Wiladat of Bibi Fatima

‫عليك يا‬
‫فاطمة الزهراء‬
‫) عليها السالم (‬
Name: Fatemah (A.S).
Title: Az- Zahra‘, Ummu 'l-A'immah.
Father's name: Muhammad ibn `Abdillah
Mother's name: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid.
Birth: Born in Makkah of Friday, 20th Jamadul
Thaniya in the fifth year after the declaration of
the Prophethood (615 AD).
Death: Died at the age of 18 in Medina on 3nd
Jumada ' l-thaaniyah 11 AH; Buried at Jannatul
Baqee in Madina.
‫قُل ال أسألُكم علي ِه أجراً إالّ المود َة في القربى‬
"...Say: I do not ask of you any
reward for it but love for my near
relatives ..." (42:23)
O`Jannatul Baqi
Our SALAAM upon YOU,
)‫يا فاطمة الزهراء (س‬
‫سيدة نساء العالمين‬
Ya Sayiddatul Nisail Aalameen
Our SALAAM upon YOU,
O` daughter of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW)
Our SALAAM upon YOU,
O' Mother of Imams
Our SALAAM upon YOU,
“I am leaving behind among you the
Book of God (the Holy Qur’an) and
my progeny the Ahl al-Bayt. Hold
fast to them and you will never go
astray for the two will never
separate from each other even when
they return to me at the Fountain
(of Kowsar in Paradise).”
Holy Prophet(S.A.W.W)
It has been narrated from Fatimah (A.S.)
It is better for women not to
see those men who are not
their close relatives, and not
to be seen by those men,
unless it is necessary.
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.37, Page.69)
It has been narrated from Fatimah (A.S.)
When a woman stays at
home and deals with the
household works, just at
that time
she is closer to God.
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.43, Page.92)
It has been narrated from Fatimah (A.S.)
If you do what we order you
to do and avoid what we
caution you against, you are
our Shi'ite, otherwise you are
never one of our Shi'ites.
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.68, Page.155)
It has been narrated from Fatimah (A.S.)
I love three things of your world:
1.The recitation of the Quran
2.Looking at the face of the
Prophet (S.A.) and
3.Almsgiving in order to please
(Nahjol Hayat, Page.271)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) has said:
Whenever Fatima
stands at the altar of
worship, a light
radiates from her
towards the heavens.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) has said:
"Fatema is a part of me
and whoever hurts her
has hurt me and whoever
hurts me has earned the
wrath of God Almighty."
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫إنما يُريد هللا ليذ ِهب عن ُكم الرجس‬
‫ت ويُطهركم تطهرا‬
ِ ‫أه َل البي‬
Allah only desires to keep away the
uncleanness from you, O people of the
House! And to purify you a (thorough)
purifying (33:33)".
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
ّ‫قُل ال أسألُكم علي ِه أجراً إال‬
‫المود َة في القربى‬
"...Say: I do not ask of you any
reward for it but love for my near
relatives ..." (42:23)
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫َف َمن حاجّ ك فيه من بع ِد ما جاءك‬
......‫العلم فقُل تعالوا ند ُع‬
"But whoever disputes with
you in this matter after what
has come to you of knowledge,
then say: ……
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫وأبناءكم و ِنساءنا ونساء ُكم وأنفُسنا وأنفس ُكم‬
‫ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة هللا على الكاذبين‬
…… come let us call our sons and your sons
and our women and your women and our near
people and your near people, then let us be
earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of
Allah on the liars." (3:61)
Jannat ul Baqii
Madina e Rasool
Traditions on the Value and Importance of Marriage
The Holy Prophet (Pbuh) said:
Marriage is my practice and whoever
turns away from it does not belong to
my nation.
[Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.222.]
Traditions on the Value and Importance of Marriage
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
O' young ones; Whoever of you has the
means to get married, then marry so that
you seldom look at other women and
remain sinless.
[Marriage in Islam, p.14]
Traditions on the Value and Importance of Marriage
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
No contract in Islam is more
approved by God than marriage.
[Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.222]
Traditions on the Value and Importance of Marriage
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
Whoever gets married has
obtained half of prosperity.
[Mustadrak al-Vasa'il, Introductory Chapters, Ch.1]
On this Grandeur night of the wiladaat of the
Lets us celebrate “MOTHER’S DAY”
… by presenting a rose or a bouquet of flowers to our
beloved & ever-caring Mothers.
Every rose you take will not only appreciate her Love but
also contribute towards the extension of the Imambargha &
hence earn you countless blessings of the Almighty Allah
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