3202 Unit 1-6 Land and Water Forms Influence Humans

How Landforms and
Water Forms Influence
Human Activity
How do humans adapt to land forms and water forms?
Humans have adapted to most conditions on earth.
• Look at the front cover of your textbook ? How?
Terraces on hillsides for farming.
• Case Study on page 17. How?
Farming on the slopes of the volcano.
Built houses on the cliff
because close to the ocean or
lack of suitable land.
Tunnel between United Kingdom
and France, underneath the
English Channel.
How do humans respond to hazards posed by landforms and water forms?
House built on stilts
because of rising water.
Case Study on page 29?
Winnipeg Floodway to direct flood
waters around the city.
Case study on Page 50?
Brought in early warning measures to warn of cyclones and storm surges.
Built disaster shelters.
How can landforms and water forms be used economically?
Propose a solution to a threat posed by a landform or water form.