics
Oslo, Norway
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My talk
Non linear effect in graphene devices
A. Bournel, V. Hung Nguyen, A. Alarcon, S. Berrada, D. Van Nam, J. Saint Martin, D.
Querlioz, P. Dollfus
• Transport properties in graphene and GFET
(pseudo saturation…)
• Resonant and non linear effects in graphene
• Esaki-like PN tunnel diodes based on graphene
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