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Quantum Dots in Photonic Structures

Lecture 7: Low dimensional structures

Jan Suffczyński

Wednesdays, 17.00, SDT

Projekt Fizyka Plus nr POKL.04.01.02-00-034/11 współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego

Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki

Plan for today




Doping and holes


Low dimensional structures

Wigner-Seitz Cell construction

Form connection to all neighbors and span a plane normal to the connecting line at half distance

Bloch’s theorem:

Bloch waves

Solutions of the Schrodinger equation


 2

2 m d

2 dr


 ˆ

( r



Ψ k

( r


  k

Ψ k

( r

) for the wave in periodic potential U(r) = U(r+R) are:

Bloch function:

 k

( r


 e i k  r u k

( r


Envelope part

Periodic (unit cell) part u k

( r


 u k

( r  R


Felix Bloch

1905, Zürich -

1983, Zürich


Nearly free electron model

Origin of a band gap!

Isolated Atoms

Diatomic Molecule

Four Closely Spaced Atoms

conduction band valence band

Band formation

Electronic energy bands

Brilluoin zones

 k

 2 k

2 m


(k): single parabola folded parabola

Electron velocity and effective mass in the k-space

 2 k


2 m *

Electron velocity and effective mass in the k-space

 2 k


2 m *

Velocity is zero at the top and bottom of energy band.

Electron velocity and effective mass in the k-space

 2 k


2 m *

Velocity is zero at the top and bottom of energy band, the.

Efective mass: m*>0 at the band bottom, m*<0 at the band top, in the middle: m*→ ± (effective mass description fails here).

Doping of semiconductors


• Consider an insulator (or semiconductor) with a few electrons excited from the valence band into the conduction band

• Apply an electric field

– Now electrons in the valence band have some energy states into which they can move

– The movement is complicated since it involves ~ 10 23 electrons


• We can “replace” electrons at the top of the band which have “negative” mass (and travel in opposite to the “normal” direction) by positively charged particles with a positive mass, and consider all phenomena using such particles

• Such particles are called Holes

• Holes are usually heavier than electrons since they depict collective behavior of many electrons

Low-dimensional structures


Increase of the dimension in one direction




Increase of the volume


2 1

2 2

2 2 3

Low-dimensional structures

B A B z quantum well

B A B z quantum wire

A z quantum dot

Discrete States

• Quantum confinement

 discrete states

• Energy levels from solutions to Schrodinger Equation

• Schrodinger equation:

 2

2 m

 2  

V ( r )

 



• For 1D infinite potential well

( x ) ~ sin( n

 x


) , n

 integer x=0

• If confinement in only 1D (x), in the other 2 directions

 energy continuum

Total Energy

 n

2 h


8 mL


 p

2 y

2 m

 p

2 z

2 m x=L

Quantum Wells

Energy of the first confined level

W. Tsang, E. Schubert, APL’1986

Decrease of the level energy when width of the

Quantum Well decreased

Quantum Wells

Energy of confined levels

GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well

R. Dingle,


In 3D…

• For 3D infinite potential boxes

( x , y , z ) ~ sin( n

 x

L x

) sin( m

 y

) sin(

L y q

 z

) , n,

L z m, q

 integer

Energy levels

 n

2 h


8 mL x


 m

2 h


8 mL y


 q

2 h


8 mL z


• Simple treatment considered

– Potential barrier is not an infinite box

• Spherical confinement, harmonic oscillator (quadratic) potential

– Only a single electron

• Multi-particle treatment

• Electrons and holes

– Effective mass mismatch at boundary

Density of states


 dN dE

 dN dk dk dE

N ( k )

 k space vol vol per state


( 2


 k






Bulk Material

Quantum Well

Quantum Wire

Quantum Dot

Degree of





3D dN dE



1/ E d (E)

Quantum Dots

QD as an artificial atom

QD as an artificial atom

Atom Quantum Dot

3D confinement of electrons

Discrete density of electron states

Emission spectrum composed of individual emission lines

Non-classical radiation statistics

(e. g. single photon emission)

Creation of „molecules” possible

QD as an artificial atom

- differences

Electron binding energy

Atom Quantum Dot

Size 0.1 nm 10 nm

Confining potential Coulombic (~1/r 2 ) Parabolic

10 eV 100 meV

Interaction of electron with environement

Weak Strong (phonons, charges, nuclear spins…)

Anisotropy of confining potential

No Yes (shape, compoistion, strain…)

QD size

• Should be small enough to see quantum effect

• k


T at 4.2 K ~0.36 meV --> for electron maximum dimension in 1D ~100-200 nm

(Energy levels must be sufficiently separated to remain distinguishable under broadening, e.g. thermal)

• Small size

 larger energy level separation

QD types and fabrication methods

• Goal: to engineer potential energy barriers to confine electrons in 3 dimensions

• Basic types/methods

– Colloidal chemistry

– Electrostatic

– Lithography

– Epitaxy

• Fluctuation

• Self-organized

• Patterned growth

- „Defect” QDs

Colloidal Particles

• Engineer reactions to precipitate quantum dots from solutions or a host material (e.g. polymer)

• In some cases, need to “cap” the surface so the dot remains chemically stable (i.e. bond other molecules on the surface)

• Can form “core-shell” structures

• Typically group II-VI materials (e.g. CdS, CdSe)

• Size variations ( “size dispersion”)

Si nanocrystal, NREL

CdSe core with ZnS shell QDs

Red: bigger dots!

Blue: smaller dots!

Evident Technologies:

Sample papers: Steigerwald et al. Surface derivation and isolation of semiconductor cluster molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1988.

Electrostatically defined QDs

• Only one type of particles (electron or holes) confined

--> (No spectroscopy)

Lithography defined QDs

• QW etching and overgrowth





• Mismatch of bandgaps

 potential energy well

• The advantage: QD shaping and positioning

• The drawback: poor optical signal

(dislocations due to the etching!)

Lithography defined QDs

V. B. Verma et al., Opt. Express’2011


• Etch pillars in quantum well heterostructures

– Quantum well heterostructures give 1D confinement

– Pillars provide confinement in the other 2 dimensions

• Disadvantages: Slow, contamination, low density, defect formation

A. Scherer and H.G. Craighead. Fabrication of small laterally patterned multiple quantum wells. Appl. Phys. Lett., Nov 1986.

Flucutation type QDs

Flucutation of QW thickness

Flucutation of QW composition

Epitaxy: Self-Organized Growth

Lattice-mismatch induced island growth

Self-organized QDs through epitaxial growth strains

– Stranski-Krastanov growth mode (use MBE, MOCVD)

• Islands formed on wetting layer due to lattice mismatch (size ~10s nm)

– Disadvantage: size and shape fluctuations, strain,

– Control island initiation

• Induce local strain, grow on dislocation, vary growth conditions, combine with patterning
