Publicaties Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

Publicaties Revalidatie Friesland 2014
Internationaal peer reviewed tijdschrift:
1. Boonstra AM, Reneman MF, Schiphorst Preuper HR, Waaksma BR, Stewart RE, Differences
between patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain treated in an inpatient or outpatient
multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. Int J Rehabil Res. 2014, 37(2):187-91.
2. Boonstra AM, Reneman MF, Waaksma BR, Schiphorst Preuper HR, Stewart RE., Predictors
of multidisciplinary treatment outcome in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, Disabil
Rehabil, 2014,17:1-9.
Boxum AG, Van Balen LC, Dijkstra LJ, Hamer EG, Hielkema T, Reinders-Messelink HA,
Hadders-Algra M. Postural adjustments in infants at very high risk for cerebral palsy before
and after developing the ability to sit independently. Early Human Development. 2014,
4. Kammen K van, Boonstra AM, Reinders-Messelink HA, Otter AR den. The combined effects
of body weight support and gait speed on gait related muscle activity: a comparison between
walking in the Lokomat exoskeleton and regular treadmill walking. Plos One ((9): e 107323
5. Noordstar J, Stuive I, Herweijer H, Holty L, Oudenampsen C, Schoemaker MM, ReindersMesselink HA. Perceived Athletic Competence and Physical Activity in Children with
Developmental Coordination Disorder who are Clinically Referred and Control Children.
Research in Developmental Disabilities 2014 35(12):3591-3597.
6. Schiphorst Preuper HR, Geertzen JH, van Wijhe M, Boonstra AM, Molmans BH, Dijkstra PU,
Reneman MF. Do analgesics improve functioning in patients with chronic low back pain? An
Explorative triple-blinded RCT. Eur Spine J 2014, 23(4):800-6.
7. Tan SS, van Meeteren J, Ketelaar M, Schuengel C, Reinders-Messelink HA, Raat H,
Dallmeijer AJ, Roebroeck ME on behalve of the PERRIN+ study group.. Long-term trajectories
of health-related quality of life in individuals with cerebral palsy: a multicentre longitudinal
study; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation June 2014 Nov;95(11):2029-39.
8. Tan SS, Wiegerink DJ, Vos RC, Smits DW, Voorman JM, Twisk JW, Ketelaar M, Roebroeck
ME; PERRIN+ Study Group. Developmental trajectories of social participation in individuals
with cerebral palsy: a multicentre longitudinal study. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2014, 56(4):370-7.
9. Tantua AT, Geertzen JH, van den Dungen JJ, Breek JK, Dijkstra PU, Reduction of residual limb
volume in people with transtibial amputation, J Rehabil Res Dev. 2014;51(7):1119-26
10. Vasluian E, Bongers RM, Reinders-Messelink HA, Burgerhof JGM, Dijkstra PU, Sluis CK van
der, Learning effects of repetitive adminstrations of Southampton hand assessment procedure
in novice prosthetic users. J of Rehab Med 2014, Sep; 46(8):788-97.
11. Vasluian E, Bongers RM, Reinders-Messelink HA, Dijkstra PU, Sluis CK van der, Preliminary
study of the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure for Children and its reliability. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders 2014, Jun 20; 15:199
12. Vos RC, Dallmeijer AJ, Verhoef M, van Schie PE, Voorman JM, Wiegerink DJ, Geytenbeek JJ,
Roebroeck ME, Becher JG, the PERRIN+ Study Group. Developmental trajectories of
receptive and expressive communication in children and young adults with cerebral palsy.
DMCN 2014, Oct;56(10):951-9.
13. Zalmstra T, Elema A, Boonstra AM, Maathuis CGB, Narayanan UG, van de Putten AAJ,
Reinders-Messelink HA, Vlaskamp C, Lindeboom R. Validation of the Caregiver Priorities and
Child Health Index of Life with Disabilities (CPCHILD) in a sample of Dutch non-ambulatory
children with cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2014, May 26:1-6.
Nederlands tijdschrift
1. Reinders-Messelink HA, Dallmeijer AJ, Ketelaar M, Verschuren O, Berg-Emons R van de,
Roebroeck M, Hadders-Algra M, Verheijden J, Hielkema T, Hamer E, Maathuis CGB,
Kruijsen-Terpstra AJA, Wely L van, Balemans ACJ, Becher JG. Lessons learned from the
‘LEARN 2 MOVE’ research program. Ned T v Revaldiatiegeneeskunde 2014, 5: 215-216.
2. Wijk I van, Vasluian E, Dijkstra PU, Reinders-Messelink HA, Sluis CK van der. Use and
satisfaction with adaptive devices in youngsters with upper limb reduction deficiencies. Ned T
v Revaldiatiegeneeskunde 2014, 5: 238.
3. Woldendorp, KH. In gesprek met …, Informatief, landelijk blad van dystonie patiënten
vereniging, 2014,