Life Magazine`s Photographs that Changed a World http

Life Magazine’s
Photographs that Changed
a World
retrieved Dec 08, 2008
See which images you recognize
& what major event each
Anne Frank 1941
Dead on the Beach 1943
Biafra 1969 [bee-ah-fruh]
Birmingham 1963
Nagasaki 1945
Breaker Boys1910
South of the DMZ 1966
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Earthrise 1968
Execution of a Viet Cong
Guerrilla 1968
Johnson Is Sworn In 1963
Kent State 1970
Hazel Bryant - Another Landmark Image
Lynching in Indiana 1930
Migrant Mother 1936
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire 1911
Tiananmen Square 1989
Flight 1903